Dan Lyons
~ Saturday, January 31, 2009
OBAMA DEMANDS CHINA CUT HUGE EXPORTS But China is now our main creditor; if they quit buying US treasuries,etc., We’d be in a horrific place. CbS.news/31jan If our treasuries shrink in value, (e.g if our dollar gets devalued) all holders of them will suffer-- but the nationes who sell first will suffer less. OBAMA’S PROTECTIONISM: ‘Buy American!’ provisions in stimulus bill Criticized by trade partners, could lead to similar measures in other nations. NEWS YAHOO/31JAN Once again: US imports more than it exports (trade deficit) /So even if it Exports less from foreign tariffs (explicit & hidden) it will come out ahead in terms of jobs If it can cut imports. Other nations will move toward protectionism Even if US doesn’t. World Depression looms. ~ Friday, January 30, 2009
By April, Obama must present an Afghan strategy to NATO allies, (increasingly disenchanted by the project). Karzai democracy hasn’t worked (Afgh has never had a working democracy). Will we install a dictator? What is our goal? To prevent another 9/11 by preventing QaedaFrom hiding out in Afgh? Or will this be too costly in lives and money? CSMONITOR/30JAN Qaeda has plenty of other havens (e.g., Somalia, Yemen…) So we won’t gain much for homeland security by Fighting on in Afgh. We should bug out of both Iraq & Afgh, and spend the money On beefing up homeland security at home ! ~ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
US AIRSTIKES HELP TALIBAN, Says GATES, top Pent honcho ! He also says we MUST stop drug- Production—Karzai’s govt. probably won’t. "We now have NO ORGANIZED STRATEGY." BALTIMORE SUN/27JAN FULL PAPAL SOLIDARITY WITH JEWS. SAYS Maledictus I(a former Hitler soldier). Muslims won’t be surprised, not after He publicly denounced MOHAMMED ! EFFECTIVE TALIBAN PROPAGANDA: They propagate claims of US killing civilians; General:”They say we kill civilians—but THEY do !” Interviewer: “You both do.” Gen:”We try to avoid it; they do it deliberately.” CBS/28JAN But US bombs villages, knowing it’s inevitable that civiliansWill be killed./ And between 2 versions of a killing, Ordinary Afghans will believe other Afghans, Not the infidel invader. MEGATECH HAS RUINED WORLD (till 3000) Temp will stay high NO MATTER WHAT WE DO NOW/ Rising sea-levels, widespread draughts. NEWS.YAHOO/28JAN For argument that megatech does MORE HARM THAN GOOD, goto lamar.colostate.edu/~dlyons Then click on chapter two. ‘MOST CRITICAL TIME EVER IN AFGH’ says Think-tank. / Valid elections may not be possible. Both Canada & Holland think of pulling out. US wants more English help, but… LONDON TELEGRAPH/28JAN BENEFITS OF PROTECTIONISM: Wherever IMPORTS OUTWEIGH EXPORTS (as in US), Then tariffs make sense, to mimimize imports. /Granted, other countries will do the same— But the jobs saved here by tariffs Will be greater than those lost by lower exports. /Anyway, in times of world depression, Other countries will restrict imports Whatever we do, so we can’t lose by Restricting our own imports. PROFLIGATE PENTAGON BLOCKS ADEQUATE STIMULUS Why can’t govt.budget ADEQUATE stimulus? Because it’s wasting one thousand millions of dollars a year On Pentagon—its ships/planes useless vs. individual terrorists. ALLIES CAN’T MINGLE WITH AFGHANS When Canadian troops try, Taliban shows up right afterwards To warn civilians against cooperation. GLOBE&MAIL/28JAN US MUST FIGHT IN AFGH. WITHOUT CANADIANS: US HONCHOS SAY AFGHAN.CAMPAIGN WILL TAKE 10 YRS— BUT OUR STAUNCHEST ALLY .CANADA. WILL PULL OUT IN 2 YEARS ! GATES SAYS ‘GIVE UP ON AFGHAN DEMOCRACY’, AIM ONLY AT DENYING TERRORISTS AN AFGHAN HAVEN. LATIMES/28JAN /But once people taste the illusion of democracy, they’d be furious to hear we’ve abandoned that ideal— and Quaeda will be sure they HEAR about Gates’ remark—that this is foreigners’ war to protect themselves, not a war to help Afghans. --GATES HIMSELF says that this perception means Afghans will drive us out, as they have driven out every invader since Alexander the Great. O.pushes war over Afghan development He’ll leave development to Eur.allies— But will they pick up the baton? NYTIMES/28JAN An awful dilemma: Gates noted that If Afghans don’t see the war as ‘theirs’, Benefiting them, then they’ll drive us out As they have driven out every invader Since Alexander the Great. So development Is essential. But Taliban sets out to destroy every Civil advance—so US has to weaken Taliban first. But can we? US TURNS ON KARZAI (who criticizes US for killing civilians). US will work with provincial leaders instead of central govt. UNITED PRESS/28JAN But if Afghans agree with Karzai, This move will alienate them further. RABBIS DROP TIES WITH POPE: After he welcomed back Holocost-denying bishop. UNITED PRESS/28JAN This Pope belonged to Hitler youth, then Hitler army, Granted both were involuntary… But he should have learned about special evil While in Hitler youth. Then he should have Fled Germany before he could be drafted. ~ Tuesday, January 27, 2009
TALIBAN TAKE OVER SWAT VALLEY— A NEW PAK. CONQUEST /1000 PROTEST GOVT. TIES W/AMERICA. /Cbs news./27JAN WHOSE WAR? NO MORE THAN 30K EXTRA TROOPS TO AFGH. Says Gates. Afghan people must see it as THEIR war; Else we’ll be driven out just as every other Foreign force was driven out.. Reuters/27jan Our airstrikes already convince Afghans that this is foreigners’ war. NATO LOSING VS. TALIBAN says think-tank. Unless all NATO forces agree on what counts as ‘success’, Many countries may pull out. LONDON TELEGRAPH/27JAN ~ Monday, January 26, 2009
More Afghan civilians killed/ These killings undermines ESSENTIAL attempts to line up Afghans on our side. /Nytimes/26JAN US gives different accounts of these killings— But what Afghan would believe these infidel invaders? ~ Sunday, January 25, 2009
THOUSANDS OF AFGHANS PROTEST VS. US Angry over the killing of civilians NYTIMES/25JAN Pakistan Pres. Says US airstrikes vs. Pak. Are counter-productive. ~ Friday, January 23, 2009
PROBLEMATIC USE OF TRIBAL MILITIAS: Afgh is mountainous area the size of Texas. Even with 30K added GIs, this area can’t be protected. So the plan was to imitate the success in Iraq, Arming the locals. But Afgh. is famous for warring tribes. (indeed, the chaos from these wars was what helped the Taliban take over much of Afgh. The people preferred tyranny to anarchy.) So the plan has been postponed. WASH POST/23JAN It would be interesting to find out whether the area now controlled By Taliban is greater than the area so controlled before our invasion!) ~ Thursday, January 22, 2009
TALIBAN DODGE AIRSTRIKES They’ve learned to attack, then disappear before planes arrive.. Like all terrorists, they attack from civilian areas So planes will bomb civilians, enrage Afghans even more. USATODAY/22JAN They recognize that US wants to minimize GI casualties, So we use airstrikes excessively. WHERE NATO TROOPS AREN’T, TALIBAN ARE. The foreigners have ceded large parts of Afgh to Taliban. Simply because they lack the troops to hold those regions. NYTIMES/22JAN Will only 30K added GIs change this dilemma? Obama's commitment to Afghan war was foolish. NO MORE CANADIAN TROOPS TO AFGH Most Canadians oppose this war; Canada set on pulling out. THE HINDU/ 22JAN ~ Wednesday, January 21, 2009
LIMITED EFFECTIVENESS OF KILLING PETRAUS SAYS WE MUST IMPROVE WELL-BEING OF AFGHANS TO WIN VS. TALIBAN. /LONDON TIMES/21JAN BUT CAN WE DO THIS IN LESS THAN 20 YEARS? This point shows uselessness of Pentagon, Which is just a killing machine (& money-making machine). WE CAN CLEAR BUT NOT HOLD 30k US troops can win every battle—of course we can, with 1st-world weapons and airstrikes. But we can’t hold the territory won.. Will we be able to, with only 30k more troops? (Soviets couldn’t with 150k troops.) SEATTLEPI/21JAN ~ Tuesday, January 20, 2009
CAN GOP TURN LIBERTARIAN? Like GOP, libertarians hate the idea of taxing the rich to help the poor. Indeed, this is the central theme of both groups. Both groups oppose gun control. But the libertarians also oppose punishing abortion, And discrimination against gays & lesbians. If the GOP gives up their devotion to ‘social conservatism’ (bigotry) then they’d lose the loyalty of the dumb ordinary bigots who vote against their own economic interests, voting for the party of the Wealthy. Wealthy Republicans may be the smartest Americans— But unwealthy Republicans are certainly the dumbest. The wealthy after all are a very small minority of voters. Libertarian candidates get very few votes. So it would be suicide for GOP to give up their Bigotry stands. But in the seeming present Depression, these ordinary Bigots are so threatened with destitution that they Forget about their hate-luxury and begin to vote Their pocketbooks. For now at least, it seems The GOP is doomed. “QUIT DEMANDING MORE PAKISTANI HELP VS. TALIBAN’ says top Pak. Mil. Honcho. “We have sacrificed more in this battle than any of our critics.” WASH POST/20JAN AFGHAN NATION MAY RISE UP VS. FOREIGNERS Says honcho. Pres. Says killing of civilians is a main source of instability. (Corruption of Karzai’s govt. is also a big problem.) REUTERS/20JAN ~ Monday, January 19, 2009
PEOPLE FROM 70 COUNTRIES denounce Israel AND AMERICA. Latimes/19jan That’s part of the cost of our slavish obedience to Israeli politicians. “A PRODUCT OF CIRCUMSTANCE “ (Gazan civilian death caused by indiscrimate Isreaeli attacks) says Israeli honcho. Google.news/ How’s that for black humor? ~ Sunday, January 18, 2009
INDONESIAN IMAM CALLS FOR JIHAD VS. ISRAEL REUTERS/18JAN This illustrates the folly of Israeli atrocities, further enraging1000 millions of Muslims worldwide. “Well, they already hate Israel..so what did Israel lose?” There are 3 levels of terrorist-support: The outside circle just talks support, takes no action. The middle circle offers money, and hides terrorists. The inside circle of ‘hard-men’ willing to die and kill. Each added degree of rage moves some in outside circle To middle circle, and adds some in middle circle To inner circle. ~ Saturday, January 17, 2009
Israel pulls back to city edge: Is this mark of coming unilateral truce? Or is it retreat from bloody city warfare? www.presstv/16jan BRAIN ‘PUNISHES’ NON-CONFORMITY When a person differs from majority in his group, Brain signals error-message, and reward part weakens. CNN.COM/16JAN Obviously I don’t have a normal brain— Thank God, when majority is so often just wrong. IRAQ PARTITION ON THE WAY: Constitution allows de facto secession of South Iraq, just like the Kurds. Biggest Shia party plans ‘autonomous region’. MSNBC/16JAN I’ve said all along that this is inevitable and beneficial. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28696622/ ~ Friday, January 16, 2009
“WE CAN’T KILL OUR WAY OUT OF THIS TERRORIST THREAT!” says a sensible Brit honcho. But there is no OTHER way, either, that we can eliminate these individual terrorists. We should concentrate on HOMELAND DEFENSE, (MINIMIZING ATTACKS, AND DAMAGE) spending on it somewhere as much as we spend on USELESS PENTAGON. SUPPOSE US WERE ROCKETED FROM MEXICO: I suppose Americans would go crazy, even if damage was slight. Similarly, I understand Israelis going crazy over rocketing. But I don’t approve of their hysterical reaction to a few, Fairly harmless rockets. US MAY INVADE MEXICO says US army flaks. Mexico is collapsing, so we’ll have to start ANOTHER war. LondonTelegraph/16jan BinLaden says it’s a war, so it is? Brit flak disagrees with honcho who points out that Conflict with individual terrorists should not be called ‘war’, Which term legitimizes pointlessly attacking countries. LONDON TIMES/16JAN MASS-MURDER TO WIN ELECTION Perhaps Israel will cut back on slaughter after Israeli election. GLOBE&MAIL/16JAN UN AFGHAN HONCHO OPPOSES STRATEGY CHANGE ‘We don’t implement strategy, then blame the strategy.” Situation deteriorating. NEWS.YAHOO/16JAN AFGHAN TROUBLES: --US plans to bring in 20k more troops, organize local militias to fight Taliban. But that’s just what Soviet did before they were pushed out. (they had far more troops Than US will have, even after increase.) --Afghans deeply resent US airstrikes, killing civilians. --Kabul govt. is corrupt and ineffective (and Karzai criticizes US publicly.) --When new troops arrive, level of violence will spike, enraging Afghans ever more. WASH POST/16JAN ~ Thursday, January 15, 2009
4 AFGHAN DISTRICTS CONTROLLED BY TALIBAN: In these, Kabul govt ‘does not exist’, says Afghan honcho. CHINA NEWS/15JAN DOES INTENTION COUNT IN JUDGING MURDER? Catholic hierarchy says you can kill patients as long as your INTENTION in giving Heavy morphine doses is not to kill, but to relieve pain. Defenders of Israel say intentional torture (e.g. by US) is wicked, But not unintended (tho perfectly foreseeable) wounding (i.e., torture) Of civilians in war. Nonsense. TALIBAN CLAIMS THEY SHOT DOWN COPTER Containing top general. NEWS.YAHOO/15JAN Once again, we should suspect either side's claims of success vs. other side. But Afghans will believe Taliban. ‘WAR ON TERROR’ TERM A MISTAKE says Brit Honcho/GUARDIAN/15JAN ‘We can’t kill our way out of this threat.” GENERALS PLANNED TO LEAVE IRAQ MORE SLOWLY— BUT NOW THEY’RE PLANNING TO LEAVE FASTER, TO SATISFY OBAMA. /NYTIMES/15JAN ISRAELIS BOMB UN HQ, WITH WHITE PHOSPORUS ! DESTROYING THOUSANDS OF POUNDS OF RELIEF FOODS./GOOGLE.NEWS/15JAN ISRAELIS SHELL MEDIA BLDG/ FOX NEWS/15JAN ~ Wednesday, January 14, 2009
~ Tuesday, January 13, 2009
LONG-TERM PROBLEMS FOR 300,000 VETS Seizures, aggression, dementia for GIs with Brain injuries. LATIMES/13JAN The costs for these stupid wars will persist thru our lifetimes. HOW WILL NEW GIs BE USED IN AFGH? WHICH PRIORITY? Securing border with Pakistan, Or protecting population from Taliban attacks? Some say latter goal is impossible. LATIMES/13JAN WHITE PHOSPORUS USED BY ISRAEL? The most horrific weapon burns its way through live bodies. LATIMES/13JAN OBAMA DOESN’T SEE US AS TURNING TIDE—new troops are seen Only as ‘buying time’ for complete re-evaluation of our Afghan war. Setting up a stable democracy would be impossible And unaffordable. WASH POST/13JAN ~ Monday, January 12, 2009
TALIBAN ATTACKS WENT FROM 188 LAST YR TO 315 IN ’08. In ’07, they had a permanent presence in 54% of the country; This year, 72%. USATODAY/12JAN AFGHAN TALIBAN ATTACK PAKISTAN 600 Taliban attack a lightly-defended Pakistani post. Many of these posts have too few troops, Because troops have been sent to India border. WASH POST/12JAN ~ Sunday, January 11, 2009
IRAN ATTACK COULD THREATEN GIS I N IRAQ If Iraq Shias cut off supplies thru Basra, and enraged Pakistanis cut off supplies thru Pakistan. Also, Iran could restore super anti-vehicle mortars to Iraq resistance. Also, oil prices would shoot up. NO PENTAGON CUTS (from 1 million millions a year) because Congressmen won’t dare cut jobs ABC/11JAN Pentagon spending gives far less bang for a buck (than, say, education, bridge repair) as stimulus. Shia govt. failed in Anbar, says Marine general. They gave money,etc, to Shia Basra, But not to Sunni Anbar. MSNBC/11JAN Reconciliation still stalled; wait till Shias try to run Anbar ! Partition is the only solution. IRAQ WAR WOULD BE ILLEGAL, UNJUST AND DISASTROUS, Cardinal told Bush in ’02. (Cardinal just died). Vatican has superb intelligence service. Bush intelligence was very Incompetent. ~ Friday, January 09, 2009
MEDIA CHATTER ABOUT ‘RETURN OF BIG GOVT’ IN OBAMA’S STIMULUS PKG. They’re silent about one million millions of $ to Pentagon every year, MAJOR NON-MIL. PUSH NEEDED FOR AFGH To stop growing Taliban power Says Petraeus Nytimes/9jan We should pull out of Afgh. Quaeda has plenty of other havens, and they have havens already in Afgh. ~ Thursday, January 08, 2009
NO US STRATEGY IN AFGH. A think-tank says Bushies think only of short-term tactics. Ignorant of Afghan culture. NEWS.YAHOO/8JAN TALIBAN WHOPPERS: Obvious lies about their damaging NATO troops,Equipment. But remember: neither can you trust US,allies when they tell About Taliban casualties. Generals trained to kill are also willing to lie. REUTERS/8JAN KARZAI DENOUNCES US KILLINGS: Reminds us that such killings of civilians alienates Afghans. US denies civilians killed. What really happened? It doesn’t matter; Afghans will believe Karzai before foreign invaders. REUTERS/8JAN ~ Wednesday, January 07, 2009
MORE CIVILIANS KILLED? An Afghan official says family of 5 were killed by Brits; Brits say they know of no civilians killed in operation. NYTIMES/7DEC WHICH WILL AFGHANS BELIEVE? ~ Tuesday, January 06, 2009
MANY AFGHANS BLAME US FOR GAZA They note that US has not made Afgh secure, US does not respect Afghan traditions, US kills Afghan civilians in airstrikes— And now US supports Israel in killing Muslims. WASH..POST/6JAN INDIA CHARGES PAK.GOVT. with conspiracy in Mumbai bombing. This might well mean more Pak. Troops pulled out of taliban fight And m oved to India border. SEATTLEEPI/6JAN INDIA CHARGES PAK.GOVT. with conspiracy in Mumbai bombing. This might well mean more Pak. Troops pulled out of taliban fight And m oved to India border. SEATTLEEPI/6JAN ~ Monday, January 05, 2009
TALIBAN SOLVES PROBLEMS 100 miles from Kabul. Karzai govt. & US does NOT solve these problems. Sunday Herald/5jan ~ Sunday, January 04, 2009
100 suicide casualties near Shia shrine in Baghdad. Google.com/4JAN These attacks (by Sunnis) make reconciliation Less probable. Partition is likely solution. ~ Saturday, January 03, 2009
US MAKING SAME MISTAKES AS SOVIET IN AFGH. Says Russ honcho. “We tried to introduce socialism; You try to introduce democracy. Neither invader asks What Afghans want. They are still poor, but now also bombed.” LONDON TIMES/3JAN ~ Friday, January 02, 2009
RECONCILIATION MEETING BOMBED: 45 CASUALTIES AMONG TRIBAL LEADERS MEETING TO DISCUSS SUNNI/SHIA FRIENDSHIP. NYTIMES/2JAN KARZAI’S REGIME A ‘NARCO-MAFIA’ REGIME Completely corrupt./Taliban don’t demand bribes where They dominate. Seattlepi/2jan ~ Thursday, January 01, 2009