Dan Lyons
~ Tuesday, December 30, 2008
US HONCHO ‘NOT SURE’ WE CAN WIN AFGH.(When they say 'not sure of victory', they mean 'probably defeat'.) Karzai’s forces are corrupt; Taliban forces bribery-free. US forces can clear areas, but not hold them. Gates is not sure how many years, how many thousands of GIs Will be necessary. USNEWS&WORLD REPORT/30DEC WHY TROOP-SHORTAGE IN WAR ZONES? Army has 570,000 active troops, but Posts only 200k in war zones—and keeps sending back those who’ve already served. And they talk of being overstretched. What the hell? CBSNEWS/30DEC TALIBAN CONTROL 80% OF SWAT VALLEY in North, near Kabul, Far from usual militant regions. SEATTLEPI/30DEC Pak. has temporarily blocked US/NATO supplies going into Afgh. ~ Sunday, December 28, 2008
POPE & IRAN PRES,.AGREE IN DENOUNCING GAYS Two primitives agree; but Iranian says there are no gays In Iran; Pope is more sensible in Not saying there are no gays Among Catholic clergy. LONDON TIMES/28DEC ~ Saturday, December 27, 2008
IRAQI POLICE NOT QUITE READY to take over security in cities from GIs, As is required next June by the pact. REUTERS/27DEC Also: most forces are Shia, could turn on Sunnis (outnumbered 3 to 1). US LOSING RELIGION say 2 in 3 Americans. Small wonder when churches are in GOP pockets. USATODAY/27DEC BAD NEWS FOR ANTI-TALIBAN: Pak is moving thousands of troops away from the Afghan border to the Indian border. ‘Even a miniwar with India would be disastrous for Pakistan and for their necessary help vs. Taliban. SEATTLEPI/27DEC 76 SHIA CASUALTIES FROM ONE BOMB. GOOGLE NEWS/27DEC Terrorists see to it that Shia will not make up with Sunni. ~ Friday, December 26, 2008
GOVT. WARNS OF HEIGHTENED DANGER OF TERRORIST ATTACKS ON OUR HOMELAND SeattlePI/26dec But they still shovel tons of money to useless Pentagon, Not for Homeland Defense. THOUSANDS OF PAK.TROOPS MOVED AWAY FROM AFGHAN BORDER --AWAY FROM FIGHTING TALIBAN-- (TO INDIAN BORDER). Guardian/26dec ~ Thursday, December 25, 2008
Long-term troubles for 300,000 brain-injured vets. Seizures, aggression and dementia threaten even those vets with MILD injuries. LATIMES/25dec This is part of the price of our two goofy wars. TALIBAN ATTACK TRUCKS RETURNING EMPTY FROM AFGH through Pakistan. These are less guarded than loaded vehicles entering Afghanistan. NYTIMES/25DEC ~ Wednesday, December 24, 2008
OBAMA FLOODED WITH BUSHIE AFGHAN ADVICE: One general advocates airstrikes, but not more ground war ! (a prescription for further enraging ordinary Afghans.) Gates: “We don’t want too many GIs in Afgh. That would make it look like an occupation, not a cooperation with Afghans.” (It already looks like an occupation—a failing occupation— just like the Soviet failure.) LATIMES/24DEC US-ALLIED TRIBES IN AFGH? Despairing of Karzai’s central army & police, US is going to recruit tribesmen to Help fight Taliban. Worry is about Pashtun tyranny, civil war. An observer says That US is not using the real power in each tribe. Taliban control 82% of one district. REUTERS/24dec PARTIES SPLIT UP: The main Sunni bloc in Parliament has split, and the main Shia party will split. The Sunni speaker of the House has resigned. REUTERS24dec ~ Tuesday, December 23, 2008
‘ISRAEL CAN’T DEFEAT IRAN, OR WIPE OUT ITS NUKE RESOURCES.’ Says Israeli honco. After an attack, Iran would launch many missiles At Israeli AND AMERICAN facilities. For instance, at GIs in next-door Iraq ! Cbs news/23DEC COURT BLOCKS ‘RT.TOLIFE’MEDDLING: An Italian woman has been in a coma for 17 yrs. Govt. warns clinics not to help remove her feeding-tube, As her father wishes. An EU court told meddlers not to meddle. UnitedPress/23DEC HOMOSEXUALITY AS BAD AS FOREST DESTRUCTION,says Pope. This loon must think a huge proportion of humanity wants homosexual activity, Enough to end the human race. I used to think the Catholic Church did more good that harm in the world; No more. Now I rejoice at every nutty statement from the hierarchy, As shrinking the number of people who heed them. KARZAI CALLS US ALLIES ‘THUGS’ We’re backing warlords (having given up—after 7yrs!—on his central govt.) He says these ‘thugs’ attack ordinary Afghans, with no controls. This is no way to win over Afghans to the US crusade. LATIMES/23DEC ~ Monday, December 22, 2008
CANADA OPPOSES ARMING AFGHAN TRIBES They could end up fighting each other, not the Taliban. Canadians favor continuing to arm central army. But this isn’t really working: ”I don’t know what solution is” Says Canadian honcho. GLOBE&MAIL/22DEC. TENS OF THOUSANDS OF COMBAT GIs WILL REMAIN IN IRAQ CITIES Even after the June deadline set by the US/Iraq pact. They will just be relabeled ‘advisers’. NYT22DEC Question is, will the coming Iraqi referendum approve of this trick? ~ Sunday, December 21, 2008
WEAPONS CUTS: We can’t solve econ. Crisis while we continue to shovel almost a trillion a year to bloated Pentagon (which is useless against terrorist attacks on our Homeland.) NYTIMES 21Dec on p. wk9, offers a long list of proposed weapons that could be cut—except for the power of war-industry lobbies. ~ Thursday, December 18, 2008
BASRANS WANTS DE FACTO INDEPENDENCE Like Kurdistans. Petition is now circulating to authorize Referendum demanding autonomy. Area has 60% of Iraq oil; other Shia and Sunni regions have little. Cnn.com/18dec Biden is the only US pol who sees that Iraq partition Is inevitable and desirable. GIs will have responsibility without power after 2009, acc. To Iraq/US pact. They must stay on base until asked by govt. But they will be still blamed for all troubles. If Sunni war with Shia, which side will US back? NEWSWEEK/18DEC TAL. ARE IN MOST AFGHAN REGIONS Permanent presence in 72% of Afgh, Says Brazilian think-tank. CBS NEWS/18DEC PAKISTANIS PROTEST US SUPPLY LINES THRU PAK. 10,000 march against use of Pak. land to convey supplies to allied forces in Afgh. SeattlePI/18dec GENERALS VS. OBAMA ON PULLOUT TIME The 2 top generals want more time than the 16 months Obama has promised. Now he has to back down or contradict ‘magic’ Petraeus. NYTIMES/18DEC BRITS POUT OVER US BASRA TAKEOVER They pacified the region and began reconstruction; now US will get credit for Reconstruction. ‘This is one place we’ll stay on’. Says US honcho. LONDON TIMES/18DEC ALTERNATE AFGH. SUPPLY ROUTE ATTACKED The route from Peshawar, Pak, has been often attacked. Now a fuel tanker was attacked Using an alternate route.LONDON TELEGRAPH/18DEC ~ Tuesday, December 16, 2008
GATES VS. GENERAL ON US PULLBACK IN IRAQ General said GIs must stay on in cities after June (date Specified in pact)./CBS/16DEC ~ Monday, December 15, 2008
US CRITICIZES BRITS IN AFGH ‘They have been defeated in their region.” Brits respond that they have fought more than Other US allies. LONDON TIMES/15DEC BRITS MAY REFUSE MORE TROOPS TO AFGH Obama will pressure them to send more (after they bug out Of Iraq), but Brit honchos say their troops are overstretched In world./LONDON TIMES/15DEC MIDEAST ARABS ECSTATIC OVER SHOE-THROWING Iraqi shows extreme contempt and called Bush a Dog (another Sign of contempt). Incident hailed all over Mideast. NEWS.YAHOO/15DEC DRIVERS WON’T CARRY NATO SUPPLIES across Pakistan and into Afgh, Because the danger from Taliban attacks is too great. 75% of NATO supplies come thru Pakistan. They are exploring different routes, but they don’t have them so far. BBC/15DEC ~ Sunday, December 14, 2008
~ Saturday, December 13, 2008
NO NEED FOR 150K TROOPS IN AFGH, Says Gates. Soviets were driven out with 120k troops—because they lacked people’s support. CNN/12DEC But US also has weakening support among Afghans. AFGHANS LESS SUPPORTIVE OF ALLIES Civilian casualties, arrogance of troops threatens Support, says UN honcho/ LONDON TELEGRAPH/12DEC GIs TO STAY IN IRAQ CITIES AFTER PACT DEADLINE Interpretation: Only the COMBAT forces have to leave, Not backup forces. News.yahoo/12dec GIs IN IRAQ FOR 10 YRS? So says govt. honcho. This should strenghthen pact-opposition Vote in coming referendum. SEATTLEPI/13DEC ~ Friday, December 12, 2008
~ Thursday, December 11, 2008
CANADIANS IN AFGH: THE LONGER THE BETTER Says Gates. But why should the Canadian public tolerate This endless, winless war. GLOBE&MAIL/11DEC AIMLESS AFGHAN WAR/ Afgh has never had a strong central govt. But they’ve united to drive out foreign invaders, From Alexander the Great to Soviets. YAHOO/11DEC ~ Wednesday, December 10, 2008
SUCCESSFUL ATTACKS ON US SUPPLIES WILL INSPIRE ‘BAD GUYS’ Says retired Pentagon honcho NEWS YAHOO/10DEC $ FOR PENT. TOYS, BUT NOT FOR HOME DEFENSE Warning that econ.crisis might cut budget for defense Against pandemics, bioterror. USATODAY/10DEC ~ Tuesday, December 09, 2008
HUNDREDS OF GIs DIED NEEDLESSLY because Pentagon lagged in providing More blast-proof vehicles—despite knowing before the war that they would be needed. USATODAY/9DEC pentagon cares fpr troops as KFC cares for chickens REFERENDUM POSSIBLE IN BASRA (WITH PORT EXPORTING MOST OIL, WITH MOST OIL) TO GAIN AUTONOMY (like Kurdistan). PARTITION inevitable in Iraq. Can you image Shia govt governing Sunni areas Effectively? VP-elect Biden is the only Congressman talking about partition. ARABIAN BUSINESS/9DEC VULNERABLE SUPPLY LINES ARE ALLIED ‘ACHILLES HEEL’ Some supplies are flown in, but this aggravates ‘plane shortage’. NATO is rushing negotiations for supply routes through countries Other than Pakistan, thru which 70% of NATO supplies now pass. GUARDIAN/9DEC Attacks on supply lines are great Taliban propaganda. ~ Monday, December 08, 2008
DOUBLE THE GIs IN AFGH FOR 4-5 MORE YEARS Says top general there. USATODAY/8DEC If Obama is one-term president, a different anti-war Candidate will show up. TALIBAN CLOSE NOOSE AROUND KABUL: They have permanent presence in 72% of country, control 3 of 4 roads into Kabul. Only 38% of Afghans say things are ‘better’. LONDON TELEGRAPH/8DEC DECLARE VICTORY & BUG OUT/ A Brit observer says Allied leaders in Afgh. Agree there is almost no chance of US being attacked again from Afgh. But preventing such attacks is sole legit.reason for our war there. GLOBE & MAIL/8DEC The only reason we plan to fight on for years and years is So Obama can keep his campaign pledge. 200 US VEHICLES BURNED IN 2 DAYS/2D ATTACK ON PAK. SUPPLY ROUTE. OTHER ROUTES PROBLEMATIC./GUARDIAN/8DEC ~ Sunday, December 07, 2008
~ Saturday, December 06, 2008
FOREIGN-BORN LINGUISTS SOUGHT: Despairing of providing American linguists for their wars, Pent. Is recruiting foreign linguists (as well as medical personnel). MSNBC/6DEC Trouble is maybe foreign linguists are not loyal to US. REFERENDUM REJECTION WILL ANNUL PACT Says an Iraq honcho. Referendum scheduled for next year. REUTERS/6DEC It’s hard to see how Obama can renege on his repeated pledge To pull out of cities by next July, and out of Iraq by 2010. IN ALMOST EVERY DIMENSION, TALIBAN ARE STRONGER Says GLOBE & MAIL/6DEC Soviets did more reconstruction than allies have done, And had 140,000 troops—yet they got driven out. ~ Friday, December 05, 2008
ISRAEL MAY ATTACK IRAN ALONE (without explicit US help); But then Iran may retaliate also against US. JERUSALEM POST/5DEC Absurd for us to let a small ally drag us into a big war. Afghan slaughter: at least 67 casualties from one bomb. BOSTON.COM/5DEC SOMETIMES A WOUND IS WORSE THAN DEATH. ~ Thursday, December 04, 2008
‘POPE’SISTANI QUESTIONS PACT, says it doesn’t guaranteee Iraq sovereignty, but says he’ll accept referendum verdict—which means govt. can’t back down from promise of referendum. Washpost/4dec ~ Tuesday, December 02, 2008
ODD: media neglect of naming of Home Defense secretary: India tragedy shows that home defense is more important than foreign wars. ~ Monday, December 01, 2008