Dan Lyons
~ Sunday, November 30, 2008
BIOWAR DANGERS New germs impervious to present vaccines,etc. Many labs in US make these germs, and are not sufficiently guarded. WASHPOST/30NOV Once again, Pentagon pricey toys would be useless Against this threat/ SISTANI FROWNS AT PACT The “POPE” says it doesn’t guarantee Iraq sovereignty— He says he’ll accept it only if it is ratified by popular vote (but his disapproval may mean it will NOT be ratified by referendum). WASH POST/ 30NOV ~ Saturday, November 29, 2008
KARZAI WOULD SHOOT US PLANES IF HE COULD (!) Those bombing Afghan villages. Vancouver Sun/29nov He may know NATO intends to dump him, And is electioneering. ONE IN 5 RETURNING VETS WILL HAVE MENTAL PROBLEMS SHORTAGE OF MENTAL HEALTH WORKERS. NEWS.YAHOO.COM/29NOV PRICEY WEAPONS USELESS Indian ‘pentagon’ (tanks, ships. Planes) USELESS against 10 Mombai attackers. Similarly, trillion-a-yr US pentagon will be useless against individual terrorists. IRAQPact has many ‘ifs,and,and buts..’—but if these are used, referendum next year Might demand definite, quick US pullout SEATTLEPI/28NOV Approval was 149 out of 278 votes. Was this the broad consensus that Pope Sisatani demanded? ~ Friday, November 28, 2008
~ Thursday, November 27, 2008
Amer. PACT APPROVED BY140 OUT OF 195 PRESENT IN PARLIAMENT; Sadrites still object. It’s not clear if this meets Pope Sistani’s demand for a consensus among the sects, not just a majority. It can still be vetoed by Sunni member of pres.council. It’s not clear if passage depends on referendum. InternatlHeraldTribune27nov ~ Wednesday, November 26, 2008
FAILING VS. TALIBAN BOMBS Says Congress committee. Pent. Tries to counter this claim: --Tal. Use of bombs shows they can’t win open fight. --Tal. Must defend Once safe havens USATODAY/25NOV So what? We’re still falling behind vs. bombs ! PACT SUBJECT TO REFERENDUM? The Iraq/US pact is likely to get majority approval in Parliament— But only until a natl referendum is held next year. (‘Pope’ Sistani demands a consensus, not just a majority.) Most Iraqis want GIs to leave SOON. Reuters/26nov ~ Tuesday, November 25, 2008
PAKISTAN CAN STOP DRONE RAIDS Says airforce general—IF govt decides to do it. This undermines merely ceremonial protests Vs. these raids by Pak. Govt. REUTERS/24NOV BRIT GEN DESPAIRS OF AFGHAN DEMOCRACY While Bushies chatter on about ‘securing the vote’, He’ll settle for ‘sufficient security’. Everyone says some Taliban must be admitted to govt. BBC/24NOV We backed dictator in Pakistan, who double-crossed us. Trouble is, we must pick RIGHT dictator. ~ Monday, November 24, 2008
Karzai to Obama: No more civilian casualties! US ‘apologizes’ for any civilian casualties. Inevitable with indiscriminate airstrikes. CNN/24NOV ~ Sunday, November 23, 2008
PAKISTANIS FEAR US MORE THAN QUAEDA They fear alliance between US & India & Afgh. To break up Pak. Nytimes/23nov ~ Saturday, November 22, 2008
OVER 1 IN 10 MARINE CASUALTIES. The small unit of marines was sent to Afgh. to train Afghan fighters. (without proper equipment). But they’ve been attacked ferociously by Taliban, 150 casualties out of 1000 marines LATIMES/22NOV ~ Friday, November 21, 2008
PAKISTANIS PRACTICE DOWNING US DRONES: Govt opposes drone attacks because they enrage average Pakistanis. Int.Herald Tribune/21nov ~ Thursday, November 20, 2008
CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS WILL FADE in importance, Says a new Intel analysis. CBS NEWS/20NOV Useless Pentagon won’t be able to change gears— Just like US automakers. But we’ll continue to bloat Pent. With a trillion dollars a year. AFGH SUPPLY LINES: Now thru Pakistan—but so many Taliban attacks that US is trying much longer, but safer routes (thru Russia, etc.) WashPost/20Nov (How long until these new routes are ready?) ~ Wednesday, November 19, 2008
LYONS PREDICTION VINDICATED: For several years I have said danger is not from inflation, but from deflation. Income for ordinary people has dropped; sellers have to lower prices. Bloomberg/18nov SISTANI DEMANDS ‘CONSENSUS’ ON PACT Sadrists oppose US/IRAQ pact (to extend US presence till 2011)vigorously, as do several other groups. Top cleric demands ‘consensus’, which sounds as if each group Has veto power. Speaker of Parliament opposes pact. AlJazeera.net/19nov ~ Monday, November 17, 2008
TERROR WAR UNPOPULAR IN PAKISTAN Govt. denies any tacit approval of US airstrikes inside Pak. REUTERS/17NOV http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE4AG57V20081117 NEW APPROACH TO PAK,AFGH? Obamites might mediate conflict between India & Pak. Over Kashmir. That would free Pak. Military to fight Taliban. --also, they’d contribute billions for civilian uses (not military). --also, they’d dump Karzai..but dangerous to find right replacement. GLOBE&MAIL/17NOV NEARLY 200,000 GULF WAR I VETS AFFLICTED Neurologically with ‘gulfwar syndrome’ Americans think that war was a success, with few casualties. Wrong !/LATIMES/17NOV ~ Sunday, November 16, 2008
PAKISTAN BLOCKS US CONVOYS From going to Afgh. thru Kuyber Pass— After 2 Taliban attacks, back-to-back. CNN/ 16NOV But is this to protect convoys, or to interfere With US Afghan project? ~ Saturday, November 15, 2008
STOPPING ECONOMIC PLUNGE: The only thing that helped in GreatDepression was making govt. the employer of last resort. A dole doesn’t help, because unemployed males go goofy: there’s a direct correlation between unemployment rate and child abuse. China is employing people; they can do that without embarrassment because They’re pretend Communist. We have the myth of the free market to contend with. ~ Friday, November 14, 2008
REAL CHANCE THAT SECURITY PACT WON’T PASS Says US general. Kurd honcho says THEY’LL host GIs if Arab Iraqi won’t WASH TIMES/31OCT STICKY BOMBS IN IRAQ A grenade size bomb fastened to a wall or car (detonated from a distance) Causes panic. Seattlepi/14nov Ordinary Europeans believe Afghan project is hopeless. TIME MAG./14NOV Germany refuses more combat troops. ~ Thursday, November 13, 2008
‘Afghan Hearts&Minds’ counts more than military, says Brit mil. Honcho. BBC/14nov But US continues enraging Afghans w/indiscriminate airstrikes. WHY EMPHASIS ON CATCHING BIN LADEN? Obama used Bush negligence here as campaign gimmick. But eliminating B.L. would not weaken Qaeda! CBS NEWS/14NOV BRITS WANT OUT OF AFGH/ 2 IN 3 BRITS WANT OUT THIS YEAR. 100 CASUALTIES IN 2 DAYS. InternatlHeraldTribune/13nov ~ Wednesday, November 12, 2008
BUSHIES MOVE TO HELP GOOFY PEOPLE TO BORROW MORE BLOOMBERG/12NOV Money must be moved somehow to ordinary people. Instead of GIVING it too them, they’ll help goofy people BORROW MORE. Get further in debt. Might as well subsidize lottery tickets. OBAMA’S HEALTH PLAN Would cover 95% of Americans, at cost of $130 billion a year (little over the cost of the Iraq war). REUTERS/12NOV --A SMALL PORTION OF ANNUAL PENTAGON BUDGET. news.yahoo features a different ‘nuclear waste’ approach. Three steps: 1) store it in various places underground for 90 years, time for the shortest-lived radioactivity to burn off; 2) store remaining stuff (much less volume) in ‘permanent’ geologically-safe caves 3) use much remaining stuff for energy production. (We must do SOMETHING. Present volume of waste would already FILL YUCCA CAVE !) GIS OUT OF CITIES: US is pulling out of Iraq cities, back to a few major bases (this will free up equipment for Afghanistan). But critics worry that Shia may attack Sunni (whom they outnumber 3 to 1)./APGOOGLE/12NOV. ~ Tuesday, November 11, 2008
US SUPPLIES HIJACKED US needs to carry supplies across Pakistan to Afgh. These convoys are regularly attacked; But this attack was most brazen. MSNBC/11NOV ~ Sunday, November 02, 2008
Early voters prefer Obama by NINETEEN POINTS ! CBS/3NOV These votes (1 in 5) can’t be tampered with easily. OBAMA HAS 250 ELECTORAL VOTES (OF 270 NEEDED) EVEN WITHOUT ‘BATTLEGROUND’ STATES. McCain has been behind in several hundred polls. CBS/2NOV US DECIDES TO FIGHT ON ITS OWN (ignoring useless Europeans); They will send more troops into Afgh for 5 more yrs of war. But Soviets sent in 140k troops and still lost. In fact, every invader who has sent in ‘more troops’ has been driven out. London Telegraph.2nov ‘AGREEMENT TO PULL OUT GIs’ by 2011--Maliki describes proposed pact. NOT as ‘security pact’. Pols think such withdrawal is dangerous; but election is coming, and Ordinary Iraqis want US out pronto. SeattlePI/2Nov ~ Saturday, November 01, 2008