Dan Lyons
~ Sunday, May 31, 2009
BIOTERRORISM CAN MULTIPLY RISKS OF GLOBAL PANDEMIC / TECHNICAL PROGRESS IN TRANSPORTATION MAKES WORLD PANDEMICS MORE POSSIBLE./ ABC/31MAY CLEARED, BUT WILL THEY HOLD? / It’s said that Swat valley will be cleared of visible Taliban In several days; REUTERS/31MAY but will a mere 12,000 govt. troops Be able (or willing) to keep Taliban from sneaking Back in? ~ Saturday, May 30, 2009
WON’T KNOW FOR 1 YR IF NEW AFGHAN STRATEGY WILL WORK/ Says US honcho./ UPI/30MAY Gates admits that Congress will turn against unsuccessful Alfghan campaign In 18 months. NO MORE GI’S TO KOREA / ABC/30MAY NOT because N.Korea poses no threat, But because GIs in Korea are hostages Blocking any aggressive moves vs. N.Korea. N,K. could slaugher GIs quickly. CLIMATE CHANGE ALREADY KILLS 300,000 A YEAR / MSNBC/30MAY Many more later/ This illustrates the danger from reckless Megatech advances./More technical advances have meant More pollution damage so far—also, probably, in future./ For an argument explaining unexpected drawbacks From technical progress, See lamar.colostate.edu/~dlyons SUNNI SAUDIS SNUB SHIA IRAQ/ Iraq is first Shia Arab state, naturally aligned With Shia Iran. REUTERS/30MAY US would prudently side with 90% of Muslims worldwide Who are Sunnis. SHIA RULE IN IRAQ--POSSIBLE CIVIL WAR/ Maliki will move from consensus to ‘majority rule’. (Shia outnumber sunni 3 to 1). US Sunni allies may revert to alliance with insurgents. LondonGuardian/30may TALIBANI DESTROY AFGHAN SCHOOLS/ As agents of govt./especially girls'schools./ Schools are now built only In cities, as rural areas have no security vs.tal. GLOBE&MAIL/30MAY ~ Friday, May 29, 2009
US SURGE WILL SPIKE ALLIED CASUALTIES/ Says Brit honcho. Spike may be temporary. LONDON TIMES/29MAY But it will put the war back in US notice/ TALIBANI INFILTRATE REFUGEE CAMPS / Fleeing from Pak. Army, they cut beards & hair To blend in with refugees. NEWS.YAHOO/29MAY ~ Thursday, May 28, 2009
NO SIGN OF MORE CARE FOR CIVILIANS / The slaughter by US airstrike in Farah has enraged Afghans. GLOBALPOST/28MAY MEGA-CHAIN OF US BASES OVERSEAS/ Information clearinghouse/28may We don’t need these bases; predator planes are controlled from US/ We bombed Afghanistan from Kansas./ Perhaps this chain of bases is to bribe foreign govts. To support Pentagon policies. US CAN’T SHIFT BLAME FOR AFGHAN SLAUGHTER/ Afghan govt. says 140 killed, US says 30./ US says white phosporus was used by Taliban./ US is making strong efforts at propaganda, But they’re convincing few Afghans./ Pent. Honcho says we can’t win by killing Afghan Innocents. So far, that’s ignored by military In Afgh./GLOBALPOST28MAY ~ Wednesday, May 27, 2009
CLEAR BUT NOT HOLD? The mere 15,000 Pak. Troops might clear some areas of Taliban—but can so few troops keep them out? They can pose as civilians and creep back in. As long as Pak. Govt. keeps practically all troops on India border, Taliban can’t be permanently defeated. GIs IN IRAQ, AFGH FOR 10 YEARS/ predicts army honcho./ “Any new troops sent to Afgh. will be there for a decade.” TELEGRAPH/27MAY TALIBAN-LIKE TREATMENT OF WOMEN IN AFGH/ People losing hope,says rights honcho. At first, Western invaders promised to raise women’s status. GLOBE&MAIL/27MAY PAK. REFUGEE PROBLEM/ 2.4 million refugees (NEWS.YAHOO) need cash help to find shelters./ If Govt. doesn’t provide help, insurgent groups will./ Army must quit killing civilians by airpower. GLOBALPOST/27MAY ~ Tuesday, May 26, 2009
“..IN ANY WAR WORTH FIGHTING”-- WHAT ABOUT OTHER WARS? Duwayne Wickham (in USATODAY,26may) praises the volunteers who enlisted in the military to fight in Iraq & Afghanistan. He calls for restoring the Draft, to spread the sacrifice more fairly. But the sacrificed lives in these 2 wars were wasted—the wars were unnecessary and pointless. A huge majority of Americans now oppose our Iraq involvement, And half oppose the Afghan war—including many lawmakers. Secretary Gates has said the Pentagon has only 18 months left to succeed, before Congress turns openly against the war. Americans put up with such pointless wars because hardly any of us have to suffer either personally or financially. If a new Draft entered into discussion, support for our imperial misadventures would evaporate completely. NOTHING WRONG WITH CAPITALISM, ONLY WITH CAPITALISTS. Says A. deBorchgrave in UPI.COM FEATURES. But capitalism has to be run by capitalists—who else, Martians? Like saying, “Nothing wrong with Stalinism, only with Stalinists.” DeBorchgrave paints a hopeless picture—seeing Obama reeling From war troubles and economic troubles. He’s probably right that Obama will be REALLY helpless after elections of 2010. (deB says we’ll be entangled in Afghanistan for 5 or 10 more years. Too bad Obama doesn’t figure he’ll be a one-term president anyway, So he might as well pull out of both wars now.) FEW US LINGUISTS / In entire State Dept., only 18 speak Pashto, the language of Pashtun people in Afgh & Pakistan./ / 30% of State functionaries worldwide can’t speak local language, even at basic level. / Pent. Has trained 200 in Pashto, and 300 in the other main Afghan language./ State is training 50 more people in Afghan languages./ AID agency, handling billions of dollars, won’t say how many speak local languages./ USATODAY 26MAY US should get out of the ‘empire’ business. Americans aren’t interested in foreign countries, and especially not in foreign languages./ Pent. Says it can’t fight with one arm (airstrikes) tied behind its back. But it doesn’t discuss how it can fight with blindfold & earplugs. US AIRSTRIKE KILLED 97 / says HumanRightsCommission/ Mostly women & children/ Afgh. govt. said 140/ US said 30/ BBC/26may 2 PAK. PROTESTS OVER GOVT. ATTACK ON SWAT / Many innocents killed. ALJAZEERA/26MAY 2.3 million refugees/ thousands trapped in fighting zone. ~ Monday, May 25, 2009
2 MILLION PAK. REFUGEES RESENT GOVT./ for not foreseeing problem before Swat invasion, and not helping them now. Some pvt. Charities are helping— Many allied with insurgents. MSNBC/25MAY ANOTHER JIHADIST HAVEN/ Yemen./ GUARDIAN/25 MAY With all the Quaeda havens available., What would US success in Afgh. mean For US safety? The Afghan war is pointless. GIs PROTECT THEMSELVES, NOT AFGHAN CIVILIANS/ In one place at least. Pent. Realizes that Americans care only about GI casualties, not about Taliban domination of area around US fortress. NEWS.YAHOO/25MAY Situation won’t change with new influx of GIs. Americans will not tolerate high GI casualties In a war half of them (and many Dem legislators) Oppose. SUNNI ALLIES OF US PREPARE TO FIGHT SHIA GOVT OF IRAQ/ When GIs leave. / They feel betrayed by Americans, Think govt is pawn of Shia Iran. LATIMES/25MAY Sunnis are outnumbered 3 or 4 to 1; Shia have many weapns Donated by Americans./ They also have Iran as ally./ Slaughter of Sunnis is possible. US is now trying to get ‘moderate Talibani’ to switch sides. They’ll consider US betrayal of Sunni allies. ~ Sunday, May 24, 2009
PAKISTANI PARANOIA: Many citizens think govt is controlled by US & India, Reject legitimacy of elected govt. Pak. Population is half as big as US pop. UnitedPress Features IRAN GAINS FROM US INVASION OF IRAQ / Oil pipeline: Iraq oil to Iran refinery. TELEGRAPH/24MAY Iran & Saddam were mortal enemies. So much for isolating Iran. ~ Saturday, May 23, 2009
US LONG HAUL IN AFGH/ Predicts Pak. President. CBS/23MAY But he doesn’t consider The impatience of Americans To get out of a pointless war. KURDS WIN OIL BATTLE WITH BAGHDAD/ GUARDIAN/23MAY This will encourage Shia separatists in South To demand equal defacto independence. Perhaps 3-state partition (which Joe Biden and I have predicted for years) lies ahead. UNUSUAL MOVE OF TAL. FROM AFGH. TO PAK/ Says US general. FOXNEWS/23MAY Perhaps Taliban agrees with US Experts that Pakistan is more important than Afgh. There’s nothing we can do to stop Taliban in Pakistan. TALIBAN FOIL PAK.ARMY/ They fade invisibly into population in Swat./ “Top Tal. Commanders are alive, just hiding out for now.” Tal. Retaliate by big-city bombs in rest of Pakistan. WASH POST/23 MAY ‘LITTLE FAITH THAT OBAMA’S AFGHAN PLAN WILL WORK”, said one pol who supported Afghan bill. 50 Democrats voted against the bill, demanding an explicit exit strategy. Many more legislators privately opposed Endless war. GLOBALPOST/23MAY Obama IS sending GIs into harm’s way in an unnecessary, pointless war / Even if we could defeat Taliban, US wouldn’t be any safer/ Qaeda has plenty of other havens around the world.— Including Pakistan—which we can’t invade, because they have NUKES ! ~ Friday, May 22, 2009
BRIT CIVIL PROJECTS FAIL IN AFGH / Over half clearly will fail/ 1 in 4 will succeed. LONDON TELEGRAPH/22MAY 20K NEW GIs IN AFGH. MAY PUSH TALIBAN FURTHER INTO PAKISTAN, admits Pent. Honcho./ But ‘we’ve got to do what we’ve got to do.” GUARDIAN/22MAY US honchos admit that Pakistan (with nukes ! )is more important and dangerous Than Afghanistan. ~ Thursday, May 21, 2009
~ Wednesday, May 20, 2009
NO TIME FOR LONG-TERM PAK. SOLUTIONS Can army respond to Taliban control of many Wide-apart areas? Aghan solution and Indian friendliness would help, But neither is possible in short run. REUTERS, QUOTING NATL.REVIEW OF BOOKS/ 20MAY IRAQ AFTER US PULLOUT: WHO CARES? Most Americans don’t care about Iraq chaos, As long as GI casualties sink toward zero. But we’re NOT pulling out all of our troops ! And the relatively few remaining Will be MORE at risk when most GIs are gone. We may need another Surge ! KNOW-HOW NEEDS KNOW-WHETHER / Aristotle noted that in changing any going system, there are far more ways To go wrong than to go right—so we can’t count on blind change going right By sheer luck. “Oh, but our changes aren’t blind.” Often they ARE effectively blind—the agents of change don’t really care or inquire about harmful long-run side-effects. For instance, we filled the air with toxic chemicals that persist for decades Even after we quit pumping them out. E.g., carbon Tetrachloride. USATODAY/20MAY Know-how is incompetence without Know-whether. To see full explanation of this phenomenon, Read LAMAR.COLOSTATE.EDU/~DLYONS Chapter two. AFGHAN CORRUPTION MAKES CIVIL REFORM IMPOSSIBLE/ D.C. chatters about crucial need for govt. reform (national and local) and agricultural improvements— but SYSTEMIC corruption makes all this impossible./ This makes success impossible. All admit that mere military triumph Won’t help. USATODAY/20MAY ~ Tuesday, May 19, 2009
WE CAN’T FIGHT With ONE HAND TIED BEHIND BACK (BOMBING) This is Pent. Mantra for Afgh. But suppose one of our hands is harming US— then we might do well to Tie it up. (Bombing kills civilians, turns Afghans against us.) OBAMA’S 17K EXTRA GIs CAN’T WIN THIS WAR—/ So what is exit strategy? Asks expert Dreyfuss./ He admits that Pashtun might turn vs. Taliban— IF we quit enraging Afghans by bombing,/ And IF we can recruit tribal leaders./ But will either of these happen? MOTHER JONES/19MAY 2 MILLION PAK.REFUGEES CD. DESTABILIZE PAKISTAN / says diplomat./ US forced Pak govt. to attack Swat valley;/ if this turns catastrophic, Pak. Won’t heed next US demand that they attack Taliban. CBS/19MAY CANADA OUT OF AFGHAN COMBAT BY 2011 / Says PM. But they can still contribute aid to Afgh. GLOBE&MAIL/19MAY ‘NO GREATER THREAT TO US THAN HUGE PAK. WITH NUKES TAKEN OVER BY JIHADISTS”/ says VP Biden./ Former ambass.to India calls for alliance between India & US To contain Pak. Insurgents. / This strategy also might not work./ Such talk may enrage Pakistan further./ EPOCHTIMES.COM/19MAY ~ Monday, May 18, 2009
ISLAMISTS MAY GRAB SOMALI GOVT./ WASH POST/18MAY If we win in Afgh (not likely!), AlQaeda type movements May find haven in Somalia, & elsewhere. What’s the point of our Afghan obsession? We invaded Somalia once & got thrown out. US SUNNI ALLIES QUIT OR TURN TO INSURGENTS / SHIA GOVT. MISTREATS THEM./ US MAY NOT BE ABLE TO PULL OUT…/ WHAT WOULD THAT DO TO AFGHAN EFFORT?/ LONDON TIMES/3MAY PAK. NOW MORE DANGEROUS THAN AFGH. PAK.DEEP SUSPICIONS OF US/ For many reasons / Pak. Journalists think 9/11 was by US &Israel ! A. Borchgrave in UNITED FEATURES ‘Will Pak. Army stay in areas cleared of Taliban?” worries Pent. Honcho. In the past they haven’t. All-party conference hopes to enlist all factions Vs. Taliban. CNN/18MAY TAMIL DEFEAT SHOWS WE CAN WIN OVER INSURGENTS? Hardly. 1) It took Sri Lanka 26 yrs to beat Tamil. Does anyone think That Americans will tolerate 26 yrs of war in Afghanistan? 2) The fight was between 2 distinct ethnic groups; but the Taliban are Pashtun, like many Afghans. Karzai has referred to them as ‘brothers’. 3)SriLanka battle was over homeland. We have no similar stake in Afghanistan. 4)We do in Pakistan, but the same nukes that make Pak. Vital are nukes that prohibit us from invading. WORST FLIGHT (FROM SWAT) SINCE RUWANDA MASSACRE/ Says UN honcho./ 1,500,000 refugees. MSNBC/18MAY Who will Pakistanis blame most? Taliban or US? CIVILIAN DEATHS HURT US CAUSE/ Says Pent.honcho. We must be very careful. Yet he says drone attacks will continue. CBS/18MAY That means that indiscriminate attacks On civilians will continue. “INDIA IS WORST ENEMY OF PAK” say most Pak. Intellectuals and pols. And they rebuke Obama as being Pro-Indian. They see Afghanistan govt. as allied With India, so they welcome Taliban Interference with that govt. METRANSPARENT/18MAY ~ Sunday, May 17, 2009
TOO FEW GIs TO STOP TALIBAN FROM PAKISTAN / One outpost fought them off, then pulled out. In another outpost, 3 GIs killed. REUTERS/17MAY ROAD TO AFGH DEFEAT LIES IN PAK/ Canadian columnist headlines ‘ROAD TO VICTORY’, But column predicts defeat, because powerful Pak institutions side with Taliban. GLOBE&MAIL/17MAY LARGEST PAK.CITY FLOODED WITH TALIBAN,FLEEING AIRSTRIKES / Karachi is on main road supplying NATO forces. Hundreds or thousands of Taliban have entered Karachi. SEATTLEPI/17MAY MEN SHIFT AGAINST ABORTION / With THEIR jobs especially threatened, many men would want Women to go back home. Another poll showed majority still pro-choice. SEATTLEPI/17MAY MEASURES THAT MIGHT WORK—IF THEY SUCCEED / Secure population, help them help themselves, make them believe Their future is in their hands. LATIMES/17MAY Outcome is doubtful. ~ Saturday, May 16, 2009
US COULD BE IN AFGH. 6 MORE YEARS, ACHIEVING NOTHING/ Says former Reagan honcho./ It’s hard to know what Obama hopes to do in Afgh./ PRESSTV/16MAY PAK ATTACKS ON TAL. WILL BACKFIRE / Causing chaos which helps insurgents. Only a few thousand Pak. Soldiers are being used, Vs. million men on Indian front. Taliban leaders operate openly in Pakistan. Pak. Military wants to destabilize hostile neighbors Like Afgh. ZAKARIAH on CNN/16MAY US COMPETES WITH TAL. PROPAGANDA ABC/16MAY But Afghans will usually believe fellow Afghans (Taliban) before they’ll believe infidel invaders. OBAMA WANTS TO STOP KILLING INNOCENTS ? CBS/16MAY How badly does he want this? He’d have to cut back on airstrikes (necessarily indiscriminate) But he just sent 100 more copters to Afgh. 50 DEM LEGISLATORS VOTE AGAINST WAR FUNDING / LONDON TIMES/16 MAY Many Americans would rebel against a 2d bugout— But meny others rebel against ‘endless’ Afghan war. WILL 100 NEW COPTERS CHANGE AFGHAN GAME? GLOBE & MAIL/16MAY Wash. Honchos talk repeatedly of need for NONmilitary Moves, but in fact rely on more of the same— Airstrikes that kill innocent civilians, Turn populations of Afgh & Pakistan against us. 50% more Taliban bombs as more GIs arrive / LATIMES/16MAY New GIs will serve as more targets./ Americans’ support for this war is already weak. When GI casualties rise, it will weaken further. PAK POLICE UNDERFUNDED, OVERWHELMED / Their pay is half of what Taliban pays their recruits. Their families are threatened by Taliban kidnappers. USATODAY/16MAY AFGH GOING DOWN THE TUBE /says NEWSWEEK article./ At best, the new strategy can slow down Taliban for a few months, While we reform Afghan govt. and aid policies. Gates figures he has only 18 months to succeed, Before Congress turns against the war. ~ Friday, May 15, 2009
NEW TRADE WAR? / Protectionist ‘Buy American !’ provisions of stimulus bill May prefigure worldwide trade war. MSNBC/15MAY US imports far more than it exports. Trade war may help US economy. “WIN MILITARILY, LOSE PUBLICLY?” / Pak. Honcho worries about hundreds of thousands Of refugees from Swat fighting. GLOBE&MAIL/15MAY ~ Thursday, May 14, 2009
ALARMING NUMBER OF PAKISTANIS SEE US AS GREATER THREAT THAN TALIBAN / SAYS Sen.Kerry / THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS (an Arab paper)/14may GOVT. OPPONENTS RUN BETTER REFUGEE CAMP / Better than huge govt. camp. Contrast might turn refugees Against govt. LATIMES/14MAY YOU CAN’T KILL/CAPTURE WAY OUT OF STRONG INSURGENCY Says Petraeus. Afgh. may be Obama’s Vietnam. GLOBAL POST/14MAY CONGRESSIONAL DEMS MIGHT TURN AGAINST AFGHAN WAR / If casualties rise and no prospect of victory soon… NYTIMES/14MAY SCENARIOS FOR PAKISTAN / 1) they might (improbably) take over large parts of non-Pashtun Pak./ 2) Army might take over again./ 3) Army might defeat Taliban (but they can fade into background, Infiltrate refugees, and come back again./ 4) Another leader than Zardari (more popular) might take over./ REUTERS/14MAY FEWER DEPLOYABLE TROOPS / The recent ‘soldier running amok’ illustrates the number of GIs Injured physically or mentally from repeated deployments. Pent. Planned a longer downtime for combat troops, But this might not be possible. USATODAY/14MAY ~ Wednesday, May 13, 2009
If Israel attacks Iran in any way, Iran’s leaders plan ‘disproportionate retaliation’On America as well as Israel, any place in the world-- e.g., on US troops in Iraq and US ships nearby. TIME MAGAZINE UNMANNED PREDATOR IS ‘NEW AIR FORCE’/ controlled from thousands of miles away/ This will remove glamour from air force personnel, just as US destruction of Enemy fighters took glamour away from fighter pilots. Air force academy is graduating 1000 ‘airmen’ who will now be Groundmen. CBSNEWS/13MAY “Don’t exaggerate terrorism, invade countries, and turn natives against us” says expert./ He worries that obsession with Afghanistan will lead us to neglect continuing problems in Iraq. LONDON TIMES.ONLINE/13MAY “AMERICA OUT TO DESTROY PAKISTAN” SAYS PAK JOURNALIST.. Others say that warnings Of danger from Pakistan are just to distract Americans From their failure in Afghanistan. 20% OF Pakistanis Believe US was behind attack on Indian hotel. It is said that Obama is actually Jewish. NYTIMES/13MAY “MORE GIs MEAN MORE TARGETS” say Taliban. Their attacks stepped up now that winter’s over. XINHUANET.COM/13MAY ~ Tuesday, May 12, 2009
IF DRONES KILL ONE PAKISTANI, THEY RECRUIT 3 MORE FOR TALIBAN / Said a Pak. Colonel. Pak. Govt. faces hostile Afghans, cultivates Taliban as counter./ Abc/12may PAKISTAN EXPANDING ITS NUKE-POWER / 2 HUGE NEW PLUTONIUM FACTORIES / THE ONLY COUNTRY EXPANDING ITS NUKES. / Msnbc/12may USING US MONEY? WATER FOR CONTRACTORS, NOT FOR IRAQ GIs / GIs desperate, steal plentiful water from contractors CBS/12may PENTAGON CARES FOR ITS SOLDIERS JUST AS POULTRY CORPORATIONS CARE FOR THEIR CHICKENS. WE’LL NEED BETTER INTELLIGENCE / After US pullout from Iraq, says Pelosi../ Latimes/12may We need better intelligence all over the world. We’ll never have that as long as our spies And liaisons can’t understand native languages ! MIXED PAK. POLL RESULTS / Terrorism not as important as economy. / Zardari very unpopular. But support for alliance with US is up, Almost to 50%. NYTIMES/12MAY “ONLY SOLUTION IS FOR NATO TO LEAVE PAKISTAN”/ HEAVY WEAPONS ATTACK ON SWAT BY PAK. ARMY WILL LEAD TO TAL ATTACKS ELSEWHERE—ANDARMY MAY NOT HOLD SWAT FOR GOOD. So says British expert. REUTERS/12MAY This is the 1st time a credible expert has suggested getting out. TALIBAN ATTACKS ANOTHER CITY / In Khost, they fought pitched battles with GIs, And took hostages. CNN/12May ~ Monday, May 11, 2009
US HAS COMMITTED REGULAR & WIDESPREAD USE OF WHITE PHOSPHORUS in Afgh./ Says former Pentagon honcho. RAW STORY WILL ISLAMISTS GRAB PAKISTAN AS THEY GRABBED IRAN?/ 2 MILLION GRADUATES OF ISLAMIST ‘SCHOOLS’./ POOR ARE RISING AGAINST RICH BACKERS OF ELECTED LEADER./ UNITED PRESS FEATURES/11MAY Ialamist Iran is developing Nukes-- Pakistan already has them ! PAK. REFUGEE FLOOD A BAD SIGN / Leaders in both Pakistan & Afghanistan Are quite unpopular. CBSNEWS/11MAY QAEDA FLOCKS TO PAKISTAN / “Foreign jihadists smell blood” after Tal expansion. They have recruited in Arab world/ They plan spectacular attacks. MSNBC/11MAY AFGHAN UPRISINGS PREDICTED VS. US/ Over airstrikes. Karzai repeats condemnation, Even after US says they will continue. Afghan parliament denounced airstrikes, Then adjourned in protest. REUTERS/11MAY US DENIES USE OF WHITE PHOSPORUS IN FARAH ATTACK / MDs say it WAS used in the attack, by Tal. Or US. US has admitted it uses horrific stuff in Afghanistan. LONDON TELEGRAPH/ 11MAY US WILL CONTINUE AIRSTRIKES / In spite of villagers’ rage and rebuke by Karzai./ “We can’t fight with one arm tied behind our back.” SEATTLE PI /11MAY Truth is, army wants to avoid extra GI casualties That would enrage folks at home;/ So they’ll fight with airstrikes, Which are counterproductive. US BLAMES TAL. FOR WHITE PHOSPORUS / They admit we have used it in Afghanistan. / It’s not clear whether they’re sayig ALL casualties Were Taliban-caused, or if they’re simply saying, You’re Another. GOOGLE.COM/11 MAY ~ Sunday, May 10, 2009
CHINA CANCELS US ‘CREDIT CARD’/ Cuts purchase of US investments, bonds. NEWS.YAHOO/10MAY This could be disastrous. All the more reason to cut prodigal Pent. Budget. WEANING AFGHANS FROM OPIUM POPPIES? It’s been tried—and failed—before. CBS/10MAY No other crop can bring so much $ to farmers. WHITE PHOSPORUS FROM US TROOPS? “VERY UNLIKELY” SAYS US They suggesst it was fired by Taliban— but admit they used it in Iraq. (3d source finally tells bombshell story.) REUTERS/10MAY US DOES USE WHITE PHOSPORUS IN AFGH, general admits.. They also used it in battle in Fallujah, Iraq. It burns its way thru live human bodies. Finally, a source other than ABC tells this story. NEWS.YAHOO/10MAY AMERICA CAUSED TALIBAN PROBLEM, Say most Pakistanis. US funded Taliban against Soviet.. Now they have forced Pak. Govt. Into foolish war vs. Taliban, /using planes & heavy artillery, not aiding refugees— enraging natives. LATIMES/10MAY US SHIFTS BLAME TO TALIBAN / 147 civilians killed in aistrike; US claims that some were killed by Taliban. How many? Who will believe US story? USATODAY/10MAY ~ Saturday, May 09, 2009
TALIBAN CONTROL AFGHAN ROADS/ So says PATRICK COBERN, a distinguished authority, In his online periodical COUNTERPUNCH/6MAY TAL.HAVE WON EVERY FIGHT SO FAR W/PAK. ARMY/ Under pressure from Americans, govt. has now endorsed Anti-tal. Fight in Swat./ Fewer than 15k troops now engaged/ But there is no campaign in more important border areas, / Amrica is now focusing on Pakistan, not Afghanistan. US, KARZAI GOVT. BLAME TALIBAN FOR 147 DEATHS/ Govt. is not trusted any more than Americans. NEWS.YAHOO/9MAY PAK. REFUGEE MASSES MAY BE NEGLECTED / Govt. says it will respond, but past promises haven’t been implemented. It is said that neglected refugees may turn to Taliban As lesser evil. Pak. Govt did NOT promise more troops for anti-Tal. Effort. LATIMES/9MAY US TROOPS TO STAY IN IRAQ CITIES / Says General—even tho Iraqi govt says They must leave on deadline. NYTIMES/9MAY ~ Friday, May 08, 2009
WHO WILL BE BELIEVED? US general says estimate of 147 killed in 1 night Is ‘grossly over-exaggerated’, But locals say that figure is accurate. MSNBC/8MAY As long as we keep bombing, Natives will not believe US estimates Of collateral damage. TALIBAN STOPPING EXODUS FROM SWAT ? Pak.general says so. CBS8MAY One million escaped./.unsuccessful Tal. effort? KEY THRUST WILL BE MILITARY/ In spite of talk of emphasis on civilian effort./ In Afgh, 11,000 civilian casualties./ In Pak., 1 million civilian refugees— only 14 Tal leaders killed by bombs./ Taliban support is high in Pak. Pashtun areas. GUARDIAN/8MAY REFUGEES COULD TURN AWAY FROM TAL OR AWAY FROM GOVT. Unless army quickly wipes out Taliban/ and govt. provides food & services And effective rule of law—refugees may turn to Taliban as lesser evil. NEWS.YAHOO/8MAY AFGH MUST DO’—BUT ‘CAN DO’? Senior planners will have 5 yr. Terms. LATIMES/8MAY Will US populace accept ‘endless’ Afghan war? Esp. after casualties rise? INADEQUATE IRAQ FORCES / Army & police forces.grossly inadequate to down insurgents./ US will leave on schedule anyway. NYTIMES/8MAY ~ Thursday, May 07, 2009
MORE GIs to AFGH.WD.LOOK LIKE OCCUPYING FORCE/ Would guarantee our defeat/ says GATES/ Solution: more Afghan troops—/ Quqnoos.com / but how long will it take To increase & train these troops? JUST 2 WKS TO SAVE PAK. GOVT/ Says Petraeus/ Nobody knows what Taliban intend: To take over govt. or just to carve out A piece of Pakistan. LONDON TELEGRAPH/1MAY HOW IS PAK. SECURITY LINKED TO US? Obama & staff say the connection is crucial— But even if we put down the Taliban— Which we can’t do—there are plenty of other Terrorist havens around the world./ Now if Tal. Gets hold of Pak. Nukes, We’re in real trouble /—but there’s nothing We can do to prevent this. So we should pull out of Afghanistan, And Iraq,/ and put all that money into Home Defense—/e.g., inspecting the thousands Of huge containers that enter our ports each day. REAL POSSIBILITY OF A PAK. JIHADIST STATE/ Says US honcho./ Worst nightmare for US./ We must give Pak. Govt. millions WITHOUT CONDITIONS. MSNBC/7MAY TERRORISTS MIGHT GET TO PAK. NUKES / Some in nuke establishment are friendly with terrorists. CBS/7MAY TALIBAN EXPLOITS TV PICTURES OF GIs PLANNING TO CHRISTIANIZE MUSLIMS / Switching religions is a capital crime in Afghanistan. REUTERS/7MAY WORST CRISIS SINCE CUBAN MISSILES / says US honcho./ “So far, Pak. Govt. has not seen that biggest terrorist threat is to them.” NEWS.YAHOO/7MAY HUNDREDS OF BAGHDAD CASUALTIES IN 2 WEEKS / 5 GI casualties from men dressed in army uniforms— possible infiltrators from insurgents. LATIMES/7MAY HUNDREDS SHOUT ‘DEATH TO AMERICANS’/ Protesting bombs which killed up to 130 Afghans, Mostly innocents. NYTIMES/7MAY ~ Wednesday, May 06, 2009
DEMENTED PENTAGON: / They piled up so many thousands of tons of lethal gases that, / Even spending billions, they can’t destroy them Before 2021. USATODAY/6MAY The Soviet piled up even more thousands of tons. OBAMA PROBABLY HELPLESS VS. PAK. PROBLEMS Many Pakistanis don’t recognize elected govt. UNITED PRESS FEATURES/6MAY IRAQ DEMANDS GIs OUT OF CITIES ON SCHEDULE / US general said Iraqis would want GIs to stay on in e.g., Mosul CBS/7MAY US SUNNI ALLIES MAY REJOIN INSURGENTS/ Shia govt has not paid them; also leaders have been Killed or arrested. REUTERS/7MAY GIS CONVERTING AFGHANS—DUMB! TV pictures show them planning conversions, (forbidden by Their generals.) This gets known by Afghans in general, Generates rage vs. US. GUARDIAN/7MAY ORDINARY PAKISTANIS CRITICIZE AMERICA / For bombing Pakistan, for supporting corrupt President, For neglecting the poor, for being willing to back Military takeover.; for lumping Pak. With primitive Afgh. LATIMES/7 MAY DID AMERICA DESTROY IRAQ TO SAVE IT? Plans to pull out are complicated a) by Shia govt’s cold-shoulder to Sunnis recruited by US; b) Sunnis may fear destruction by Sunnis after US pullout (Shis outnumber Sunnis 3 to 1—4 to 1 with help of Kurds— and Shia have all the arms donated by US. c) Drop in price of oil leaves govt. budget in shambles. LITTLE CONFIDENCE FROM PAK. PROMISES / Pak. President talks to Congress & President. But until they move troops from Indian border To terrorist territory…….. NYTIMES/6MAY ~ Tuesday, May 05, 2009