Dan Lyons
~ Saturday, February 28, 2009
SPIKE IN GIs KILLED/ & CIVILIANS KILLED BY ALLIES; 3 x AS MANY GIs KILLED AS IN Jan/Feb/07. More civilians killed by allies than by Taliban ! AP/28FEB 500Afghans protest foreign troops’ alleged mosque attack. NATO questions this report— But what counts is what Afghans will believe. ABC NEWS/28FEB 10k more GIs (besides the 17k now scheduled) may be needed in Afgh; Troops needed there for up to 5 years more. (Gates earlier said he might not send more than the 17k). General admits that there is an upper limit On the number of foreign troops Afghans will tolerate. LATIMES/28FEB ~ Friday, February 27, 2009
NUTTY PRIORITIES: Homeland Defense is the ONLY program whose budget Will SHRINK EVERY YEAR from 2011 to 2014 ! USATODAY/27FEB FEAR THAT KABUL WILL FALL TO TALIBAN So says Afghan honcho. US says they’ll funnel aid To provincial govts.,not to natl. govt. He says they talked that way before deserting Afghanistan earlier. Gates’ talk about making as the main objective Protection of Europe & America from terrorists Confirms Afghan suspicion that allies are NOT There to help Afgh! LATIMES/27FEB ~ Thursday, February 26, 2009
LEGISLATOR BREAKS WIDE SILENCE ON MIL. BUDGET He says ‘$650 billion’ besides wars—but ‘ hidden budget’ makes much higher. NATION/2MAR Lots of chatter on need to cut Medicare, etc— but few dare to mention trimming Bloated Pent. Obama did refer briefly to reforming ‘procurement’ And so did McCain… The veil might be coming off. 50k TROOPS WILL STAY IN IRAQ: Americans won’t care as long as casualties stay low; But less $ will be saved by ‘pullout’. MSNBC/26FEB AMERICANS SUPPORT AFGHAN GI INCREASE: UNITED PRESS/26feb But suppose It ‘doesn’t work’. /Even Gates has intimated That it might not..in which case he might not send any more. INDIRECT EFFECT OF ROAD-BOMBS: Besides killing GIs, they raise morale/recruitment of Taliban, Demonstrate weakness of Kabul govt, And weaken war-support of American people. Twice as many Afghan bombs this year. 9000 bombs in Iraq. NYTIMES/26 FEB ~ Wednesday, February 25, 2009
AIRSTRIKES PROTECT GIs, WEAKEN PAKISTAN. So says Pakistan Intelligence. NYTIMES/25FEB But this agency in past has helped Taliban. ~ Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A HAWK SAYS GET OUT OF AFGH: Title: THE MENDACITY OF HOPE. Afgh. is not a real nation; they don’t want to give up their (savage) culture. We should remove most of our forces, keeping only a couple of bases. Or else we should get out completely/ We should side with India (vs. Pakistan). It would take a generation, at least, to have any effect in Afgh. We need,not the illusion of hope, but the audacity of realism. USATODAY/24FEB/P.13A (COLUMN BY RALPH PETERS.) AFTER 7 YRS, PENT. CAN’T CONTROL AFGHAN TERRORISTS FBI chief says biggest terrorist danger is from Afgh/Pak; He worries also about ‘home-grown’ terrorists. VoiceOfAmerica/24feb When will we realize that $1 million millions annually to Pent. Doesn’t help make our homeland safe? TALIBAN OFFER TRUCE IN 2D REGION: A truce is already in place in Swat Valley, Where Tal. Was dominant. In new region, Tal. Is facing defeat. MSNBC/24FEB In any case, Tal. Now have haven to prepare Attacks in Afgh. 19,000 AIRSTRIKES LAST YEAR NO INFO ON # OF BOMBS, MUNITIONS DROPPED. NYTIMES/24FEB Enraged survivors recruited by Taliban. US MIL.AID TO PAK. IS UNDERFUNDED By 73%./ $ for Pak. Attempts to counter Tal. In border regions. GLOBE&MAIL/24FEB ~ Monday, February 23, 2009
STOP THE PAKISTAN AIRSTRIKES/ Any short-term advantage from killing Taliban is outweighed by the damage they do in recruiting angry survivors to the Taliban. So says opinion in THE ECONOMIST/(center-right journal.) WHY DON’T THESE PRESENT WARS MAKE JOBS? WWII dragged us out of Great Depression. But then weapons-making was labor-intensive. Now it’s automated/It helps only big war-corporations. (USATODAY cartoon/23feb) PENT.CHEATS WAR-WEARY GIs: ‘Extra-tour’ bonuses not forthcoming: GIs were told that if they were forced into Extra tours in Iraq, they’d get substantial bonuses. But these bonuses (for 13k GIs) are 5 months in arrears. USATODAY/23FEB Meanwhile Pentagon (useless vs. individual terrorists) Is bloated by $1 million millions a year. ANTI-US AFGHAN OPINION GROWING: 90% HATE Taliban, BUT less than half favor US, and 1 in 4 approve of attacking Americans. THE AGE (quoting polls by ABC/BBC)23feb US honchos say the only hope of success Is to get ordinary Afghans on our side, So they can take over fight vs. Taliban. ~ Sunday, February 22, 2009
IRAQ DISAGREEMENTS IN D.C.: Iraq generals, of course, want more time to withdraw than 16 months promised by Obama./ But Pentagon officials worry that then we won’t have enough troops For Afgh./SEATTLEPI/22FEB RUSS AMBIVALENT TOWARD US AFGAN PROJECT After all, US helped Afghans drive out Soviets. But they fear Islamist influence in their neighborhood. Russ observer says: “US is making same mistakes we made In Afgh—plus a mountain of their own mistakes.” NYTIMES/22FEB AFGHAN CHALLENGES: 1) getting militants to lay down arms; 2) getting more help from ‘allies’, 3) eliminating havens for armed militants. US has been bombing Pak. To help with #3—but this recruits enraged survivors To join Tal. / We won’t get more military help(#2)/ We got Iraqi Sunnis to lay down arms; but they were afraid of Shia who outnumber them 3 to 1. No such motivation exists In Afgh. (#1) We also bribed Sunnis to switch sides; but Taliban are rich with heroin money. LATIMES/22FEB ~ Saturday, February 21, 2009
60,000 GIs needed in afgh for 3 or 4 years says Top US general. Wash post/21feb But Gates says if this gp. of 1st 17000 doesn’t work, He might not send more. Is general saying this 1st group WON’T work? Maybe we should just pull out. US ENVOY: NOBODY WD SAY AFGHAN WAR IS GOING WELL Govt. flack tries to wring some good news out of situation. Abc/21feb GATES MIGHT NOT SEND MORE GIS TO AFGH If adding these 17k doesn’t work../ Expert says we have only 50/50 chance of success. (When Pent. Experts say this, they mean ‘almost no chance..’) CBS/21FEB US INTEL WRONG AGAIN ! They underestimated by far how close Iran was to making nukes. UNITED PRESS/21FEB Americans aren’t much interested in outside world. Result? Our intel svcs. Can’t recruit competent spies. We should pull out of world affairs And concentrate on mitigating threats to our Homeland. EUROPEANS TURN VS. AFGHAN WAR Result? Their govts. Won’t send more combat troops, Just (perhaps!) civilians to train Afghan troops. TELEGRAPH/21FEB NON-MIL. SUPPLIES TO AFGH. THRU UZBEKISTAN US has denounced UZ. Govt as tyrannical. BBC/21FEB What about MIL. Supplies? After bloody bombing of their funeral procession, Pak. Shia riot vs. govt. for not protecting them. AP/21FEB SWAT VALLEY CEDED TO TALIBAN: Both Tal. & Pak.govt. agree to a ‘permanent cease-fire’. Trouble is, Tal. Agreed to this once before, and used The time to rearm. FOX NEWS/21FEB In any case, Tal. Now has a haven to prepare Attacks against Afgh. ~ Friday, February 20, 2009
‘TOUGH TEST IN AFGH’/ YEAH ! Gates says we face tough test— Cnn/20feb When Pent. Honcho says ‘tough test’ He means ‘damn near impossible!’ WEST WORRIED BY SEPARATE PEACE:PAK.& TAL/ They fear that Tal. In Swat will just use truce To build up strength. ABC/20FEB PULLOUT OF BOTH WARS! Our ‘allies’ have pulled out of Iraq, and Canada & Holland will pull out of Afgh. Also—why can’t we? True, Obama promised to fight on—but the longer he waits to pull out, The more he’ll count as losing HIS war ! Afgh will make him a one-term President. GATES DISAPPOINTED OVER ‘ALLIES’ REFUSAL TO SEND MORE TROOPS/ Now he’s begging for more civilians to serve in Afgh. LONDON TIMES/20FEB COULD US INFLATE ITS WAY OUT OF DEBT? If Obama deliberately cheapens dollar, He’d cut real amount owed overseas. NEWS.YAHOO/COM/20FEB But the minute they realize this, They’ll start selling off our bonds. All bondholders will suffer, But first-sellers would suffer lesss. Then, how would we borrow more, As we must? PENTAGON ‘TOO SPARSE’?! With a budget near $1 million millions a year, Pent. Complains it’s not equipped to handle New terrorist threats. SEATTLEPI/20FEB Pentagon will NEVER be able to counter Individual terrorists (e.g., using biowar). RUSSIA OUTBIDS US AGAIN: This time, to bribe Turkmenistan to eject Americans From airbase used to supply Afgh. NPR/20feb ~ Thursday, February 19, 2009
SOME IN D.C. THINK WE SHOULD FIGHT IN AFGH. FOR 10 YRS, IF NECESSARY. /But will our people stand for that?/ Will our imperiled Economy make this possible? A.deBorchgrave in UPI.Com/Emerging Threats/19Feb OBAMA ADMITS TROOPS ALONE WON'T WIN AFGH. Troops plus diplomacy? Invaders don't speak regional languages. Troops plus develoopment? Not much so far after 7 yrs. CONFIDENCE PLUNGES IN AFGHAN PROVINCE Says Canadian general/ Most Afghans still support central govt. But no more support has been added for several years. GLOBE&MAIL 10k more GIs needed in Afgh/ says general./ Why did Obama send only 17k? Perhaps to see their effect before sending more. LATIMES/19FEB LAST CENTRAL ASIAN SUPPLY ROUTE CLOSED TO AFGH. Kyrygistan gives US 180 days to get out. Latvia will let US use it, but route must go thru Russia. This puts US effort at mercy of Russians. REUTERS/19FEB ~ Wednesday, February 18, 2009
AFGHAN SHIFT TOWARD TALIBAN A US expert says shift is ‘major’, Notes that support for US has halved in 3 yrs. NEWS.YAHOO/18FEB ~ Tuesday, February 17, 2009
‘FOREIGN TROOPS WON'T BEAT TALIBAN’ says think-tank. New troops won’t work, unless they bolster native efforts. Cbs news/17feb ISLAMIST SWAT VALLEY THREATENS 3 NATIONS Says US envoy: India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Observer says Pakistan fears Indian influence in Afgh, Cultivates Taliban in counter. LONDON TELEGRAPH/17FEB PAK. MILITARY SUPPORTED TALIBAN Intercepted phone calls to Taliban from Pak. General a)referred to Tal. Leader as ‘military asset’ and (b) warned Taliban of oncoming Pak. Attacks. LONDON TIMES/17FEB UN SAYS 828 AFGHAN CIVILIANS KILLED BY US ALLIES: In ’08. US gives lower figure, points out that more were killed By Taliban. Question is, whom do ordinary Afghans resent more? NEWS.BBC/17FEB PAKISTAN, TALIBAN IN SEPARATE PEACE? TALIBAN HAVEN. Pak. Army has quit attacking in Swat Valley, And is enforcing SHARIA there (brutal version of Islamic law), To appease Taliban. Pak. Army was trained to fight India, not to fight insurgents. REUTERS/17FEB ~ Monday, February 16, 2009
PAKISTAN APPEASES TALIBAN ‘Sharia’ law (e.g., no female schools) will be enforced by govt. in Swat valley. UNITED PRESS/16FEB Peace between Pak. & Taliban is Bad news for US & allies in Afgh. BATTLE ROBOTS THREATEN ATROCITIES: They must be programmed to observe rules; But they won’t be. LONDON TIMES/16FEB Lyons warned years ago about the danger of War robots..which can be turned against our Own people. GIs wouldn’t slaughter Americans; Robots won’t hesitate. Tyrants will rule. Black humor: The idea of our handgun nuts ‘defending our freedom’ Against a line of impassive robots. For early warning re:megatech, see lamar.colostate.edu/~dlyons (ch.2) ~ Sunday, February 15, 2009
ATTACKS ON SHIA CONTINUE: Attempts by Quaeda to turn Shia against Sunnis. CNN/15FEB (Iraq Shia outnumber Sunnis 3 to 1)/ Even if counterattacks don’t happen, It’s unlikely that Shia—controlling govt--will grant Sunni demands;/ Granting these demands is necessary for peace. ~ Saturday, February 14, 2009
US INTEL HONCHO WARNS THAT TALIBAN ARE GAINING/ We can’t succeed until Pak. Controls border;/ But Tal. Are gaining in Pak!/ InternatlHeraldTribune/14Feb Soviet vets warn US about hopeless Afghan war/ It’s like fighting sand/This is their Holy Land. Reuters/14feb AFGHAN POPPIES/ There are more poppy-free regions in Afgh, but the two big ones, producing most of the world’s heroin-poppies (and providing $300,000 a year to Taliban) Are still working. Growers are rich farmers, sometimes govt. officials, Who pay off Taliban for ‘poppy licenses’. GLOBE&MAIL/14FEB TALIBAN WILL ENDURE UNTIL WE WIN AFGHANS' TRUST says US mil. honcho. As long as we shell and bomb them,is that likely? A BLOG IN USATODAY(14FEB) ASKS A) can we ‘win’ in Afgh? (almost no US forces understand the local languages) B) IF WE DO ‘WIN’, we’ll set up a regime like Bangladesh— Is this worth the thousands of GI lives and the billions of dollars this will cost? ~ Friday, February 13, 2009
WAR TO HELP WEST,NOT AFGH. Allies despair of reforming Afgh,/ Would settle for mitigating Taliban danger to West. GUARDIAN/13FEB /afghan suspicions confirmed./ Can shrunken goal be fulfilled? 80 IRAQI CASUALTIES from suicide bomb. Cnn/13 Iraq population is about 1/10th of US, so this is equivalent to EIGHT HUNDRED US casualties. ~ Thursday, February 12, 2009
REAL, LASTING COST OF WAR ‘GULF WAR SYNDROME’ AFFECTS 1 IN 4 VETS OF 1ST GULF WAR Incurable ailment from war which Americans thought was low cost. UNITED PRESS/12FEB OVER 200,000 US WEAPONS LOST-- PERHAPS TO TALIBAN. No record of disposition of over 200k weapons. NYT12FEB ~ Wednesday, February 11, 2009
~ Tuesday, February 10, 2009
US WILL INTERVENE IN MEXICO? PENT. Report last November said that every branch Of Mex. Govt. is threatened by druglords, and may need ‘supervision’ by US military. WORLD SOCIALIST/10FEB Oh, good, another war. LESSONS FROM RUSS/AFGHAN WAR They stayed in for 9 years, with 150k troops at a time, With high Russ casualties. We’ll likely have to stay even longer. Cost: $70 thousand millions per year. Pres. In 2012 will likely refer to ‘OBAMA’S WAR’. REUTERS/10FEB MOST APPROVE OBAMA, NOT GOP CONGRESSMEN/ 67% LIKE O’s actions, only 1 in 3 like GOP actions. SEATTLEPI/10AUG ~ Monday, February 09, 2009
AFGHANS BLAME US FOR TROUBLES More blame us than blame Taliban. ABCNEWS/9FEB Everyone admits that military force alone Won’t work— we have to win hearts&minds Of natives. After 7 years, we’ve failed miserably. SMALL-GOVT. GOP? Bs !They back profligate Pentagon ! They accuse Dems of favoring Big Spending; But they have always backed the Pentagon, Spending nearly 1 million millions of dollars Each year ! MOST AFGHANS DISAPPROVE OF AIRSTRIKES 77% disapprove. Far fewer Afghans think they’re well-off than 4 yrs ago. (Most dislike Taliban.) ~ Sunday, February 08, 2009
TALIBAN SYMPATHIZERS CAN’T BE BRIBED, As Sunnis leaders were bribed in Iraq to desert Quaeda./ Afgh. tribal leaders have access to thousands of millions In drug money. NEW WAR ON AFGHAN DRUGS Success here will deprive Taliban of millions of $/ But it will enrage Afghan farmers, depriving them Of main source of income. ABC,NEWS/8FEB NON-LETHAL US GOODS MAY CROSS RUSSIA./ Cbs.news/8feb But Afgh war requires tons of LETHAL goods, So this is not much help in crisis Of threats to US supplies crossing Afghanistan. BRITAIN WORST THREAT TO US/ CIA honchos say Islamists in Britain are most likely To stage new 9/11. UNITED PRESS/ 8FEB/ That shows the folly of investing billions of $ And thousands of GI lives in Afghanistan, supposedly to prevent Attacks on US. Instead,we should concentrate on Homeland Security, To prevent attacks or at least mitigate their effects. $-stuffed Pentagon is useless in this project. SUCCESS-ODDS ARE LOW, says Petraeus./ Afgh. has been the graveyard of empires. He warns of a ‘downward spiral’ of security./ Extra Eur.fighting troops necessary but unlikely./ WASH POST/8FEB ‘Worst crisis I’ve seen” says seasoned negotiator. About Afgh. We need cooperation between Afgh,,India, and Pakistan— Who don’t trust each other at all ! REUTERS/FEB ~ Saturday, February 07, 2009
PENT.SPENDS NEARLY 5 THOUSANDS OF MILLIONS OF $ ON PENT..PROPAGANDA/ 2NEWS/7FEB That’s why Lyons makes puny effort to spread pessimist news on wars. PAKISTANIS CAUGHT BETWEEN TALIBAN & ARMY/ They’re angry at Taliban, but more angry at Pak.army. MSNBC/7FEB OBAMA ‘SCARED’ ABOUT PAKISTAN Civilian govt is so corrupt, army might take over again. Taliban sets up a ‘ministate’ in Swat valley. GLOBE &MAIL/7FEB ~ Friday, February 06, 2009
PROBLEMS WITH EVERY SUPPLY ROUTE TO AFGHANISTAN. BBC/6FEB Too bad the Bushies didn’t foresee supply problems into landlocked Afghanistan. They might have hesitated to invade. WHAT DO CORPORATIONS WANT?/ They DON’T want $ given outright to ordinary Americans./Not even $ paid for work on govt. projects. They want to LEND $ to these suckers, charging high interest./ (Small investors, buying CDs, get very LOW interest.)/ They approved subsidy to newtime home-buyers, Because they would then need huge mortgages: Money lent by the wealthy, at high interest rates./ They want ‘tax-cuts’, mainly for the wealthy./ To find out what corporations want, just look for the measures GOP insists on. WHACKING MOLES US TALKS ABOUT DENYING QUAEDA HAVEN IN AFGH,/ BUT QUAEDA HAS MANY MORE HAVENS, E.G., SOMALIA, YEMEN, PAKISTAN.. POSSIBLY INDONESIA./ US $, GI BLOODSHED IN AFGH. MAY WELL BE WASTED. NO MORE HELP IN AFGH European leaders refuse either more money or more fighting troops In Aghanistan. WASH POST/6FEB RUSSIA OUTSPENDS US FOR KRYGYZ BASE They give Krygystan more money, persuading them To close base crucial to our Afghan project. Supply routes thru Pakistan prove unreliable (75% of allied supplies) ~ Thursday, February 05, 2009
MEGATECH COULD HAVE CAUSED EARTHQUAKE/ Huge dam near site of earthquake perhaps caused the Aggravated quake killing 90,000 Chinese./ GUARDIAN/5FEB Technophils have claimed that human efforts were too puny To affect the world./ For argument that megatech does more harm than good, See lamar.colostate.edu/~dlyons/ch.2 ~ Wednesday, February 04, 2009
AFTER 7 YRS OF WAR, PENT. IS JUST NOW DEVELOPING ADEQUATE VEHICLE. Pent. Knew The humvee was a death-trap. Present MRAP is too heavy and clumsy to maneuver in road-scarce Afgh. Nearly 900 GI casualties have resulted in afgh. THIS YEAR from road bombs. USATODAY/4FEB PENT. IGNORED ‘DEATH-TRAP’ WARNINGS. They knew even before our 2 wars that Humvee would be death-trap when facing Road-bombs. USATODAY/4FEB. Pent. Cares for our troops as KFC Cares for its chickens. BRIT HONCHO TO BE JAILED FOR TELLING AGHAN CASUALTIES/ He ‘leaked’ secret info to rights-worker. CNN/4FEB US ARMS TO AFGHAN TRIBES MAY SPUR CIVIL WARS Taliban success before ’01 was because they offered (safer) Tyranny instead of anarchy. CBS NEWS/4FEB MILITANTS FLOOD INTO AFGH 60% of ‘taliban’ fighters are now foreigners. (Foreigners on both sides fighting on Afghan soil !) 700 civilians killed by allies. ‘Tal’ attacks up 33% in ’08. REUTERS/4FEB EVEN W/NEW TROOPS, AFGH SIT IS BAD/ WORSE THAN OBAMA FORESAW/ PAKISTAN IS IN SERIOUS DANGER OF COLLAPSE (WITH NUKE MISSILES !)/ New envoy is ‘appalled’./ Pak. Says predator strike hit civilians,not Taliban/ Army honcho worries ‘how much time we have.” WASH POST/4 FEB UN CHIEF DECRIES ALLIED KILLINGS/ He joined Karzai in protesting our killing of Afghan civilians/ Nytimes/4feb ANOTHER THREAT TO NATO SUPPLIES After a bridge was blown, pres. Of Krygistan announced it would Cut off use of airbase by Americans. This AFTER RUSS PROMISED AID TO KRYGISTAN. ./SEATTLEPI/4FEB It would be upsetting to think that Russ are undermining our Afghan fiasco— but then we undermined their Afghan occupation / Howver, Petraeus said that privately K.authorities deny this cutoff. ~ Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Investors dump 90 thousands of millions worth of US securities. USATODAY/3FEB We survive only by people buying our bonds. Damage was done by Bushies, Pentagon. Will Obama get the blame? NO AFGHAN DEMOCRACY Pentagon advised Obama to give up on democracy, Settle for beating Taliban in Afgh. & Pakistan. UNITED PRESS/3FEB Can we do even this in less than 20 yrs? 2 DAYS, 2 BOMBS 2 ATTACKS IN 2 DAYS/ Tal. Bombed Afghan police twice./ Some police have been killed In ‘friendly fire’ by Allies. WASH POST/3FEB NATO SUPPLY BRIDGE BOMBED By Taliban, In Kyber Pass. Supplies held u p for now. NYTIMES/3FEB Most supplies now come thru Pakistan. ~ Monday, February 02, 2009
FAILED AFGHAN RECONSTRUCTION: Everyone says that mere military might won’t prevail in Afgh, Not without widespread reconstruction that Afghans perceive As helping them. But about the US efforts in this line, an expert says, “It’s hard to overstate the failure.” USATODAY/2FEB AFGHAN CAMPAIGN IS ‘DEBACLE’ Says Indian paper/ leaders of both Pakistan And Afgh told internatl conference that Bombing Pak. Was counter-productive. /Taliban control Swat Valley in Pakistan, (outside their usual havens.) INDIAN EXPRESS/2FEB One bomb caused 45 Afghan Police casualties. VOICE OF AMERICA/2FEB ~ Sunday, February 01, 2009
CHINA CAN MAKE JOBS,NOT US Dictators hire unemployed college grads as village administrators. Our stimulus attempts are blocked by GOP, Who demand subsidies for rich As price of helping ordinary Americans TENS OF THOUSANDS OF GIs ENDANGERED IN KOREA For 50 yrs we have had GIs pointlessly stationed in Korea. They are now hostages to No.Korea, whose artillery can Reach all So.Korea. Now N.K. has WARNED OF POSSIBLE WAR with S.Korea. NEWS.YAHOO/1FEB In an hour they can destroy Seoul and other cities, And can slaughter GIs. Then we’d destroy N.Korea. Some consolation ! 5 more yrs (or more) in Afgh (after 7 yrs already!) Obama will ditch Karzai, count on local authorities (perhaps druglords or warlords). Stakes are higher than in Iraq. If nuke-armed Pakistan Descends into chaos… LATIMES/1FEB LOW IRAQ VOTE TURNOUT 51% nationally, 40% in some places. Losers could say vote is illegitimate. LATIMES/1FEB KILLING AFGHAN CIVILIANS ENDANGERS GIs Say US honchos. It turns whole villages against us. SEATTLEPI/1FEB SHRUNKEN AFGHAN GOALS US leaders have given up hoping that our European allies will add thousands of combat troops To their Afghan commitment. They now hope for help only in training Afghan soldiersAnd reconstructing the country. Gates said publicly that ‘no nation has the time, patience or money’ to set up an Afghan ‘valhalla’(paradise). LONDON TIMES/1FEB What he didn’t say is that allies won’t be able to Set up even a tolerable Afghan society, that their only goal now is to deprive terrorists Of an Afghan haven. (This also will be impossible—and unimportant, since Terrorists have plenty of other havens worldwide.) And Afghans won’t be happy to learn that this war Is not to help Afgh, but to prevent terrorist attacks On Europe & America. |