Dan Lyons
~ Monday, August 31, 2009
BRAZEN, HUGE-SCALE VOTE-RIGGING/ (mostly by Karzai camp) Over 700 SERIOUS complaints SO FAR/ LONDON TIMES/31AUG AUGUST TOPS JULY FOR MOST GIs KILLED/ 51IN AUGUST/ IRISH SUN/31AUG/ 4 probably wounded for every GI killed. WITHOUT RUSSIAN,IRANIAN SUPPORT, WE CAN’T WIN/ Says expert Juan Cole/ SALON/31AUG But we can't expect Iran's help while we are enslaved to Israel. (Israel could bomb Iran and drag us into disastrous war with Iran.) NIGERIAN JIHADISTS KILL 150/ GUARDIAN WEEKLY/31JULY There will be jihadists all around the world/ We will not be safe, even if we could squash The Afghan Taliban. We’d be less unsafe if we pulled out of our 2 silly wars, cut the budget of the useless Pentagon, and concentrated on Homeland Defense. BIG ‘SAFE’ CITY ATTACKED/ KHOST is major provincial city AND Site of one of biggest US bases. GUARDIAN/31JULY PEACE-TALKS IN AFGH? It’s said that there are 3 tiers of taliban: top tier (jihadist fanatics) will never Make peace/ --bottom tier (the grunts) don’t count/ --but middle tier (local commanders), it’s said, could be lured out of insurgency into Afghan politics. GUARDIAN WEEKLY/31JULY If this is done by bribes, OK. But will finite bribes produce lasting peace? Bribe-peace is collapsing in Iraq. CAN’T BUILD NATION FROM COPTERS/ Brit hawks have tried to distract people from issue of Whether to stay in Afgh by conceding that we’re losing, But it’s because Labor govt. has not sent enough copters. GUARDIAN WEEKLY (31jy) points out that counting On copters to ferry troops & supplies is conceding that Taliban controls the ground. Also, Taliban could down copters with shoulder-missiles, The way Afghans shot down Soviet planes. (It’s a mystery why they haven’t used these much in this war.) WOMEN DIDN’T SHOW UP AT SEGREGATED BOOTHS, But many ‘women’s ballots’ were used to stuff boxes. MSNBC/31AUG TALIBAN HATRED OF WOMEN IS ALMOST MATCHED BY NORMAL AFGHAN MALES’ HATRED IRANIAN ARMS FOUND IN SO.IRAQ/ Reuters/31aug They show that if Israel bombs Iran, They can take over Iraq, Slaughter GIs. DOZENS OF POLICE BOMBED IN SWAT VALLEY/ “Until Taliban LEADERS are eliminated, govt writ doesn’t run in ‘retaken’ valley." LONDON TELEGRAPH/31AUG “SERIOUS’ MEANS HOPELESS/ Top general has to sound hopeful, Even though he knows better. LONDON TIMES/31AUG He’s hoping for a miracle. We shouldn’t. HORRIFIC PREDICTION OF OUR AFGH BUGOUT / By Brit hawk/ but NO PLAUSIBLE SCENARIO FOR OUR PREVAILING./ He says Stamina is what’s needed; Actually, what’s needed is BRAINS to pull out. GUARDIAN/31AUG Hawks talked same way about Vietnam bugout— But we had to bugout anyway—only with Tens of thousands more GI casualties. Our Vietnam bugout didn’t harm America— And that’s what should count here. ‘Near to victory in 18 months?” A dream ! / says expert./Kandahar falling to Taliban/ 20k GIs to be demanded. (Huge majority opposes this.) No increase in GIs will counter corrupt govt. (inevitable.) Dem Congress will not oppose Dem President’s ‘top priority’. NEWS.YAHOO.COM/31AUG But come 2011, Obama WON’T HAVE Dem Congress ! GOP will stay in, but blast Obama for wrong approach. So he’ll be a one-term Pres, just like LBJ. AFGHAN VOTE-FRAUD NOT JUST HERE & THERE/ But systemic and institutionalized/ e.g., ballot boxes full before voting started. NYTIMES/31AUG TALIBAN THE MATADOR,NATO THE DUMB BULL/ SAYS US TOP HONCHO/ Afghan army will take THREE YRS to train; police longer./ Central govt. nonexistent outside the cities./ Taliban has set up shadow governments/ “We are not being outfought,but outgoverned.” Corrupt, ineffectual Karzai regime about to be installed again. GUARDIAN/31AUG ~ Sunday, August 30, 2009
KARZAI’S RIVAL WON’T ACCEPT RIGGED VOTE/ ‘Internatl. Authorities have called K’s regime a ‘narcostate’; they can’t pressure me into accepting an obviously crooked election. TELEGRAPH/CO.UK/31AUG ‘RECONCILIATION’ WITH HOW MANY TALIBAN? Brit PM Brown promises reconciliation with lower-level Taliban, But UN says top Taliban leaders must also be reconciled. GUARDIAN/31AUG MORE TROOPS WON’T HELP A DISCREDITED AFGHAN GOVT./ If Karzai ‘wins’ (as is likely) more natives will move to support Taliban. Obama is likely to send more GIs, Though a large majority of Americans oppose this. NYTIMES/31aug ~ Saturday, August 29, 2009
MEASURING THE WAR’S PROGRESS? / 50 parameters planned—who can follow them? WASHINGTONPOST/31AUG All Americans will care about is the GI casualty rate At the end of this year. WIN/WIN FOR GOP/ They increase corruption in govt. by huge amounts; They vote $1 trillion a year to useless Pentagon; Then they campaign against BIG CORRUPT GOVT. WHAT LEGISLATOR CAN AFFORD TO BE HONEST ?/ THOUGHTS AT TED’S FUNERAL:/ Ted didn’t have to sell his soul to get re-elected. There are plenty of crooked legislators— But there are also plenty of would-be honest ones,/ Who must vote as their masters say,/ Because otherwise all the millions of dollars of campaign money would go to their rivals. OUR DANGER IS FROM PAK,, SAYS OBAMA/ (NOT from Afghanistan)/ CNN/30AUG We can’t attack Pakistan.. Except by airstrikes which enrage survivors. We send military goods right thru Pakistan To Afgh. Pakistan is NOT helping in Afgh. 95% OF BALLOTS FABRICATED IN AFGHAN REGION/says local leader./ Karzai, heading for re-election, now hostile to US./ Karzai’s regime is corrupt and ineffectual../ FINANCIAL TIMES/30AUG TAL.SHADOW GOVT.IN FORMERLY-SAFE AREAS/ European troops are forbidden to attack, but now they’re BEING attacked./ Northern NATO supply route is threatened./ Few Afghan security forces; local militia recruited, Oppress villagers, who join Taliban./ GIs already overstretched. MCCLATCHY PAPERS/30AUG TALIBAN IS SMALLER, SMARTER ENEMY/ They don’t take on marines in gunfights, because marines call in airstrikes. Instead they hide out in mountains, plant bombs. WASHINGTON POST/30AUG Marines call them cowardly ! PAK. DENIES ANY AFGHAN TAL. IN PAK./ The army doesn’t intend to fight Tal. Who fight in Afgh— Only the ‘bad’ Tal who attack Pakistan./ The army is taking over Pakistan./ BBC ~ Friday, August 28, 2009
PAKISTAN WON’T ATTACK TALIBAN/ In Waziri./They’ll keep bombing, but without ground attack, That’s worse than useless. TIME MAGAZINE They know we have to keep pouring billions on them, Whatever they do-- Fearing a jihadist takeover of a nuclear country. AFGHANS FEAR US MORE THAN TALIBAN/ Some argue that we must stay to liberate Afghan women— But that is not going to happen. NATION MAGAZINE 2 OF 3 Americans oppose more troops to Afgh. NEW THREAT TO OZONE LAYER/ Agreement cut CFC pollution, But now NO2 is ‘elephant in living-room’. Ozone hole is as big as US area. LONDON TELEGRAPH/28AUG For explanation of why megatechnology does much good, But even more harm, Go to LAMAR.COLOSTATE.EDU/~DLYONS US ENVOY CALLS FOR 2D-ROUND VOTE IN AFGH/ Otherwise result will not be credible./ But 2d vote may result in more violence./ FINANCIAL TIMES/BBC/28AUG FIGHT IN AFGH ‘AS LONG AS IT TAKES’? Says NATO honcho. He admits they need more European troops./Fat chance!/’We will prevail. We must prevail.” NEWS.YAHOO/28AUG MUST VS. WILL: Our leaders said we must prevail In Vietnam, knowing that we wouldn’t. ~ Thursday, August 27, 2009
AFGH WAR INCREASES DANGER TO AMERICANS/ say many US experts, scornfully. http:/rethinkingAfghanistan.com #6 SAIGON 2009/ AFGH IS ANOTHER VIETNAM— NO QUESTION-MARK !/ Says respected journal FOREIGN AFFAIRS/ Article points to structural similarities, Identical US mistakes. BRIT COMBAT TROOPS NEEDED FOR 3-5 YEARS/ Says govt. honcho/ Brits will never stand for that/ 52% want out immediately. TELEGRAPH/7AUG EITHER AFGHAN WINNER COULD UNDERMINE US WAR/ --Karzai win would reinforce corrupt regime,undermine US attempt to show Afghans that central govt. was worth supporting vs. Taliban/ --Abdullah (Tajik) win could enrage Pashtun, strengthen Taliban. --US-favored candidate is 4th from top; FT.COM/27AUG ANOTHER NON-AFGHAN JIHADIST HAVEN/ A place in Kenya serves as $-raising & recruiting haven For Somali jihadists—Somalia is already a jihadist haven. CSMONITOR/27AUG We can’t squash all such havens. We should pull out of Afgh, Cut budget of useless Pentagon, And spend $ & attantion on Homeland Defense. WE NEED PERSUASION IN AFGH,NOT JUST FORCE/ Says new McCrystal directive/ However, --it will take a long time to persuade Afghans that we’re not as bad as Taliban;/ and we haven’t got a lot of time (majority of Americans have already turned against the war)— --Our army is still attacking Taliban and alienating survivors of innocents killed. Our army is trained to use force, not persuasion. NYTIMES/27AUG In Iraq, Petraeus used bribery, not persuasion. That’s OK if it works. (Solution is coming unravelled in Iraq.) AFGH IS A SET OF TRIBES, MORE THAN A NATION/ ‘Identity politics’ (Tajiks vote for Tajiks, Pashtun for Pashtun) undermines true democracy. 35% voted at all. Loyalties are just the same as in chaos after Soviet fled. They must first build a nation,then a state. However, they are now fighting with ballots, not bullets (except for Taliban). GUARDIAN/27AUG ~ Wednesday, August 26, 2009
4 Brit soldiers die to make possible 150 votes./ They were trying to protect Afghan voters, But in this one region, only 150 out of thousands voted. In Britain, 52% want immediate pullout. 51% of Americans say war is not worth it. NEWS.YAHOO/26AUG MUCH TAL. $ COMES FROM SUNNI GULF COUNTRIES/ More than from poppies/ Taliban doesn’t need much money. CNN/26AUG US WILL LIKELY HAVE TO PULL OUT OF IRAQ EARLY/ Bush put thru present agreement unconstitutionally, without Congressional consent. Now Maliki, following Iraq constitution, will put agreement to the people, Who are expected to say NO. FINANCIAL TIMES/26AUG AFGHAN 2D ELECTION? / This will postpone any attempt to reform govt. by 2 months, While US honchos say ‘progress’ must be visible in 12-18 months, Lest popular US support sinks even further. ~ Tuesday, August 25, 2009
AGRIC. DEVELOPMENT VITAL FOR AFGH/ But— --experts are not in place/ --can’t wait till nation is secure (perhaps never!) --govt is very corrupt, so agric.$ might go to officials. MSNBC/25AUG IRAQ WILL BE COLONY OF IRAN/ Maliki flies in Iranian plane, with Iranian crew./ Intel honcho quits, because of power Of Iranian spies. Group rival to Maliki is MORE under Iran power ! WASHINGTONPOST/25aug NO CASE FOR CONTINUING AFGHAN WAR/ Experts say O. must make stronger case Linking war to our natl. security./ CSMONITOR/24AUG But of course there IS no such sensible argument. 4 GIs KILLED—HOW MANY WOUNDED? Worst year ever for NATO troops/ Brits tell how many wounded; (about 4 for every Brit killed) Pentagon won’t tell./ LONDON GUARDIAN/25AUG ~ Monday, August 24, 2009
TOP GERMAN CANDIDATE CALLS FOR AFGHAN PULLOUT/ Rival for PM job wants a firm schedule for pulling out./ DER SPIEGEL/24AUG KARZAI LANDSLIDE—JUST LIKE IRAN/ 72% alleged/ NonPashtuns might not accept that. LONDON TELEGRAPH/24AUG This incredible allegation will weaken Anti-Taliban efforts. SUNNIS IN GOVT. ACCUSED OF HELPING IN HORRENDOUS ATTACK/ Shia governor of Baghdad also accuses Sunni Saudi Arabia of funding attack. CSMONITOR/24AUG New low in Shia/Sunni relationship. NEW IRAQ SHIA ALLIANCE CLOSER TO IRAN/ Excludes Maliki’s party, includes Sadr’s./ Biggest party fought with Iran against Iraq, earlier. NYTIMES/24AUG GENERALS: THEY NEED MORE GIs/ Gates worries that flooding Afgh with troops Will make natives see us as occupying force./ Soviets were driven out with 160k troops./ NYTIMES/24AUG ~ Sunday, August 23, 2009
WAS IRAQ WAR WORTH IT?/ Asks MCCLATCHY PAPER’S BAGHDAD BLOG. “ANSWER IS NO.” SAME IS TRUE OF AFGHAN FIASCO. AFGH DETERIORATING/ says Pent. honcho. 'But that's the war we're in." "Afgh very vulnerable to Tal.takeover--and that's not going to change quickly." 'But that's the war we're in." CBS/23AUG But that was also true of Iraq AND VIETNAM ! TORY HONCHO DEMANDS AFGHAN EXIT PLAN/ But he says we can’t bug out without discrediting NATO. GUARDIAN/23AUG NATO IS ALREADY DISCREDITED ! Should Brit & US soldiers die to prop up this corpse? AFTER 8 YEARS, FEW BRIT DIPLOMATS SPEAK AFGHAN LANGUAGES/ FINANCIAL TIMES/23AUG You can bet US situation is worse. We can’t operate our ‘empire’ without a cadre Who speak foreign languages and understand foreign cultures. Obama said this publicly, but he didn’t acknowledge That curing these shortages will take YEARS. In the meantime, we should pull back from ‘empire’ And concentrate on Home Defense. ELECTION RIGGED BY KARZAI/ Afgh. will have no legitimate govt— Same situation as doomed our Vietnam effort. Often more votes for Karzai than # of people who voted ! CSMONITOR/23AUG LOSING AFGHANISTAN?/ The usually-hawk ECONOMIST has that headline On its COVER !! The best we can hope for is stalemate— And native guerillas win all ties. OBAMA—A NEW LBJ?/ Johnson tried to build a Great Society at home, While entangled in hopeless war in Vietnam. Obama faces perhaps 10 more years in Afgh,-- While trying to fight recession and reform health care At home. More than half of Americans say ‘it’s not worth it’— A huge majority say war is not going well— Only 1 in 3 say it IS going well(probably GOP nuts). Both presidents ran war on borrowed money. NYTIMES/THIS WEEK IN REVIEW/23AUG HOPELESS MARINE MISSION:/ --nowhere near enough marines/ --2 in 3 natives support Taliban/ --No help from central govt. NYTIMES/23AUG PENT.HONCHO WORRIED OVER SHRINKING SUPPORT/ Just over half of Americans say war is ‘not worth it’./ His response: we’re still in danger of terrorist attacks. McCain thinks ‘progress’ will show in 12-18 months. He doesn’t say how long ‘victory’ will take. Time in prison camp doesn’t make McCain an expert. NYTIMES/23AUG Of course we’re still in danger; the issues are a) can we prevail in a reasonable time-frame? b) Even if we do, will our danger be just as great From other jihadist havens around the world? ~ Saturday, August 22, 2009
IS PREVAILING IN AFGH WORTH ALL THOSE BRIT LIVES? Asks a columnist. After all, there are terrorist havens elsewhere Even more dangerous than Afgh. Are political gains in Afgh (unlikely as they are) worth all this British blood? LONDON TIMES/22AUG Most Britons say NO. IRAQ MORE VITAL THAN AFGH ?/ A columnist suggests that quick pullout from Iraq Might result in chaos, civil war. He says Obama is distracted by his less-unpopular Commitment in Afgh, a much less important country. GUARDIAN/22AUG CORRUPT ELECTION MAY LESSEN US SUPPORT FOR AFGH. WAR/ Already Obamites have warned about Karzai-team’s corruption./ One expert says we could pull out troops, rely on drones./ FinancialTimes/22Aug NEW SOURCE OF PAK.JIHADISM/ It was thought that main threat was Pashtun jihadists (e.g., in Swat,Waziristan). But now there’s evidence that youth from Punjab (capital Lahore) are being recruited by terrorists. LATIMES/22AUG LIKELY AFGHAN RUNOFF MEANS TROUBLE FOR US? --possible civil war between Tajiks and Pashtun./ --at least, postponement by 2 months of US efforts for ‘progress’,/ when Obamites have said publicly that such progress must be visible in a year. NO SUCH THING AS ‘AFGHAN PEOPLE’/ US leaders chatter about the election showing the ‘will of the Afghan people’./ But there’s no such thing as the Afghan people, only a set of often-hostile Afghan PEOPLES. / This is a feudal country, much like France in the Dark Ages— with differnt peoples Under the sway of many warlords. Our leaders have the dream of FORMING one Afghan people, Under one central, democratic government. That shows their ignorance. ~ Friday, August 21, 2009
Afgh.is WAR OF CHOICE, NOT NECESSITY/ Says expert/ And a bad choice at that/ Why does Obama say otherwise? He committed himself to Afghan war To cover his pullout from Iraq. He also said he was out to get binLaden, Who is in Pakistan, not Afgh! DeBorchgrave in UNITED PRESS features. Indiscriminate bombing in Pakistan, Trying to hit binLaden or Mullah Omar. Makes Pakistanis hate us. “ABANDONING AFGH WILL NOT END TERROR THREAT”/ says Hawk in GUARDIAN/21AUG/ No, but staying in this silly war won’t end terror threat either. Afpak war is irrelevant to world terror threats. We should be devoting our resources to Homeland Defence, Not to trying to build a new Afghanistan ! PHILLIPPINE TERRORISTS ANOTHER NON-AFGHAN THREAT/ US will keep troops there, in spite of dire need for them in Afgh. NYTIMES/21AUG Pent. Has troops all over the world, but not enough to fight All the terrorists in the world. ALLIES DON’T SEE TALIBAN AS THREATENING THEIR HOMELANDS/ That’s why they place ‘caveats’ on their Afghan troops to minimize casualties— But also cutting their contributions to the fight. US, Britain, Canada and Holland are doing most of the real fighting. (Canada has set a date for pullout.) Americans also are losing enthusiasm for the war. 51% say it’s not worth the costs. VoiceOfAmerica/21aug ~ Thursday, August 20, 2009
MOST GERMANS WANT OUT OF AFGH/ Canada has set date for pullout; practically all Brits oppose the war./ Yet Obama continues to say we’ll stay in and win. What is he smoking? He admits it will take some time. Given the disillusion of Americans (51% want out) & their Congressmen, Has he got the time? REUTERS/20aug AMERICANS TURNING AGAINST AFGHAN WAR/ 51% say it’s not worth the cost. Only 1 in 3 say war is going well for us. So far, they’re not blaming Obama. CBS/20AUG WHY THINK GIs COULD PROTECT IRAQIS? There were far more civilian casualties When GIs controlled cities. REUTERS/20AUG WILL GIs STAY ON IN IRAQ?/ Slaughter this week might show That fast pullout would be folly. LONDON TIMES/20AUG On the other hand, many more resources Are needed in Afgh../ We may end up with Bush’s 2 wars again. COPTER DOWNED BY TALIBAN ?/ Brit forces are already short of copters. GUARDIAN/20AUG Afghans downed many Soviet airplanes— Why haven’t they downed US,allied planes? COSTLY, BLOODY, SLOW AFGHAN NATION-BUILDING/ Obama once said we’ll settle for squashing Qaeda— But now they say “to do that, we’ll have to make a new Afgh’ But they haven’t told Americans about new expanded mission,Nor about how long it will take, how many GI lives will be Destroyed or ruined. NEWS.YAHOO/20AUG “WE HATE AMERICA FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS”/ says Pak. Journalist, representing 25% of Pakistanis. One main source of hatred is number of Pakistanis killed In US effort to kill binLaden. NYTIMES/20AUG ~ Wednesday, August 19, 2009
IRAQ CIVIL WAR: WHO’D WIN? Shia outnumber Sunnis 3 to 1. If Kurds side with Shia, that’s 4 to 1. Saudi Arabia would offer money and planes to Sunnis; Iran would offer Shia some of their huge number of troops, And their sophisticated war technology. (If Israel bombs Iran, Iran will strike at GIs next door.) It will be a rout. The worst enemies of the Sunnis Are the insurgents—who will eventually provoke the Shia To slaughter the Sunnis. URGENT THREAT FROM SOMALI JIHADISTS/ Children of Somali refugees in Europe & US Are slipping away back to Somalia, Then returning to their adopted country, with Western passports--Ready for terrorist attacks. UNITED PRESS/ EMERGING THREATS/18AUG Once again, we’re wasting resources Concentrating On Afgh. We should be concentrating on Homeland Defense. BRITS IN AFGH FOR UP TO 5 YEARS/ Says Brit General: “We will succeed; we MUST succeed !’ LONDON TELEGRAPH BUT: Just because we ‘must’, doesn’t mean we will. US WILL BE PROTECTED BY KNOWL. OF LANGUAGES, CULTURES/ Not just exotic weapons./ Obama denounces wasteful military spending. He’ll veto pork-laden War bill. ASSOCIATED PRESS Smart of Obama to note this—but it will take years to develop A cadre of world-knowledgeable experts. Meanwhile we should pull out of our silly wars And concentrate on Homeland defense. TALIBAN ATTACKS SPIKE/ 50 PER WEEK IN ‘04/ 400 PER WEEK IN ‘09/ US GENERAL ADMITS THEY NOW HAVE UPPER HAND/ UNITED PRESS/19AUG IRAQ GOVT.OFFICES BOMBED. Civil war possible/Iran supports Shia, SaudiArabia supports Sunnis. Success of ‘surge’ in doubt/ This is model for US Afghan strategy. LONDON TIMES/19AUG ~ Tuesday, August 18, 2009
WE HAVE NO AFGHAN STRATEGY/ Says mil.authority Ralph Peters in USATODAY/18AUG/ We have only a set of foreign policy habits. Washington is out of ideas. The Afghan election won’t help them, Nor save us from ourselves. TALIBAN NOW AGAIN IN NORTH AFGH/ German troops were forbidden to pick fights with Tal. In peaceful North. But now Tal. Are attacking them. A supply route from outside country is also threatned, As well as the classical route thru Pakistan. NEWSWEEK TALIBAN FUNDING/ FROM $70 MILLION TO $300 MILLION FROM POPPIES—THESE ARE GUESSES./ Also:extortion./ GLOBAL POST Also, funds from sympathizers in Sunni Arab countries. OBAMA LIES ABOUT IMPORTANCE OF AFGHAN WAR/ He says it’s vital to US. Truth is, even if we prevailed vs. Tal, US homeland would be no safer. Second big Tal attack on Kabul . Elsewhere, 5 US casualties. SEATTLEPI/18AUG PAKISTAN WILL USE AIRSTRIKES VS. TALIBAN/ Not ground invasion of Wazairistan, for months. LATIMES/18AUG Their tactics will contradict US tactics In Afghanistan, Emphasizing protecting civilians over crushing Taliban. Pak. Is encouraging civilians to flee. Such tactics may push Pak. Taliban into Afgh. ALL AFGHAN CANDIDATES WANT PEACE WITH TALIBAN/ But US wants to reconcile only the lower ranks, NOT Qaeda sympathizers. This has not worked before. One candidate says even Mullah Omar,The top Qaeda, is open to peace negotiations. NYTIMES/18AUG But Pakistan tried cease-fire, which was promptly broken by Taliban. Taliban says peace only AFTER US gets out. ~ Monday, August 17, 2009
PROGRESS VS. PREVAILING IN AFGH/ I notice that the Pentagon slogan now is mere progress, Not victory. Gates says we must see PROGRESS in a year, Or else the people will turn against the war. (They already have: 53% to 41%). It should be easy to fake progress in a year. Will that work? All Americans will care about Is the number of US killed (not wounded—they don’t seem To care about that figure.) We’ve sent in thousands more troops. The Taliban says, “More US troops mean more targets for us.” WHY WORRY ABOUT AFGHAN VOTE? / Karzai will be elected,/ and with him his corrupt entourage, Whose writ doesn’t run outside Kabul. In Vietnam, US made same mistake, staging a re-election Of a corrupt, ineffective govt. This govt. they had to back— One expert says this was the biggest mistake in Vietnam. Sure enough, while other western nations are denouncing the horrid Afghan law trampling on women (in Taliban style), US & Britain keep silent for fear of weakening Afghan election. LONDON TIMES/17AUG PAKISTAN KILLINGS/ one attack at fuel station/ Leader of anti-shia Sunni terrorist group gunned down/ This caused riots in several Pak. Cities. GOOGLE NEWS/17aug AFGH WAR NOT WINNABLE/ says one Brit MP. / (No US legislator has dared to say that.) / # of Brit soldiers ‘very seriously wounded’spiked during July. BBC/17JULY ~ Sunday, August 16, 2009
BRIT CASUALTIES UNDERMINE AFGHAN EFFORTS/ Say commanders in a leaked memo./ 4 injured for every man killed. LONDON TELEGRAPH/16AUG US Pent. Won’t tell how many GIs wounded Each week. ENEMY OF OUR ENEMY IS NOT OUR FRIEND/ Pak. Govt. is fighting against ‘Bad Taliban’, who are attacking in Pakistan. But they’re NOT fighting ‘good taliban’ who are crossing the border To fight Americans in Afghanistan. LONDON INDEPENDENT/16AUG But we have to continue to pour billions into Pakistan For fear of jihadists taking over Pak’s nukes! Still, that’s no reason for wasting blood & money In Afghanistan. ~ Saturday, August 15, 2009
5 to 12 MORE YRS IN AFGH/ say military authorities/ HUFFINGTON POST Will Americans stand for this, Esp. if Canada & Britain back out? KABUL HAS NO CLOUT IN MANY HELMLAND AREAS/ Say observers./ Marine invasion has only limited success. UNITED PRESS/ 15AUG FOREIGN MUSSELS THREATEN US WATER SUPPLY/ Cheap international transport has moved invasive species Into new unprotected regions in the world. Another harmful side-effect of modern technology. Local pandemics turn into world pandemics from the same cheap transport. For argument that megatech does much good, but more harm, See lamar.colostate.edu/~dlyons WHAT STAKE DO BRITS HAVE IN AFGH ?/ They’re fighting just so they can have ‘closest-ally’ relationship With US, NOT because they see strong Brit interest in war outcome. GUARDIAN/15AUG Most Brits have turned against the war. Sooner or later, the pols will have to yield to public opinion, Just as they did in pulling out of Iraq. Canada says it will pull out soon. When will our govt. see the writing on the wall, Instead of chattering about more years of war? AFGHANS FEAR BOTH AMERICANS & TALIBAN/ In Helmland, where US hopes to recruit natives vs. Taliban. Marines rule during day, Taliban at night. WASHINGTON POST/15AUG So far, US has not reassured these natives. 200 TRIBAL ELDERS KILLED IN PAK./ since 2004 / In Peshawar, traditional music & movies are abolished by Taliban./ CSMONITOR/15AUG BOMB HITS SAFEST PART OF KABUL/ 98 casualties /gets thru 1 checkpoint/ intended to discourage voting/ CSMONITOR/15AUG ~ Friday, August 14, 2009
PENTAGON PROVOKES GOOFY PUTIN/ Pent. Has no real power vs. non-state terrorists. It longs for a NATION-threat to justify its $1 trillion a year for science-fiction weapons. So its Bushie puppets threatened to install Anti-missile-missiles right on Russia’s borders. If these missiles could counter russia’s Retaliation-missiles, then US could attack Russia Safely. They can’t do this, so they’re useless. But they make a great INSULT to Russia, To inflame goofy Putin, and restore Nation-‘threat’ to jusfiy Pent. Budget. Remember when Russia installed nukes On our doorstep in Cuba. They had no Strategic importance—but the insult they Constituted to US almost incinerated Northern Hemisphere. BEATING TALIBAN WILL TAKE MORE YEARS/ Says Gates. . Admits Taliban are in firm control of many regions of Afgh. MSNBC/14AUG Why does he admit this, when even now only 41% of Americans Support the war? Are Obamites preparing us for bugout? AFGH PASSES BARBARIC ANTI-WOMAN LAW/ They reconsidered awful law, then passed this one. GUARDIAN/14AUG/ Why help a nation which despises and abuses Half of their population? See also REUTERS/WORLD US HAMMER LACKS PAK. ANVIL/ GIs MAY BE PULLED AWAY FROM REMOTE AFGH. AREAS./ This will give Taliban safer havens— But US despairs of Pakistan help in crushing Taliban there. UNITED PRESS/14AUG Pak. will fight Tal. who threaten Pak, but not those who threaten Afghanistan. ‘DEMOCRACY’ OFTEN A FRAUD/ Allegations about likely vote-rigging in Afgh. LONDON TIMES/14AUG Clinton admits ‘dodgy’ election in Florida. Iran election a complete farce. Around the world, people like to vote— And the powerful don’t mind, since they can Rig the votes. NO MORE GIs NOW TO AFGH/ Says Gates/ “Progress necessary this year” To pacify restive Americans. (Only 41% support the war). LATIMES/14AUG You can bet that progress with be reported (real or fake). Maybe McCrystal's pessimism now is to help showing 'progress' in a year. ~ Thursday, August 13, 2009
MORE YEARS IN AFGH/ 2, 5, OR 10, says Senate Report. TIME MAGAZINE Much more wasting of GI casualties and US billions. And for what? Eliminating Taliban wouldn’t make US Any safer. ~ Wednesday, August 12, 2009
AFGHAN BENCHMARKS TO ASSURE AMERICANS,NOT AFGHANS/ Says CBS authority./ She says Afghan war is ‘long-range’. She also said that McCrystal’s amazing ‘Tal. Are winning’ remark Applied only to PARTS of Afgh, not to whole country. GENERAL’S PESSIMISM: USEFUL OR HARMFUL?/ Some experts agree that Taliban is now winning, but oppose McCrystal’s broadcasting this fact. Afghans will hear about this, And perhaps side with Taliban. This worry was strengthened by fierce attack on govt. Buildings near Kabul. CSMONITOR/12AUG ~ Tuesday, August 11, 2009
WILL IT TAKE A DECADE MORE TO PREVAIL IN AFGH?/ Foreign Relations expert thinks this is possible. CBS/11AUG Considering that 53% of Americans already disapprove Of the war, it’s not likely that our rulers have that much time. 3 TERRORIST ATTACKS ON PAK. NUKE FACILITIES/ Pak. Built these facilities far from India— But it turns out they’re quite close to turbulent Afghan border. LONDON TIMES/11AUG WE DON’T UNDERSTAND TALIBAN RELIGION/ Says expert in Afgh.GLOBAL POST/ How could we? Almost no Americans understand their language, Pashto. Americans aren’t really interested in rest of world— Even less so, now that so much of the world is unfriendly… So we can’t obtain a cadre of Americans who are qualified To reach Afghan ‘hearts & minds’—any more than Americans Could understand the Vietnamese. We should pull out of foreign campaigns until We can train such a cadre of Americans Who are knowledgeable about foreign languages, Religions, and cultures. That would take years. OPPOSITION TO WAR SPIKES / 53% in US oppose war—only 41 % (mostly GOP) favor it. CNN/OPINION RESEARCH POLL Practically all Britons think war is unwinnable. Too bad Obama doesn’t face fact that he will be 1-term Pres. The sooner he bugs out of both wars, the quicker Americans will forget…perhaps before midterm Congress elections in 2010. “WE MUST DOUBLE THE # OF GIs IN AFGH”/ says expert Cordesman/ NYTIMES OPNIONATER/11AUG As probable cost spikes, we should be asking If (unlikely) gains are worth this cost. But none of our leaders asks this question. (Plenty of Americans & Congressmen ARE asking.) Cordesman admits that until we can train and put into the lead thousands of Afghan troops, it won't help to add GIs. (CS MONITOR) How long will this take? Will Americans tolerate such war-extension? We have no stake in Afgh, just as we had none in Vietnam. (Defeat there harmed US not at all, just the hundreds of thousands of GI casualties and the billions of wasted dollars.) NYTIMES OPINIONATER (11AUG) says the question Of Afghanistan’s importance to us is never asked, let alone answered. Our leaders are concerned how to ‘win’ there, Not whether ‘winning’ is worth the cost. QAEDA SAID TO PLAN BIOWAR VS. US/ A Qaeda recruiter in Kuwait said they’re casing The US/Mexican border, looking for tunnels To smuggle biogerms into US. WASHINGTON TIMES/11AUG We should be spending money & attention On Homeland defense, not on useless Pentagon And our silly wars. HOW MUCH PATIENCE WILL AFGH WAR REQUIRE? Top general there calls for US patience./ We’ve been in that war for 8 years already, Have incurred hundreds of GI casualties, Spent billions of dollars—(of BORROWED MONEY !) And now he admits Taliban are powerful In formerly peaceful regions. If our stakes were high in Afgh, Perhaps even more patience would be in order— But the war is pointless, except for ego of Pentagon/ There are plenty of other Qaeda havens in the world.. Even if we prevailed over Taliban, US would not be a bit safer. ~ Monday, August 10, 2009
AWFUL IRAQ CASUALTIES/ 300 in one day ! VoiceOfAmerica/10AUG Americans won’t care, as long as GI deaths are down./ We’re not protecting Iraqis./.Why not pull out immediately? "TAL.HAS UPPER HAND " This is how WallSt.Journal paraphrased top US gen. in Afgh !! USATODAY HAS TONED DOWN, CONFUSING VERSION: WE’RE NOT WINNING OR LOSING OR IN STALEMATE IN AFGH/ Says top US general there. What other possibility is there? ! He admits that Tal. Has ‘initiative and momentum’. AMERICAN MINDS ARE CONTROLED BY BIG WAR, BIG ENERGY, BIG JESUS, BIG ISRAEL, BIG BRAINWASH, AND BIG BROTHER. / AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE We will always be at war, while war industries control our thinking. ~ Sunday, August 09, 2009
IS SOMALIA BIGGER THREAT THAN AFGH?/ Young Somalians in other countries recruited by English internet/ They’re trained in Somalia, then perhaps returned to Western countries To murder./ LONDON TIMES/9AUG Once again, even if we could destroy Afghan Taliban, West would be no safer from terrorists. SO WHY WASTE OUR BLOOD & BILLIONS ON AFGH??! US FOR YEARS I N AFGH/ Say military experts./ It will take years to beat Taliban./ Total cost will exceed that in Iraq./ We’ll be sending billions to Afgh For decades. WASHINGTONPOST/9AUG Why? What real stakes have we in Afgh? ~ Saturday, August 08, 2009
WHY STAY IN IRAQ? Americans have little influence now in Iraq. So why not get out? Saving $12 thousand millions a month. So says a military pundit. Yahoo.news/8aug “WE SHOULDN’T BE IN AFGH” /SAYS VIET EXPERT/ Our big mistake in Vietnam was election that bound us to support Corrupt, unworkable govt. ABC/8AUG MILLIONS TO CUT AFGHAN OPIUM PRODUCTION—WILL IT WORK? It’s failed before./ If some production is cut, then price of remaining poppiesWill rise, motivating farmers to switch to poppies./ “There is no magic bullet.” MSNBC/8AUG Most Taliban funds come not from poppies, but from Gulf Arab sympathizers. ‘WAR ON TERROR’ SLOGAN DROPPED/ Suggests war vs. whole world— Certainly war vs. 1000 millions of Muslims ! LONDON TELEGRAPH/8AUD But it may be too late; world Muslims may already be convinced By jihadists that US IS at war with Muslins. AFGHAN CAMPAIGN COULD LAST 40 YEARS/ Says Brit Military honcho/ GUARDIAN/8AUG Will Brit, US, French populaces tolerate that? When basically they have little at stake— Eliminating Taliban will not make any Western nation safer. ~ Friday, August 07, 2009
UNAFFORDABLE, PROFLIGATE PENTAGON/ 2.5 MILLION MILITARY OVERSEAS/ 737 BASES OVERSEAS/ 3800 BASES IN US/ PENT. BUDGET (VISIBLE&INVISIBLE0 IS OVER $1 MILLION MILLIONS EACH YEAR. UNITED PRESS (A. DEBORCHGRAVE) 6 AUG WE ARE LOSING TO (KARZAI) CORRUPTION/ Says pundit. Taliban uses stories of this govt. corruption To wean Afghans away from supporting govt. TELEGRAPH/7AUG 140 IRAQI CASUALTIES FRIDAY/ Insurgents try to enrage Shia to attack Sunnis And start civil war. NEWS.YAHOO./7AUG KARZAI’S WEAKNESS/ He has not fought corruption (allegations vs. his brother !) / Nor projected his power beyond Kabul. / But he will likely be re-elected-- So Obamites will work with local leaders;/ But they don’t understand local politics, So their efforts may backfire. WASH POST/7AUG KILLING TALIBAN LEADER MIGHT WEAKEN TAL. IN PAK/ But need not weaken Pak.attacks in Afghanistan/ CSMONITOR/7AUG WHAT COUNTS AS AFGHAN SUCCESS? Congress is demanding measurable benchmarks of success. Eliminating corruption, training army, establishing democracy, minimizing Opium production are suggested, As well as eliminating Taliban and stabilizing Pakistan. But are these measurable and relevant? In Iraq, the number of natives ‘turning in’ insurgents went up—just as the violence went up. Restive democrats demand good benchmarks as price Of continuing support. NYTIMES/7AUG ~ Thursday, August 06, 2009
US BILLIONS NOT TIED TO END OF PAK. HELP TO TALIBAN/ Present Pak. Army chief is past ally of Taliban./ Pak. Govt cultivates Tal. From fear that US will bug out, And India will move into influence in Afgh. IPS NEWS/8AUG MOST TALIBAN CAN BE WON OVER, e.g., by job offers/, says Brit Honcho. UNITED PRESS/6AUG But expert Cordesman says that’s nonsense. ~ Wednesday, August 05, 2009
KABUL ALMOST SURROUNDED/ By 3 ‘at high risk’ districts, acc.to a secret Afgh map. 13 districts are controlled by Taliban, almost half of all districts are at high risk. 72% have at least 1 attack a week. REUTERS/5AUG ~ Tuesday, August 04, 2009
BRIT.PARLIAMENT COMMITTEE ISSUES SCATHING CRITIQUE OF AFGHAN WAR/ This might signify that Britain is ready to bug out. WALKER’S WORLD/UNITED PRESS MILITARY ROBOTS WILL CHOOSE THEIR OWN TARGETS/ Says Brit expert./ Civilians will be even more at risk./ LONDON TIMES/4AUG Megatech does much good, but even more harm. For explanation, Goto LAMAR.COLOSTATE.EDU/~DLYONS At chapter two TAL. ATTACKS IN NEW AREAS OF AFGH/ More sophisticated attacks shown growing Tal. Reach. CSMONITOR/4AUG INVALID AFGHAN ELECTION ?/ Widespread fears of fraud/ Disinterest in election/ And low votes where Tal. Dominates/ And fraud concerning women voters. NYTIMES/4AUG 8 ROCKETS HIT KABUL/ 1 LANDED NEAR US EMBASSY, 1 NEAR AIRPORT/ Also 70 casualties around afgh/ VoiceOfAmerica/4aug. 10 FRENCH TROOPS KILLED NEAR KABUL/ Only 3000 French troops in Afgh; stationed away from Main fighting regions. LONDON TELEGRAPH/4AUG French force is disapproved of by French people. This will aggravate that disapproval. ~ Monday, August 03, 2009
RECESSION (during Bush regime) WORST SINCE GREAT DEPRESSION/ Over twice as bad as said earlier/ BLOOMBERG/ THE ANTI-OPIUM WAR IN AFGH/ Where it has worked, farmers are near starvation, Resent govt../ War doesn’t work in areas controlled by Taliban/ Opium continues to fund Taliban. CBS/3AUG TALIBAN LEADERS NOT CAUGHT IN SWAT/ This makes natives doubt seriousness of govt. takeover./ Indiscriminate govt. bombing./ NYTIMES/3AUG ~ Sunday, August 02, 2009
PASHTUNS CONSIDER PAK/AFGH BORDER ILLEGITIMATE/ Drawn by Brit masters/ Not enforced by either country/ Dream of Pashtunistan./ This position undermines US campaign in Afgh. MSNBC/2AUG THREAT FROM PAKISTAN, NOT AFGHANISTAN/ A committee run by Labor party (Britain’s rulers) Says that Brit campaign in Helmland was bungled. Also:big threat is Pakistan, not Afghanistan. GUARDIAN/2AUG (Sounds like preparing for pullout from Afgh.) ~ Saturday, August 01, 2009
OVER 5000 GIs KILLED IN 2 WARS, SO FAR/ USATODAY/21JULY Far more wounded; Pent. Won’t say how many. Who’d believe them, anyhow? |