Dan Lyons
~ Wednesday, April 30, 2008
20,000 GI brain injuries not counted by Pentagon. USATODAY/22nov’07 http://www.usatoday.com/news/military/2007-11-22-braininjuries_N.htm Brain injury can be a fate worse than death. ATTACKS FROM PAK.DOUBLED THIS YEAR In March & April. New Govt. determined to have peace-talks w/Taliban. NYTIMES/30APR Perhaps their goal is an agreement w/Taliban halting Attacks inside Pakistan, and Pak.govt. stoppingMil. Action vs. Tal. Attacks in Afgh. Bad news for US forces in Afgh. 3600 Iraqi casualties this month in SadrCity battle. CNN30Apr US says these are practically all militants. Iraqi observers claim many were civilians, Including women & children. Whom will Iraqis believe? 3GisKilledTuesday, 47 in 29 days of April— most in 7 months. GOOGLE.COM/30APR When we hear about the militants killed, we should reflect that it’s said that Sadr has 80,000 armed followers. If US reports are true, Iran is openly arming Sadrites, even after approving of the anti-Sadrite attacks in Basra. Why? Perhaps they’re trying to show, in a small way, What they could do to GIs if we bomb them and leave Iran leaders little to lose. ~ Tuesday, April 29, 2008
WAR-ROBOTS: Predators are said to work havoc among guerillas in Iraq. Undoubtedly, robots will add tremendously to US killing power anywhere in the world— Except that other advanced countries will have robots to retaliate against our Homeland. As I’ve said for years, Robots will make it easy for Pentagon to take over US openly, instead of the covert ways it controls us now. US soldiers wouldn’t fire on Americans; US robots won’t hesitate. Black humor will be when handgun enthusiasts try to ‘defend our freedom’ against a line of the tyrant’s impassive robots. Afgh.Brits abandon anti-poppy war, making nice to peasants. GUARDIAN29APR But Bushie generals want this war Renewed. BUSHIES WANT CANADIANS TO USE US STRONG-ARM TACTICS Canadians are in Kandahar, Marines will go to Helmland province. “They can learn there, make their mistakes there.” Says Canada honcho. GLOBE& MAIL/29APR Canadians spend 6 months there; US wants them each to spend 15 months. Bloody Likely. Iraqi honchos agree on Iranian weapons, But criticize US sabre-rattling. “We’re the small place caught in between.” LATIMES/29APR If we bomb Iran, Iraq will be destroyed by rockets aimed at GIs. ~ Monday, April 28, 2008
$200 OIL UPCOMING, OPEC honcho, blaming sinking $. GUARDIAN/28APR If Bushies bomb Iran, this will be LOW prediction. KARZAI REGIME CAN’T PROTECT ITSELF let alone Afghan population. When gunmen attacked big high-security ceremony, The security people fled before ordinary people. 2d big attack on Kabul (1st on prominent hotel.) REUTERS/28APR ~ Sunday, April 27, 2008
KARZAI ATTACKED from up close; bullets hit 30 yrds away. “Security is bad; how could they get so close?” Int.HeraldTribune27APR ~ Saturday, April 26, 2008
PENT.REPORTS UNRELIABLE Says InspGen.. They’re based on unreliable data From Iraq govt. Bloomberg/26Apr Nigerian attacks lower oil production. That would make it all the more prohibitively expensiveTo attack Iran ! UNITED PRESS 26APR INCREASED IRAN ATTACKS ON GIS? (say Bushie generals) Then why such a low rate of GIs killed? LATIMES/26APR KARZAI CRITICIZES US,BRITS They should be attacking hiding-places in Pakistan, not arresting TalibanIn Afgh (discouraging Tal.Who want to lay down arms.) BostonGlobe26Apr But Pak.is making NICE W/Taliban ! Before election, K. is trying to erase image of his govt. as incompetent, corrupt puppets. WHY NOW? Iran has been helping both sides in Sadr/Malikite fight all along; Why do Bushies up their war-justifying rhetoric right now? Increased bluff, or war-preparation? Nytimes/26apr 2 DIFFERENT STORIES: Iraqi officials assert (US denies) airstrikes in Sadr City (injuring civilians). Who’ll be believed? CNN/26APR ~ Friday, April 25, 2008
TOP HONCHO TALKS OF IRAN ATTACK WashPost25April Get straight: the issue is not whether such an attack is justified (Bushies & Israel have long thought it is). Issue is whether Bushies are crazy enough to pay the awful price in Iran retaliation (especially vs. our Iraq GIs and skyrocketing oil prices.) Either they are that crazy, or they’re bumping up the bluff. OSAMA AIDE CRITICIZES SHIA; More reason to suppose that future SHIALAND Will be free of Quaeda power. CBS NEWS/25APR MERCURY & AUTISM The RECENT spike in autism reports can’t be ascribed to heredity. Texas scientists have found a real relationship Between autism and closeness to mercury-emitting sites. UnitedPress/25apr Canada is at WAR in Afgh. An analyst says govt. avoids word WAR, And govt. tries to distract people from # of casualties. 40% to 50% of Canadians oppose this war. Globe&Mail/25Apr A given Canadian GI has about as much chance to become a casualty as does a US GI in Iraq. PAK/TALIBAN NEAR DEAL Tal would stop attacks in Pakistan. Pak. Govt would pull out troops in This region NAMED AFTER TALIBAN! No mention of Tal stopping attacks In Afghanistan ! NYTIMES/25APR IRAQIS NEED YEARS to handle security, Says Inspector General. As expected,Bushie general disagrees. USATODAY/25APR Pent.can't say how many Iraqi troops are actually available. NYTIMES/25apr INDIA, PAKISTAN DEFY BUSHIES Pipeline from Iran will complete by 2012. BLOOMBERG/25APR US is trying to isolate Iran, But instead, it is Bushies who get isolated. ~ Thursday, April 24, 2008
The GOP myth of the ‘ownership’ society (millions ‘owning’ homes they can’t pay for) Has met the reality of the ‘foreclosure’ society. WHAT IS A REPUBLICAN? They love guns & Church, and are pro-war. They fawn on the rich, And despise the poor. Luckily, they are a shrinking minority. AFGHAN VIOLENCE WILL SPIKE ABOVE ’07,Says US general. And there will be few more allied troops to counter Taliban. Globe&Mail24apr SEVEN HUNDRED ROCKETS INTO GREENZONE IN MONTH REUTERS24APR GIS TIED UP IN SADR CITY, to minimize rockets. 2 in 3 say Iraq war was MISTAKE. UnitedPress24Apr. But not as many say we should get out NOW. Americans don’t want to ‘bug out’; They suffer from neither tax nor GI casualties; They don’t realize the connection between Continued war and recession. FOOD BLOCKED FROM BAGHDAD The Sadrite/Malikite fighting has blocked food Coming from South Iraq into Baghdad. LATIMES/24 APR ~ Wednesday, April 23, 2008
ARMY DEFIES GATES: He ordered them to stop forcibly extending GI tours in Iraq. Since then they have gone on anyway. USATODAY/print version/22Apr/p.1 Gates just denounced AirForce. Is he on the way out? PAKISTAN RELEASES TALIBAN LEADER …signs truce with Tal. In one section of Pakistan. SEATTLEPI22APR EU HONCHO says 'No talks w/Taliban!" pak.defies EU. REUTERS/22APR ~ Monday, April 21, 2008
VIOLENCE MAY ERUPT: Rice deliberately insulted Sadr, seeming to want him to go back On the warpath. Suppose Shia AND SUNNIS decide that a so-called cease-fireWith US does NOT protect them from Malikite attacks. Suppose they then end the truce. Rockets still came in on Green Zone, despite US/Malikite takeover Of SadrCity region near the Green Zone. Some analysts minimize influence of Iran on the conflict, Saying it would continue if Iran disappeared off the map (which it might, if Bushies are crazy enough). SIGNONSANDIEGO.COM/21APR SECURITY/CORRUPTION IN AFGH. EU honcho states the obvious; Observers fear Afgh. Will sink into anarchy. REUTERS21APR In anarchy, Taliban will flourish. OIL SPIKE AFTER ATTACK A tanker was rocketed in MidEast, spiking oil prices all over world. (Nigerian pipeline also attacked.) nytimes21apr This shows why we can’t afford to risk Iran retaliation if we bomb the hell out of them. MILLIONS FOR UPBEAT PROPAGANDA Pent. Spending to buy military ‘analysts’ to spread optimistic word on wars. NYTIMES21APR That’s why Lyons emphasizes plentifulnegative news— for pitiable attempt at balance. NO ARAB COMMITMENTS Rice failed to get any firm commitments from Arab neighbors for any more $ or diplomatic representation in Iraq. AFP21APR ‘Allies’ offer very few extra troops for Afghanistan, nowhere near enough for any success-plan. New'help' is window dressing, says RAND expert USATODAY (print version, 21apr,p.1) US ALLIED WITH IRAN ! Both back the Badrs in Basra region against the Sadrites. US backs Badr because they have not shot Americans. Iran backs them because they favor partition (Kurdland, Sunniland,Shialand) And SADR BACKS UNIFIED IRAQ (which of course US backs, Because Shialand would be under strong domination of Iran !) However, Iran stridently opposes US attacks on Sadrites In Sadr City. InternatlHeraldTribune/21 Apr ~ Sunday, April 20, 2008
LYONS FAVORS SADR? Not at all; his followers are ignorant slum-dwellers; Badr is controlled by educated Shia. But Sadrites can cause much trouble If they’re fully provoked. PAKISTAN MORE DANGEROUS THAN IRAQ? Blogger claims US believes a 2d 9/11 attack would come fromPak., not from Afghanistan or Iraq. Pakistanis worry this means an attack on border areasOf Pakistan—especially now that Bushie puppet Musharref is out of power. (Big US attack on Pak. Might trigger nuke response from Pak— a nuke exchange would threaten the whole human race.) STRIFE IN HOLY CITY OF NAJAF: Writer claims that mainstream ayatollahs Support Maliki vs. Sadr. But Sadr has strong support there. Ayatollahs declined to tell Sadr To disband his Mehdi army. LATIMES/20APR BUSHIES/ MALIKITES NOW CONTROL BASRA Sadrites say they ‘faded’ (as often before) on orders from Sadr. Iranian ambassador supported B/M attack on Basra. NYTIMES/20APR ~ Saturday, April 19, 2008
PAK.QUAEDA HAVEN:SO WHAT? There are plenty of places, all over world, Where Qaeda can train. e.g.,Indonesia, Somalia... VIEWERS TURN VS.ABC, NOT VS. OBAMA. 20K COMMENTS RESENTED ANTI-OBAMA BIAS IN DEBATE QUESTIONS. LATIMES/19APR Bushies/ Malikites renew attack on Basra; ferocious airstrikes involved. More fighting also in SadrCity. LATIMES/19APR ~ Friday, April 18, 2008
Iraq Outcome in Doubt, says ex-Rumsfeld aideIN PENTAGON REPORT ! You can read the devastating report on PDF by typing ‘ex-Rumsfeld aide Iraq’ on Google search. JoeKlein (in TIME21Apr) asks Obama’s question: if we’re doing so well, and Quaeda is reduced in power, why can’t we bring our GIs home now? Kline guesses that Bushie scheme is to fight the Sadrites, because they are strongest opponents of a permanent US presence in Iraq, which is Bushies’ real plan. ‘TREATMENT’ FOR EARLY ALZHEIMERS: Govt. should allow MD-assisted suicide for Certainly-diagnosed Alzheimers patients (in early stage, when patient is still competent to consent.) Even now they can commit suicide, but only in very messy and unpleasant ways. This is best remedy for FLOOD of Alzheimers’ cases when the first big wave of Boomers hit their 70s.— beginning around 2015. The person who knows he can voluntarily shuffle off will not in his 70s Be terrified of facing their 80s. Naturally the Catholic bishops will oppose this reform, allied with the millionaire-owners of ‘Homes’, Where Alzheimer people are helpless inmates. But pols who are concerned with govt. solvency Should favor this reform. (I'm not thinking of this for myself, because of scandal for grandchildren.) IRAQ VICTORY NOT NECESSARY In war on terrorism, say 2 in 3 Americans. ABC/18APR The awful toll on GIs (1 in 5 mentally ill) is pointless as well as useless. NO COORDINATED PAKISTAN PLAN Says a Congressional committee. We have spent $10,000 millions, But With few results in the border area where Taliban is getting stronger. NYTIMES/18APR ~ Thursday, April 17, 2008
Hillary says she’ll start Iraq pullout 6 months after she takes office. Obama says he’ll FINISH pullout 16 months after…. Suppose each would keep the promise; Which would be most likely to pullout quickly? Hillary could pull out a few GIs after 6 months, then drag out the rest of the pullout for her 4 yrs in office. But for Obama to keep his promise, pullout must be complete in 16 months. Antiwar people would do well to go with Obama. 320,000 GI BRAIN INJURIES boston.com/17APR Add to this the tens of thousands suffering from psychological shell-shock. 1.6 million have served in Iraq. 1 in 5 returned vets report mental problems. And that TILL NOW; Tens of thousands more until we pull out. Taliban works freely in Pakistan (despite $10,000 millions in US Aid). MSNBC17APR More evidence that our war in Afghanistan Is unwinnable. OIL & IRAN: --$115/barrel price could mean that speculators figure that US WILL attack Iran. --If it doesn’t mean this, then it means that an attack on Iran would be prohibitively expensive. Maliki calls off anti-Sadrite strikes. ‘to give space for them to hand over weapons.’ REUTERS/17APR Bloody likely—after top Shia clerics said NOT to disband Sadr’s militia. Truth is, Malikite war with Sadrites Has failed. ~ Wednesday, April 16, 2008
“FORGET PAST BLUNDERS; WORRY ABOUT RECKLESS PULLOUT” That’s the latest slant for hawks. (See USATODAY,/16APR/ P.11a They’re saying: “We jumped recklessly into this whirlpool; beware of leaping recklessly out of it.” AFGHAN DEFEAT A REALISTIC PROSPECT, Says a London ThinkTank. NEW EUROPE/16APR http://www.neurope.eu/articles/85222.php BUSHIES DISAGREE WITH MALIKI on excluding Sadr from politics. They fear this will trigger a full war with Sadrites, with US having too fewGIs in South— and Malikite troops are incompetent. MSMBC16APR MALIKITE COMPANY DESERTS in Sadr City—major leads them in flight from crucial area, when they discovered they were ahead of GIs. “We’re making no progress” complained a GI sergeant. “Probably EVERY SADR CITY FAMILY (2 MILLIONS) HAS A SON IN SADRITE FORCES.” Attacked Malikites fired recklessly, endangering GIs ; it was said that Sadrites infiltrated between Malikite units to get them to fire on each other. SeattlePI Meanwhile devastating Quaeda bombS refuted the US claim that the Sadrites were now the biggest threat. Bushies have entangled themselves in a 2-front war. ~ Tuesday, April 15, 2008
CONGRESS WANTS IRAQ GOVT.TO PAY MORE from big oil $. MSNBC/15APR Question is, how many $ (in this corrupt country) Actually reach govt? We’ll see how much such posturing Actually saves US. The Pope once belonged to Hitler Youth and Hitler’s army. He was drafted both times; but his experience in H.Y. he should have showed him the pure evil of Hitlerism. He should have fled Germany before he could be drafted into army. It’s said that he deserted from the army; but he spent some time in an allied POW camp. 128 Iraqi casualties on Tuesday. Assoc.Press/15apr (Wounded must be counted as casualties also. Sometimes they face a fate worse than death.) This Qaeda strike show folly of Bushies claiming that Sadrites are the biggest threat. ~ Monday, April 14, 2008
SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND GIs killed, wounded, ill (perhaps medically evacuated from Iraq). This figure tells the true human cost of these wars. CBS NEW/14APR DEATH-CONTROL WITHOUT BIRTH-CONTROL URGENT NEED FOR BIRTH-CONTROL Years ago I talked with NormanBorlog (inventor of Miracle Wheat) About the danger of controlling deaths without controlling births. He said, “We’re just buying time for you philosophers to solve the births problem.” But of course there was never any chance that philosophers or anyone else would mitigate the excess-birth problems; so now there are more people starving than would have starved back then. ARABS:’SURGE DIDN’T WORK’. Only 6% of Arabs in different countries think the SURGE worked. Interestingly, the Sunnis are not worried about Shia Iran. 83% don’t like US. REUTERS/14APR Arab RULERS are the US allies. US is foolish to advocate democracy in these Countries. MostAfghansPro-Allies, but… A solid majority support foreign troops— But it’s said that only 20% support is enough For guerillas. LATIMES/14APR ~ Sunday, April 13, 2008
1300 Malikites (over 1 in 6) have been fired (some high-ranking) for refusing to fight Sadrites or performing badly. NYTIMES/13APR LOONY MCCAIN, THE CHIRPY OPTIMIST Petraeus,Crocker say ‘no light at end of tunnel.’ Whole $ burden of war has been (unlike other wars) shifted to posterity. MSNBC/13APR No wonder present Americans are apathetic about ending war. They don’t look that far ahead. TALIBAN SNEAKING BACK INTO AFGH. Villagers report seeing them come back for Spring battles. US honchos brag that Tal. Doesn’t control cities or huge areas; But guerillas don’t fight that way. LATIMES/13APR Few self-styled Catholics go to Confession; most think they needn’t go to Mass. USATODAY/13APR That’s good news politically; The best predictor of who would vote for Awful Bush the 2d time (!) Was WEEKLY attendance at some Church. 700 CASUALTIES PER MONTH Over 4000 GIs killed, plus Ovr 40,000 medically evacuated From Iraq (seriously wounded or ill). ICASUALTIES.ORG That’s 700 casualties per month For the last 5 years. This rate (among GIs NOW HEALTHY!) will continue for several more years. (MEDIA CHEAT BY COUNTING ONLY DEAD AS 'CASUALTIES'. OFFICIAL DEF. IS 'KILLED OR NOT RETURNED AT ONCE TO DUTY'. Over 2 in 3 Americans say pulling out of Iraq would help the ailing US economy ‘somewhat’ or ‘a great deal’. SEATTLEPI/13APR ~ Saturday, April 12, 2008
US TROOPS OUT, SAYS MALIKI (‘as soon as possible’). He added the 2d clause to appease Bushies; But the more noticeable 1st clause was to appease disenchanted Iraqis. Associated Press/12Apr LOWER AFGHAN HOPES, says Canada honcho; It will not be a thriving democracy by 2011 (when Canada says it will pull out.) Globe&Mail/12apr Will it even be a 'viable state' as he hopes? Bloody likely. BUSHIES FOCUS ON IRAN, NOT QAEDA: Since the Basra fiasco, they’ve said that the biggest danger in Iraq is Iranian weapons, training, and influences. (The aiming at the Green Zone has improved.) They recently said just the opposite. Does this show that the pro-attack faction has won? WASHINGTON POST/12Apr Sell your gas-guzzler. Oil-prices will skyrocket. ~ Friday, April 11, 2008
GATES VS. PETRAEUS !! Pent. Honcho leaves further troop cutbacks open, Admits he disagrees with P.--AND BUSH ! LATIMES/12APR FOREIGNERS SLIPPING INTO IRAQ SUNNIS helping Qaeda. US sending agents into neighboring Sunni countries To persuade them to stop flow of Quaeda-fighters. NYTIMES/12APR These are NOT Iranians ! STAY OUT OF CENTRAL SADR CITY, Maliki tells GIs. They run up to offer advice to Iraqi (bADR) troops (lacking all but grunts) Then GIs pull back. Iraqi forces are sniped at from alleys; They get calls on their cell-phones, warning about attacks on their families. NYTIMES/12APR TALIBAN HAVE PICKED UP STEAM; In South & West AFGH, more violence. US keeps troops there for 15 months; ‘allies’ only 4 to 6 months. Many ‘allies’ refuse to send troops to Exploding South. SEATTLEPI/12APR ~ Thursday, April 10, 2008
JUSTIFICATION OF IRAN ATTACK IRRELEVANT; The only thing making Bushies hesitate to attack Is fear of Iranian retaliation. Bush might attack just after Nov. elections, so the retaliation will fall on Dem. Regime ! ‘PULLOUT WD.RAISE GAS PRICE’ says Petraeus, ‘by cutting Iraq oil exports.” He has no evidence that skimpy Iraq exports wd. Shrink further. Saboteurs operate now on Iraq pipelines. The biggest spiker of gas prices is rumor that US will attack IRAN, which exports very much MORE oil than Iraq. Iran can also cut flow of oil thru Strait of Hormuz. WARS’ STRAIN More suicides & mental illness/ Lower standards for recruiting/ young officers abandoning their careers/ NatlGuard short of equipment to counter attacks on US/ inability to meet other threats worldwide (e.g., IRAN !).. These problems are the price of the pointless wars in Iraq & Afgh. SeattlePI/10Apr ~ Wednesday, April 09, 2008
17 GIs KILLED SINCE SATURDAY. ABC NEWS/9Apr (10 seriously ill or wounded GIs (medically evacuated from Iraq) have been reported for EACH GI KILLED.) NECESSARY VS. SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS: During Viet war, I noticed that Pentagon constantly talked of how NECESSARY our continued presence was; if we pulled out, awful ‘domino’ results would follow. But they never even offered evidence that our fighting was SUFFICIENT condition for prevailing. (They never even tried to show our fighting would WORK !) And indeed, we finally had to bug out, to pull out without any pretence of victory. Now Petraeus/Crocker tell us how NECESSARY is our continuing to sacrifice GIs in Iraq; but they offer almost no evidence that staying in, we will prevail to produce a stable, peaceful, democratic Iraq. Our sacrifices will not prove to be SUFFICIENT for success. There once was a island with a rumbling volcano. Priests threw in some virgins, but with no results. But they said, “If we don’t keep throwing in virgins, it will erupt!” True, but irrelevant. THIRTEEN GIS DEAD IN 4 DAYS/ HOW MANY WOUNDED? RATIO OF THOSE MEDICALLY EVACUATED (seriously ill or wounded) TO THOSE KILLED IS TEN TO ONE. That would be 130 seriously ill or wounded in last 4 days. REUTERS/9APR WHO’S TO BLAME? Some are blaming former FEDchiefGreenspan For today’s econ. Troubles. Right-wingers blame PREVIOUS presidents for mess in Iraq. Centuries ago, Aristotle defended democracy (control by fairly ignorant voters) by saying “You don’t have to be a baker to know the bread is bad.” But Plato made the counter-point: The ‘bad bread’ may be the fault of previous pols, not those now in office. And the average voter can’t say which is true. ~ Tuesday, April 08, 2008
HOW MANY WOUNDED? Pent. Has said for months that total number is under 30k. But over 40,000 have been medically evacuated out of Iraq. (Those SLIGHTLY wounded would NOT be evacuated.) ICASUALTIES/8APR Dead vets will be quickly forgotten By most of us. But vets blinded, maimed, shell-shocked Will haunt us (& cost us ) for decades. WHO’S BELIEVED? Inhabitants of Sadr City say US airstrikes kill mainly civilians; US says mainly insurgents. LATIMES/8APR Will other Iraqis believe Iraqi story or the one from hated invader/airforce? SURGE HELPING? CNN(8Apr) headline says so, but then the story tells of other factors making for (temporary) peace. When the 30k extra GIS are pulled out this year, what will happen? All over the world, militias have never given up their arms until a real peace. ~ Monday, April 07, 2008
NO CLOSER TO GOALS than a yr ago, says think-tank. But if we pull out abruptly, chaos & perhaps genocide. AssocPress/7Apr Will we be any closer at the end of ’09? Won’t threat of genocide be just as real in 2012? Is there no limit to the sacrifice we’re asking Of our GIs? SURGE FAILED, says SenBiden; It was supposed to provide a breathing-space from violence so Sunnis & Shias could make nice to each other. MSNBC/7aPR This would be providing breathing-space Until pigs fly. STRANGE: US BACKS MALIKITES (pro-partition, Iran puppets) Against Sadrites (pro-unified-Iraq, wary of Iran) ! MSNBC/7APR Point is that Malikites are right now US puppets, Sadrites anti-US. MORE GIs TO AFGH? Bush pledged this for ’09. Even tho he has no control Over policy in ‘09/ Bushies despair of getting more ‘allied’ troops To fight in Afgh; Ten Thousand more said to be needed. CBS NEWS/7APR No.Car. VOTERS DISTRUST CLINTON! After her flat lie about entering Bosnia under fire. Boston.comNews/7Apr SADR MIGHT DISBAND militia! If ordered to by Sistani & Iranian senior clerics. GLOBE & MAIL/ 7APR (He might disband long enough to win elections in South.) NO VIOLENCE EBB Shia battle Shia(& GIs), and Quaeda steps up attacks. LATIMES/7APR (GreenZone attacked every day.) More violence likely before US election… Too bad for McCain? US BOMBARDS AFGHAN VILLAGES, after ‘reports’ that a Taliban honchowas there. Villagers said up to 19 civilians were killed. US said ‘villagers lie, to weaken NATO prestige’. SEATTLEPI/7APR Whom will other Afghans believe, native villagers or foreign invaders? 31 GIs WOUNDED (& 3 KILLED) on Sunday. US attacked Sadr City to stop rocketing of GreenZone; But it didn’t stop. NYTIMES/7APR ~ Sunday, April 06, 2008
PETRAEUS WILL TOUT ATTACK ON IRAN. Brit authorities warn that P. will likely claim That Iran was helping Sadrites attack Malikite attackers. LONDON TELEGRAPH/6APR 3 GIs Killed by GreenZoneRockets ABC/NEWS/6APR Dozens of people said to be wounded. DOZENS OF IRAQIS KILLED IN US/MALIKITE ATTACK ON SADR CITY. 1500 MALIKITE SOLDIERS REFUSED TO FIGHT SADRITES. TIMES ONLINE/6APR Imagine the stupidity of Bushies' building a $500,000-million embassy right in the middle of a known anti-US section of Baghdad ! From Eli Pariser: 10 things you should know about John McCain (but probably don't): 1. John McCain voted against establishing a national holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Now he says his position has "evolved," yet he's continued to oppose key civil rights laws.1 2. According to Bloomberg News, McCain is more hawkish than Bush on Iraq, Russia and China. Conservative columnist Pat Buchanan says McCain "will make Cheney look like Gandhi."2 3. His reputation is built on his opposition to torture, but McCain voted against a bill to ban waterboarding, and then applauded President Bush for vetoing that ban.3 4. McCain opposes a woman's right to choose. He said, "I do not support Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned."4 5. The Children's Defense Fund rated McCain as the worst senator in Congress for children. He voted against the children's health care bill last year, then defended Bush's veto of the bill.5 6. He's one of the richest people in a Senate filled with millionaires. The Associated Press reports he and his wife own at least eight homes! Yet McCain says the solution to the housing crisis is for people facing foreclosure to get a "second job" and skip their vacations.6 7. Many of McCain's fellow Republican senators say he's too reckless to be commander in chief. One Republican senator said: "The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine. He's erratic. He's hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me."7 8. McCain talks a lot about taking on special interests, but his campaign manager and top advisers are actually lobbyists. The government watchdog group Public Citizen says McCain has 59 lobbyists raising money for his campaign, more than any of the other presidential candidates.8 9. McCain has sought closer ties to the extreme religious right in recent years. The pastor McCain calls his "spiritual guide," Rod Parsley, believes America's founding mission is to destroy Islam, which he calls a "false religion." McCain sought the political support of right-wing preacher John Hagee, who believes Hurricane Katrina was God's punishment for gay rights and called the Catholic Church "the Antichrist" and a "false cult."9 10. He positions himself as pro-environment, but he scored a 0—yes, zero—from the League of Conservation Voters last year.10 ‘PROGRESS, BUT A LONG WAY TO GO !’ This is what Petraeus will tell Congress. How is this different from “The project is doomed, But we must stay in at least until Bush leaves.” ??? The cash value of each statement is “We must stay in at least until Bush leaves.” OPPOSITION TO SADRITE ARMY: All the other political blocs demand that ‘any bloc with a militia will be blocked from political elections.” (What about the Badrites ? !) 77 casualties from fighting in Sadr City. Two humvees and a Stryker hit. English aljazeera. Net/6apr ~ Saturday, April 05, 2008
GI STRESS ON PRESENT PLANS 1 IN 4 GIs facing 3d or 4th tour show mental problems. More will face 3d or 4th tour on present Bushie plans. NYTIMES/5MAR ~ Friday, April 04, 2008
700 FRENCH TROOPS TO AFGH to Eastern Part, freeing some US troops to do real fighting in Kandahar province. GLOBE&MAIL/4APR More US casualties? CLINTON ON SIDELINES for war-ending: Since Dems ‘took over’ Congress, she hasn’t done much to end the war. LATIMES/4APR 1000 MALIKITE DESERTERS in battle vs. Sadrites/ Many officers (including some of high rank). NYTIMES/4APR ~ Thursday, April 03, 2008
RETIRED GENERAL says ‘enlisting sheiks’ policy is absurd; ‘Name 1 case where shfting power to local warlords has resulted in a central govt— except thru a dictator conquering these warlords !” “The only solution is quick US withdrawal.” [Gen.Odom testifies before Congress.] WHY THE MALIKI ATTACK-FIASCO? Expert Juan Cole speculates that Maliki feared Sadr vote landslide in South, Come October. Both Badr & Sadrites are stealing oil-products, leaving less $ for central govt. Strangely, Badrites & Malikites want a super-Shia-province in South, (soft PARTITION), and strangely Sadrites DON’T want this. Also, Sadrites want short timetable for US pullout, while Malikites recognize they might have to flee country without GI backing. BULLETS CAN’T BEAT INSURGENTS, says US colonel. “Every time you shoot, you lose ground.” REUTERS/3apr How much more true is it that US loses ground Every time it BOMBS NEIGHBORHOODS ! ~ Wednesday, April 02, 2008
SAUDIS FUND TERRORISTS: S.Arabia is chief source of $, Says US honcho. LATIMES/2APR But there’s no Bushie talk About bombing the Saudis ! MALIKI OUT OF BASRA: He vowed to stay there until ‘bandits’ (Sadrites) were defeated. But they withdrew from battle intact. Malikites’ ‘deadline’ for Sadrites to hand in weapons remained on paper. SEATTLEPI.COM/2APR ~ Tuesday, April 01, 2008
TRUCE DOESN’T PROTECT GIS say Sadrites. LATIMES/1APR & indeed, US is still attacking Sadrites. Roads in SadrCity are mined, set off under Americans, not under Iraq police. |