Dan Lyons
~ Wednesday, April 29, 2009
AFGHANISTAN HARDER THAN IRAQ / Says Petraeus/ UNITED PRESS FEATURE STORIES/ 29 APRIL Campaigning, Obama should have said we’re pulling out Of Afghanistan to concentrate on Iraq ! ONLY 1 ROAD OUT OF KABUL IS SAFE / The others are permanently or intermittently Controlled by Taliban. COUNTERPUNCH.ORG/29APR CUTTING AFGHAN POPPIES MAY NOT LOWER TALIBAN INCOME / As supply is cut, price-per-unit may rise. Afghan farmers will be enraged at loss of their cash crop. US casualties may rise as Tal. Defend their money-crop. Do Taliban need much money? PAK.IS CRUCIBLE OF TERROR/ WAR IN AFGH. IS USELESS IF PAK.TALIBAN CAN’T BE STOPPED. LONDON TELEGRAPH/29APR And so far stopping Pak.Tal. looks impossible. TALIBAN KIDNAP 52 PAK. SECURITY MEN/ Originally they grabbed 70, but 18 were rescued. GLOBE&MAIL/29APR ~ Tuesday, April 28, 2009
EARLIER, PAK. WAS SEEN AS MERE ACCESSORY TO AFGHAN TERRORISTS/ But now it’s seen as THE problem, or anyway as a separate,awful problem in its own right. UNITED PRESS OPINION/27APRIL But what can outside nations do about it? SOME MILITANTS MOVE TO AFRICA: Say US honchos. MSNBC/28APRIL Many Qaeda havens in world. So, even if we COULD squash Taliban, US would be no safer from terrorists, Nor would Britain (contrary to PMs Stupid claim). So why don’t we bug out of Afghanistan? NO GOP MOVE TO CENTER Only 21% say they’re Republican. And half of those listen to Limbaugh. LONDON GUARDIAN/28APRIL INACCURATE PREDATOR ATTACKS / 60 RAIDS BY US PREDATORS KILLED 14 TALIBAN LEADERS, OVER 600 CIVILIANS. (PAKISTAN) NEWS ~ Monday, April 27, 2009
TALIBAN WINNING HEARTS & MINDS ? / Some pull out of Buneer, leaving local Talibani To spread their version of Islam CBS/27APRIL 200,000 VETS HAVE ‘GULF WAR SYNDROME’/ FROM 1ST Gulf war. Pentagon denied this for years, Wanting to conceal real cost of silly war To protect Kuwait autocracy. UNITED PRESS/27APR BRITS FAIL IN AFGH/ And this failure is covered up in Britain. In recession, Brits can’t afford more troops for Afgh. TELEGRAPH/27APR. DRUGS BURNT ARE ONLY DROP IN BUCKET/ Admits Afghan honcho. Selling these drugs brings Billions to taliban. LATIMES/27APR TALIBAN DERIDE PEACE-PACT AS WORTHLESS/ After govt. forces attacked in region covered by the pact; US would be pleased at the collapse of the separate peace; This pact would leave Taliban more able to attack in Afgh. GUARDIAN/27apr ~ Sunday, April 26, 2009
VITAL IMPORTANCE OF PAKISTAN / “Even if we do everything right in Afghanistan, we can’t prevail if Pakistan goes bad.” Says Obama’s envoy to both countries IFP/26april US SUPPLY LINE CUT 3D TIME IN 6 MONTHS A small but crucial bridge bombed. / US is making deals with other nations to send supplies Thru non-Pakistan. ABCNEWS/26APR But it seems these other countries will allow Only ‘non-lethal’ supplies thru. IS PANDEMIC DELIBERATELY CAUSED? It’s unheard of for swine,bird,and human forms of flu-germs to combine. This is the type of damage that would be caused by terrorists using biowar to damage all humanity. True, they’d kill other Muslims more than Americans; But they’ve never hesitated to kill Muslims, bomb mosques,etc. TALIBAN STILL POWERFUL IN BUNER/ Some have pulled out—but local talibanis remain, And remain powerful. LATIMES/26APR MALIKI REFUSES TO MAKE NICE WITH BAATHIST PARTY/ FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE WITH US/ GOVT RESENTMENT OF SLAUGHTER OF SHIA. ‘US wants to stiffen opposition to shia Iran.” NYTIMES/26APR ~ Saturday, April 25, 2009
AFGHAN GOVERNOR ATTACKED / They got thru 1 checkpoint, killed 5 police; one suicider still missing. USATODAY/25APR OBAMA WILL GO ON DUMBLY KILLING AFGHAN POPPIES/ Even tho experts AND HIS ENVOY say this practice Enrages farmers, enrolls them in Taliban. USATODAY/25APR TALIBAN PULLOUT MEANINGLESS/ Says US. /Local Taliban remain in Buner, Remain in control. / 60 miles from Islamabad. CNN/25APR HUNDREDS OF NATO TRUCKS DESTROYED BY TALIBAN In Afghanistan. 87,000 weapons can’t be traced. Black Market of stolen NATO supplies thrives. GLOBAL POST/25APR 150 IRAQIS KILLED; MANY MORE WOUNDED in 24 hours.. / Security forces inadequate ./ Casualties mainly Shia; / retaliation feared. NYTIMES/25APR ~ Friday, April 24, 2009
PAK.IS CLOSE TO TIPPING POINT (WHERE TERRORISTS WOULD PREVAIL) SAYS US. MIL. HONCHO. MIAMI HERALD/24 APR PAK.COLLAPSE WORSE THAN AFGH.COLLAPSE/ Not much outside world can do. UNITED PRESS/24APRIL That’s obvious—Pak. Has nukes ! PHONY TALIBAN PULLOUT FROM BUNER Pak. Army useless vs. TAL. Situation going downhill rapidly, says US army honcho. NYTIMES/24APR YEMEN BECOMING SAFE QAEDA HIDEOUT/ Says Petraeus. NEWSEEK That’s what makes our Afghan war silly,/ Supposed to squash quaeda threat to US. Qaeda have plenty of havens among 1000 millions Of Muslims worldwide. / US won’t be any safer if we Squash Taliban—which we can’t do. All the $ & effort in Afghanistan & Iraq Should be diverted away from Pent, to Homeland Defense. “Why can’t huge Pak.army beat rag-tag terrorists?” asks US mil. Honcho. CBSNEWS/24APR Our huge army cannot beat ragtag Taliban— Nor has it stopped big bombings in Iraq./ Huge conventional armies are incompetent to fight guerillas. (It took decades for SriLankan govt to Beat Tamil guerillas—and there guerillas were ethnically different from majority.) AFGH/PAK STRATEGY WON’T WORK/ Says Pak. Honcho. The 2 places are too different. Afgh. has never had central govt, rule of law. REUTERS24APR PAK. CONFOUNDS OBAMA TEAM / They criticize Pak. Leader (worried about his own assassination Like his wife’s) / but they don’t /can’t do anything about crisis / Except shoveling more money to govt, / which is unwilling To put down Taliban. UNITED PRESS/24 FROM ‘VERY CONFIDENT’ TO ‘REASONABLY CONFIDENT’ Says US general about danger of terrorists grabbing Pak. Nukes. If Pak.govt. collapsed, US forces will go in and grab ALL THE NUKES THEY CAN. (Nukes are easy to hide.) NEWS.YAHOO/24APRIL TALIBAN SOON KNOCKING AT ISLAMABAD’S DOOR Says Pak. Legislator. /They’re filling power vacuum In districts overlooking natl. capital, and near vital dam./ Army does nothing, still obsessed with possible war with India. NYTIMES/24APRIL GERMANY WORRIED ABOUT TALIBAN. ADVANCE / Reuters/24apr/ But what can they do about it? Tal.SAY they’re pulling out of Buner, near Islamabad… ~ Thursday, April 23, 2009
WE CONTROL US, BRAGS ISRAELI HONCHO/ “They accept all of our decisions.” Says hawk Foreign minister./ HAARETZ/23APR TAL.DRIVES OUT GOVT OFFICIALS/ From Swat./ Takeover extends far beyond Installation of Sharia. GUARDIAN/23APR Perhaps our bombing of Pak. enraged citizens Enough so they tolerate Tal. Takeover. AFGH. SUCCESS DEPENDS ON CIVILIAN INPUT=--BUT… Not enough civilians have volunteered (hazard pay is short)— So these posts must be operated by marginally competent GIs! (besides army Fighting Taliban !) NYTIMES/23APR TAL., OPERATING FROM THEIR SWAT DISTRICT, HAVE TAKEN OVER BUNER DISTRICT,/70 MILES FROM NATL. CAPITAL. The central govt. appointed a governor ENDORSED BY TALIBAN ! He has been helping Taliban. NYTIMES/23APR US honcho Clinton says central govt. has ‘abdicated’. ~ Wednesday, April 22, 2009
AFGHAN/PAK POLICY DEFECTIVE Says Sen.Kerry, just back from the region. Saying we have a unified policy covering Both countries offends both. USATODAY/22APR “NEOTALIBAN WILL SHATTER US PLANS; / PAK. GOVT. WILL HAVE TO SURRENDER TO ‘FREEDOM FIGHTERS’ “/ Says Tal. Honcho./ ASIA TIMES/22APR BinLADEN CAN TRAVEL FREELY IN PAK After Tal. Takeover, says Tal. Honcho. Cnn/22apr What’s the point of fighting in Afghanistan When we don’t dare invade Pakistan, which is armed with NUKES? TALIBAN REJECT DEMOCRACY, ELECTIONS, & INDEPENDENT JUDGES Says a Taliban leader. The appeasement by Pak.govt. backfired. REUTERS/22APR TALIBAN DENY TALKS WITH OPPONENTS: Say Tal. Leaders: “This is trick to split Taliban; We will keep fighting until foreign troops leave.” REUTERS/22APRIL ~ Tuesday, April 21, 2009
This year, shell-shocked GI suicides outnumber GIs killed by enemy. press.tt.ir/22APRIL This shows folly of Americans heeding only KIAs. ~ Monday, April 20, 2009
FEW CIA LINGUISTS: The agency relating to other nations MUST have most of its staff conversant with some foreign language. / HOWEVER, nearly 8 years after 9/11, only 13% of the total CIA staff Speaks another language./ In the top echelon, only 18%; in the actual spy agency,Only 28%.. / In other words, our foreign-relations staff are still incompetent, and will remain so For years. / We should pull out Of foreign entanglements, and concentrate on Homeland Defense. USATODAY/20APRIL ~ Sunday, April 19, 2009
TALIBAN CONTINUE GAINS IN PAKISTAN The army is hopeless—parts support Taliban. The population is furious at the Americans, And Taliban is the face of anti-Americanism. Govt. just got $5 billion— but how is that going To help? REUTERS/19APRIL AFGHAN HONCHO DENOUNCES US COMPENSATION FOR KILLED INNOCENTS/ “All the money in the world cannot make up for the death of one Afghan !” NEWS.YAHOO/19APR INSURGENT ALLIANCE IN PUNJAB: This area contains half of Pak. Population. Taliban is allying with local insurgents, Posing serious threat to govt. NYTIMES/19APR ~ Saturday, April 18, 2009
SOMALIA GOES SHARIA/ Passed unanimously by Parliament. No schooling for women, etc. CNN/18FEB Terrorists harbored by Pakistan, Somalia, etc. Goofy of America to stay in Afghanistan ‘to protect America’ VATICAN BLABS ON ABOUT CONDOMS: / MSNBC/18FEB You’d think they’d have sense to shut up about Maledictus I’s nincompoop remarks about Condoms aggravating AIDS. Wonderful that Catholics worldwide Are reminded that Vatican opposes Not just abortion, but CONDOMS ! IRANIAN SCHOLAR DISCUSSES US BLUNDERS: Our intel. don’t understand complex Afghan culture. LATIMES/18APR We don't understand ANY mideast cultures; we should pull out of mideast. ~ Friday, April 17, 2009
US DESPERATION: A battalion of minesweeping engineers was sent to Iraq. But AFTER TWO WEEKS, They are being moved to Afghanistan—a rare thing./ Expert says: “Either this shows success in Iraq or the QUICKLY DETERIORATING situation in Afghanistan—I think the latter.” The move will cost millions and millions of dollars. USATODAY/17APRIL US NOW ADMITS KILLING AFGHAN INNOCENTS/ Admit quickly , apologize, compensate./ Hope is that enraged Afghans will be pacified./ But one Afghan honcho said, “OK, if these attacks on civilians cease— but if they continue, apologies won’t work.” REUTERS/17APRIL BRITS OPPOSE AFGHAN FIASCO:/ 64% THINK ALLIES CAN’T WIN/ 69% THINK ‘STABILIZING AFGH’ IS NOT WORTH BRIT LIVES. LONDON TIMES PAK.ON WAY TO ISLAMIST CHAOS:/ US EXPERTS SAY LITTLE HOPE OF AVERTING COLLAPSE INTO WARLORD FIEFDOMS, HARBORING TERRORISTS, AND CONTROLLING NUKES ! News.Yahoo/17April Nations pledge $5 thousand millions to Pakistan/ will this money end up funding Islamists? TALIBAN ORGANIZE POOR VS. RICH IN PAK./ Landless peasants chase rich landlords out of Swat. This could destabilize Pak. Completely. NYTIMES/17APR AFGHAN LAW DOESN’T ALLOW MARITAL RAPE, BUT…/ If she says ‘no’ to sex, he doesn’t have to feed her— And she can’t leave the house without his permission. REUTERS/17APR Law applies only to Shia, but it was approved by Assembly representing all Afghans, And signed by Karzai. ~ Thursday, April 16, 2009
ISRAEL CAN DOOM IRAQ GIs: Suppose they bomb Iran, & Iran savagely attacks Iraq GIs. Then US nukes Iran--but that doesn't help Iraq GIs. Israel controls our foreign policy. ARAB ALLIES OF ISRAEL PREPARE FOR IRAN RETALIATION If Israel bombs Iran. UNITED PRESS/16 APR Iran will also retaliate vs. America, Vs. GIs in Iraq & navy vessels in region. DRONE ATTACKS IRRELEVANT & COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE / They’re intended to shame Pak. Army into attacking insurgents../ But this will produce generations of anti-US officers./ Also, they’re acts of desperation intended to reassure Americans./ But will this work? IPS NEWS/16APRIL US GENERAL: AFGHAN VIOLENCE TO RISE/ More GIs mean more targets for Taliban. He says that ULTIMATELY this Surge will be Beneficial. CBS/16APR Question is: Will Americans have patience For ‘ultimately’ ? Iraq pullout makes Afgan pullout THINKABLE. US CONCERNED ABOUT POSSIBLE SHIA CRACKDOWN ON ALLIED SUNNIS Pay delayed, few get govt. jobs, as promised; some leaders arrested. NYTIMES/16APR ~ Wednesday, April 15, 2009
GATES: HUGE EXPENSIVE WEAPONS NOT NEEDED / VS. INDIVIDUAL TERRORISTS/ NEWS.YAHOO/15APR Indeed, they are useless. RECRUITING ANTI-QAEDA MILITIA:AFGH VS. IRAQ Most Iraq Sunnis are pretty secular. They could be bought by the Americans (tho they are now being double-crossed by Shia govt.) Afghans are pretty fanatic; they will be tougher to recruit. Pashtuns fear joining local anti-Tal militia/ One elder volunteered, was sent home without protection, Was killed with all his relatives. TAL. EXPANDS BEYOND SWAT They got permission to preach in Buner mosques, Asking youth to train to fight against Western invaders. CSMONITOR/15APR AFGHANS STONE PROTESTING WOMEN / 1000 Afghans stone 300 women protesting the outrageous new law (passed by parliament and signed by Karzai)—the law allows marital rape, and forbids wives to step outside their home without husband’s OK. FOXNEWS/15APR This is the savage society our GIs are dying To protect. ~ Tuesday, April 14, 2009
NAVY BEHEMOTHS HELPLESS VS. PIRATES/ What’s needed to patrol area Are many small ships and drone reconaiisance. INSURGENT ALLIANCE IN MOST POPULOUS DISTRICT IN PAK./ HALF OF POP. LIVE IN PUNJAB. NYTIMES/14AAPR. If Pak. Is staging area for terrorists, And we don’t dare attack Pak. (because of their nukes)— then what is point of spending $ & lives fighting in Afghanistan? WRONG EMPHASIS ON MIL.POWER, NOT RECONCILIATION/ Shia govt may be counting on ability to squash Sunnis. REUTERS/14APRIL ~ Monday, April 13, 2009
STRICT SHARIA LAW SIGNED FOR SWAT VALLEY/ Pak. Govt. hesitated, then yielded to make separate peace With Taliban./ CNN/13APR/ Separate peace is bad news for US. GEN.NOW SAYS OUT OF IRAQ BY END OF 2011/ Odierno has expressed doubts—but apparently Obama has Laid down the law, and Odierno now consents. CNN/13APR Tal. Take over another Pak.valley / Police are told not to harass them./ 60 miles from Islamabad. LONDON TELEGRAPH/13APR ~ Sunday, April 12, 2009
DRONES KILL NEARLY 700 INNOCENTS: Says Pakistani paper: The DAILY NEWS True or not, this claim will be believed by Pakistanis, further enraging them vs. US VETS’ BRAIN INJURIES: LONG-TERM TROUBLES./ SYMPTOMS LIKE ALZEIMERS/ LATIMES FIRST GULF WAR ALSO LEFT THOUSANDS OF MAIMED VETS. WILL US MAKE SEPARATE PEACE WITH TALIBAN? Some informed Afghans fear this is so— That Obama will sell out ‘democracy & rights’ In return for Taliban giving up attacks. GUARDIAN/12APR Given that Afghan ‘democracy’ is corrupt, And their women have no rights, This US move would be understandable. GATES CUTS EXPENSIVE ‘SUPER-WEAPONS;/ Supposedly for war against some future nation-opponents, While forces fighting present 2 wars are deprived. THE ECONOMIST The real significance: cutting subsidies to war-corporations, Whose flunkies in Congress will oppose this change ferociously. TRUCKS TORCHED ON WAY TO AFGH/ Near Kyber Pass. 8 trucks torched, 3 guards wounded. Assoc.Press/12April ~ Saturday, April 11, 2009
WHY ARE WE DETERRED BY PAK. NUKES? We have lots more than they do. a) Islamists may be nutty enough to launch 1st strike At America—willing to pay the awful price (of Pak. Cities being wiped off map.) b)If New York (or a good part of it) disappeared, Americans would go mad. Open Martial law would ensue. TOP TALIBAN HONCHO PROTECTED BY PAK.INTL AGENCY/ He threatens apocalyptic attack on US./ He disappears every time Pak. Army goes after him. PAK. DAILY TIMES/11APRIL US KILLS INNOCENT MOTHER, 5 CHILDREN, & BROTHER-IN-LAW/ FATHER OF CHILDREN IS COMMANDER IN ANTI-TALIBAN FORCES. LONDON TIMES/11APRIL ANTI-WOMAN LAW WAS PASSED BY BOTH HOUSES AND SIGNED BY PRESIDENT. /This exercise of the will of the Afghan people shows why we should not be supporting a society that despises 50% of its people, the women. They are savages. In fact, the Afghan war is more hopeless than the Iraq war./ We are stuck in there NOT because of fear of terrorists attacking US./ Pakistan is a bigger danger; but we can’t attack Pak. Because they have NUKES./ We’re stuck there because Obama used Afghan campaign to excusePulling out of Iraq.. 40 Iraq casualties/ attack on Sunni turncoats who changed from Qaeda allies to paid govt. militias. CNN/11APR ~ Friday, April 10, 2009
PRIESTS OPPOSE OBAMA INVITATION Also: Vatican vetoes Caroline Kennedy as ambassador to Vat. How delightful ! Such nincompoops (crashing vs. O’s popularity) Help discredit right-wing branch of Church. MSNBC/10APRIL TWO WARS MIGHT GO ON GEN says we might miss Iraq pullout date, because of quaeda resurgence. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/iraq/article6069734.ece ANOTHER ATTACK ON IRAQ SHIAS WASH POST/10APR When GIs leave,, Shia might slaughter Sunnis, Whom they outnumber 3 to 1; They are heavily armed by US. MORE TROOPS MEANS MORE VULNERABLE SUPPLIES/ Black Market in stolen US supplies still flourishes;/ Pent. Has no comment. GLOBAL POST/10APRIL US HEAVY WEAPONS USELESS VS. TERRORISTS Somali pirates in lifeboat hold off a huge US destroyer— Because they have a US hostage. NYTIMES/10 APRIL ~ Thursday, April 09, 2009
PETRAEUS VS. OBAMA P.publicly urges huge increase in Afghan GIs/ Obama wants troops limited. Obama actually mentioned Vietnam blunders. LONDON GUARDIAN/9APR TENS OF THOUSANDS OF IRAQI FOLLOWERS OF SADR IN STREET/ ‘NO TO AMERICA!’ 200 IRAQIS KILLED IN EACH OF 2 LAST MONTHS. (many more wounded.) BBC/9APR ~ Wednesday, April 08, 2009
“NO SUCH THING AS EXCESS WEAPONS” says right-wing Pundit.. US forces in Iraq didn’t lack balance, but numbers. Defence budget has SUNK (!) to less than 3% of our budget (amounting to only $1 million millions.) USATODAY,(8Apr) in a column opposing Paper’s endorsement of Gate’s move. Paper says Pent. Budget is only half a trillion Each year—but that doesn’t count the 2 wars ! Pent. Outlays doubled from 2000 to 2008. Pent. Spends more than mil. Budgets Of the next TWENTY-FIVE NATIONS, COMBINED ! FED WORRIES ABOUT CONTINUING FALL IN JOBS, BUSINESS. bloomberg/8April WORLD PROBLEM IN 'SHORTAGE OF DEMAND' IS OVERPRODUCTION ! Shortage of EFFECTIVE demand, demand backed by money. $ are not in hands of ordinary people, who'd love to spend more; it's in the hands of millionaires who can HARDLY spend more. OVERPRODUCTION is a side-effect of megatechnology; SEE LAMAR.COLOSTATE.EDU/~DLYONS (ch.2 and comments on ch.2) Arguments that megatech (used by typical decision-makers of today) does much good but more harm. Fewer tons of bombs in Afgh/Pak. Commanders now realize the limits of airpower vs insurgents. Bombs set back support of natives. Insurgents attack, then scatter. They dropped nearly SEVEN MILLION TONS On Vietnam (about the size of a US state) And got driven out anyway. USATODAY/8APR VENEZUELA WILL PRODUCE AS MUCH OIL AS SAUDI ARABIA Their oil needs extra processing-- but if oil stays at least $50 a barrel, they can produce huge amounts of oil. And OPEC seems to be resigned to $50 oil. http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE5372W920090408 US had better make up with Venezuela. US EXPERT GIVES PAK. 6 MONTHS He denounces US airraids in Pak. Pak. president says they're fighting for survival. Pak. honchos say cooperations with US needs 'mutual respect'. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/pakistan/5121925/Pakistan-fighting-for-survival-says-President-Zardari.html But who could respect Pakistan ? One of their govt. agencies is supplying arms and info to Taliban. WalkersWorld/deBorchgrave/8apr CHEAP HANDGUNS, AMMO ARE ONE PRODUCT OF MEGATECHNOLOGY. All Americans are now at risk from armed nuts. For argument that megatech does much good but even more harm, goto lamar.colostate.edu/~dlyons "CUTTING PENT. BUDGET WILL LOSE JOBS" SAY BLOATED BUDGET BACKERS. mAYBE SO, BUT THE SAME MONEY, SPENT ON LABOR-INTENSIVE PROJECTS LIKE TEACHING,HEALTH-CARE, WILL SAVE/CREATE MORE JOBS. Present ships, planes of Pent. are useless to counter individual terrorists. ONLY 12 MONTHS TO 'SUCCEED' IN AFGHANISTAN After that, US support will sink (51% already disapprove) and issue will turn on Dem/GOP politics (64% of dems disapprove now) http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/mar/26/obama-afghanistan-pakistan-policy-change SLIM CHANCE ! ~ Tuesday, April 07, 2009
GATES DEFENDS CHANGES IN PENT BUDGET "Every $ spent on expensive weapons for unlikely wars is a $ taken from our defense AND FROM THE WAR WE ARE IN." Baltimore Sun/7april US TOP GENERAL SAYS OUR NAVY/AIR FORCE COULD ATTACK IRAN-- But he worries about Iran retaliation. http://www.presstv.com/detail.aspx?id=88715§ionid=351020104 Israel lusts to attack Iran, counting on Iran retaliating on US forces in Iraq, pulling US into war with Iran, willy-nilly. Afghans seem to support rape-permission. This law was passed by the assembly. Karzai is delaying abolishing the law until after election. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20090407.wafghan07/BNStory/Afghanistan/home Why should we defend a society that despises 50% of its population, the women ? PAK COLLAPSE WOULD DWARF ALL OTHER CRISES/ COULD HAPPEN WITHIN 6 MONTHS. LONG ARTICLE IN NYTIMES/31MARCH GATES CUTS EXPENSIVE WEAPONS ONE FEWER AIRCRAFT CARRIER, SEVERAL PLANE-MODELS CUT. 50% for conventional war, 10% for anti-insurgent war, 40% for dual-use weapons news.yahoo/7April We'll see if these cuts survive Congressmen bought by Pent. US/PAK TRUST NEEDED, BUT... US insists on bombing parts of Pak; Pak. resents intrusion on their sovereignty, and says such bombings enrage Pakistanis against US. REUTERS/7APR ~ Monday, April 06, 2009
WHY THIS EPIDEMIC OF VIOLENCE VS. STRANGERS? (as well as toward family)? Let’s face it: Americans are infected with a virus of reliance on violence To solve grave problems. With 250 million guns in the hands Of our citizens, (which cannot be removed), We will have inevitable episodes of ‘senseless’ violence. Also the media contributes, by turning murderous nobodies into notorious somebodies. (The concept of INFAMY--worse than anonymity-- has disappeared.) It’s like the polio epidemic in the 1930s. Some will die—we just have to accept that as inevitable— Unless the Messiah comes (again?) 'WITHOUT EUR. HELP, AFGH. MAY DO TO OBAMA WHAT IRAQ DID TO BUSH.' says former Bush honcho. Canada will pull out in 2011. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20090406.wnato06/BNStory/Front "Pak.collapse within 6-12 months." Only 2% agree with US crusade vs. Taliban. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/06/world/asia/06islamabad.html?ref=world NATO USELESS MILITARILY says CATO honcho in NATIONAL INTEREST/6APR They'll send men only to do Social Work. On the other hand, helping Afghan civilians is admitted by Americans to be necessary to erode support of Taliban. Truth is, with or without European help, the Afghan project is a fiasco. PAKISTANI ELITES DON'T SEE TALIBAN AS DIRE THREAT They worry about India. Fight vs. Taliban is 'America's fight'. http://www.upi.com/Top_News/2009/04/06/Pakistanis-dont-share-US-Taliban-view/UPI-40701239020225/ 152 BAGHDAD CASUALTIES from 6 bombs. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/06/AR2009040600199.html?hpid=topnews ~ Sunday, April 05, 2009
FRANCE, GERMANY APPLAUD OBAMA'S AFGHAN PLANS-- but they firmly resist his call for more combat troops. Surprise, surprise. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/04/04/world/main4918872.shtml "NEW TROOPS WILL TURN TABLES ON TALIBAN ! says a US general, predictably. http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSTRE5341UA20090405 Wanna Bet? The 5000 new Eur. troops are NOT for combat, but to secure country UNTIL the election-- then they leave. "The spigot of Pent. spending is now closing !" says Gates. Tomorrow he'll announce details. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/5110462/US-to-slash-military-spending.html "Brit.soldiers can't defend a regime oppressing women." says PM Brown. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/apr/05/afghanistan-shia-rape-law-scrap Well, we ARE defending a society that oppresses women brutally. WE ARE A PAPER TIGER, VS. TALIBAN: a Canadian pundit begs Canada not to pull out of Afghanistan. He admits huge problems there, but warns a bugout would label us a Paper Tiger. Globe&mail/5April Seven years of growling like a tiger, but succeeding like a paper tiger. DOZENS OF CASUALTIES AT SHIA PAK. MOSQUE Taliban promises 2 attacks per wk unless US cuts out drone attacks. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2009-04-05-pakistan-bomb-mosque_N.htm ~ Saturday, April 04, 2009
'hitech war' (expensive weapons) is discredited; UPI (Walker's world)/4april but war industries will lobby effectively to keep the weapons procurement. LITTLE EXTRA IN FOOD STAMPS only a 13% increase, for 1 in 10 on food stamps. CBS/4APRIL With increase, family of 4 will get $14 a day. Binghamton mass-murderer felt ‘disrespected’, so murders innocent strangers. With 250 million guns in US hands, We should try to understand the lethal power of humiliation. See STRUTTING & FRETTING by Jann Benson & Dan Lyons (available by interlibrary loan or purchase from AMAZON.) 'ANGER OVER SHIA LAW INAPPROPRIATE' Says Karzai, who signed the law: marital rape OK, women can leave house only with husband's permission. REUTERS/4APRIL Lyons wrongly said this would affect all Afghan women. But even so.. One wonders what will happen in Shia-governed Iraq when US leaves/ Women were protected under Saddam! 'NON-LETHAL GOODS' MAY GO THRU UBEKSTAN TO AFGH. UNITED PRESS/ 4 APRIL What about LETHAL war goods? So far, only route is thru dangerous Pakistan. NO NEW NATO TROOPS TO AFGH. Even Britain offers only a few hundred troops TEMPORARILY. LONDON TIMES/4APRIL WHY THE REFUSAL? They know the enterprise is doomed. ----------------- But London TElegraph says other Eur. nations WILL send hundreds of troops each TEMPORARILY. US MILITARY 'NONCHALANT' ABOUT SECRET INFO ON STOLEN COMPUTERS SUPPOSED TO GO TO AFGH. MANY SUPPLY TRUCKS TORCHED THIS YEAR. GLOBAL POST /4APRIL TALIBAN INFECTED WITH 'WORLD-CALIPHATE' IDEOLOGY These ideas have spread with 'stunning' success throughout Mideast. WashPost/4April ~ Friday, April 03, 2009
WHY SHOULD WE SUPPORT ANTI-WOMEN AFGHANS? Karzai signed law permitting marital rape and forbidding wives to leave home withut husband's permission. 50% of Afghan population is under male tyranny---Taliban or not ! WAR NEEDS MORE TIME, MONEY Mil. tells Congress. KANSAS.COM bUT WITH 51% of Americans now opposing the war, amd with Congressional elections next year, and with US casualties expected to spike this year, it's not clear that more time & money will be feasible. DISTRACT, THEN ATTACK tactics of 'neo-taliban' (foreign terrorists from outside Afgh/Pak) First, cause chaos in Afgh, Pak. by individual attacks-- then when enemy forces are distracted, attack their bases. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/KD02Df01.html PAK.,CHINA HELPING TALIBAN WHY? BOTH WANT TO WEAKEN INDIA BY ENCOURAGING TERRORISTS. UPI /FEATURED STORIES/3APRIL EUROPE MORE VULNERABLE TO TERRORISTS THAN US says Obama. But it does not follow that Europe should send more troops to Afgh ! Instead, they should concentrate on Homeland Defense, --as should US ! http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/europe/04/03/nato.summit/index.html CRITICS WORRY ABOUT US-ARMED AFGHAN MILITIAS After Russ bugout, horrific civil war between tribes. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30024415/ Reduce afghan civilian casualties, say Brit charities. They're turning ordinary afghans vs. NATO. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/5095931/Nato-must-do-more-to-reduce-Afghan-civilian-casualties.html US BOMBS NEW PAK.AREA http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-briefs2-2009apr02,0,5248781.story EUROPEANS (WEST & EAST)OPPOSE AFGHAN WAR— WASH POST/3APR WHY? OBVIOUSLY BECAUSE THEY THINK MIL.WAR CANNOT BE WON VS. TALIBAN. ~ Thursday, April 02, 2009
51% of Americans oppose Afghan war (64% of Democrats). Juan Cole in SALON This expert claims that warnings of threats to America from Tal. taking over Afghanistan are propaganda like 'domino effect'claims in Viet war. Opposition to this war will grow as GI casualties rise this Spring. IRAQ SHIA GOVT.DISBANDS SUNNI FORCES THAT HELPED PACIFY COUNTRY. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/apr/02/iraq-sunni-militia-disbanded BORDER SITUATION 'INCREASINGLY DIRE' Says US mil. honcho. Obama may not grant mil. request for 10k more GIs. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/01/AR2009040102652.html?hpid=moreheadlines GOVT. CONTROLS ONLY HALF OF PAKISTAN, SAYS PAK. WOMAN HONCHO. STATE COULD COLLAPSE BEFORE 6 MONTHS, SAYS PETRAEUS AIDE. NYTIMES/2APR ~ Wednesday, April 01, 2009
TALIBAN STRENGTHENING, says Petraeus. Pak. Unable to control border areas, says Senate honco. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/04/01/terror/main4909294.shtml?tag=topHome;topStories ROBOTS WILL REPLACE SOLDIERS GLOBAL POST/2APR I PREDICTED THIS YEARS AGO. Empires of robot-specialists (esp. Japan !) will now be possible. Also, tyrant can take over US. Black humor: our gun nuts trying to stand with handguns Against impassive line of robots. GIs would hesitate to shoot Americans/ US robots wouldn’t hesitate. For arguments that megatech will do much good, but more harm, goto lamar.colostate.edu/~dlyons--ch.2 |