Dan Lyons
~ Monday, March 31, 2008
TALIBAN CONTROL 10% OF AFGH. ..threaten a Spring Offensive. Threat pooh-poohed by NATO. When Sarkozy promised more troops to Afgh, Uproar in France. Globe&Mail/31mar CIA & TALIBAN AGREE! That Qaeda has used last 18 months to train new terroriststo move into Afgh, & ALSO TO SLIP INTO WESTERN COUNTRIES TO ATTACK THEM. CBS/ NEWS31MAR http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/03/31/world/main3981321.shtml (CIA may be trying to justify bombing Afgh/Pak border without Pak permission. Bombing will, as usual, be counter-productive.) NoTruce in Baghdad: Copters still attacking Sadr City; mortars still exploding in Green Zone; Curfew lifted, Observers say truce won’t last. REUTERS/31MAY http://www.reuters.com/article/middleeastCrisis/idUSL31425442 Maliki weakened by failed assault on Sadrites. NYTIMES/31Mar WILL MALIKITES HONOR TRUCE? Sadr has offered truce (pressured they say by Iran); at first, Malikites said their offensive would soon end; But later this was recanted. CNN/31MAR ~ Sunday, March 30, 2008
NEW THREAT FROM US MEDDLING: Qaeda is using the border between Afgh. & Pak in NEW efforts to train terrorists to look and act like Europeans, to get European passports, to enter US to wreak havoc. ABC/news/30MAR Bushies put their faith in Musharref. After a failed attempt to conquer this area, M.basically gave up, handed over control to the tribal leaders who FAVOR Taliban. RUSS PREDICT IRAN ATTACK by US; Only question is when? http://en.rian.ru/russia/20070327/62697703.html All we need—a THIRD stupid Bushie war ROCKETS/MORTARS INTO GREEN ZONE: US, govt HQ. Thursday about one volley per hour from dawn to night. ABC NEWS/30MAR NO AIRSTRIKE IS PRECISION US strafed bldgs, said it killed militants, But others said civilians were killed. Who will Iraqis believe? NEWS YAHOO/30MAR BAGHDAD CURFEW EXTENDED INDEFINITELYEven tho Sadr has called his fighters off the streets,Govt. doesn’t think capital is safe (from SadritesAND QUAEDA!)REUTERS/30MAR BUSHIES STUCK WITH SMALL MALIKITE MINORITYSadrites are Shia majority. Hatred between Malikite Badr and SadritesIs deep and lasting. Bushies are stuck with Malikites.LATIMES/30MAR POL.DEBATE BACK ON IRAQ The failed Malikite offensive (‘IraqArmy’) vs. Sadrites Has brought Iraq back into pol. Limelight. By Nov, it will look as if ‘success’ of SURGE at pacificationWas illusion. That will kill McCain. NYTIMES/30MAR IRAQ ARMY:BLACK HUMOR Again and again, Bushies announce progress in setting up Govt. army that could ‘stand alone’. Again & again, predicted dates have slipped by; Now NO predicted dates are offered. SEATTTLEPI/30MAR Over $1000 millions have been looted from $ we gave for army. MSNBC/30MAR CIA head says it will be YEARS before Iraq army can 'stand alone'. Years in which hundreds or thousands of GIs, men HEALTHY NOW, will be killed, blinded, maimed, shell-shocked. ABC/NEWS/30MAR Sadrites Off the Streets/orders Sadr. He’s shown that Badrites plus US planes could not beat Sadrites; Now he can show himself as peacemaker. NEWS SMH.COM/30MAR If US/Badr continue attacks on Sadrite neighborhoods, odium will be on them. BADR NOT A NATL ARMY, says US expert. They can’t stand alone vs. Sadrites. US may end up facing full force of thousands of Sadrite warriors. REuTERS/30MAR ~ Saturday, March 29, 2008
US FORCED INTO IRAN ALLIANCE Maliki sided with Iran vs. Saddam earlier. Recently, he kissed crazy Iran Pres. Now he’s forced Bushies to side with him vs. Sadrites. TALIBAN WD.DESTROY OUR WAY OF LIFE Says US honcho in Pakistan. MSNBC/29mar Considering that most Pakistanis disapprove vigorously of our way of life, This may not have been the smartest thing to say in Pakistan! TALIBAN ATTACK AFGHAN POWER STATION: Damage to machinery denied. In ’07, Taliban launched thousands of roadside bombs, Hundreds of suicide bombs. REUTERS/29MAR US hopes more power,etc. would make its puppet govt.More popular. Apparently Taliban agree. BASRA OIL WORKERS IMMOBILIZED By curfew, violence. They’re keeping oil flowing for now,but… UNITED PRESS/29MAR MALIKI HYSTERICAL: says Sadrites worse than Quaeda! That won’t go over well with Shia who have seen hundredsOf Shia slaughtered by Quaeda. BAGHDAD UNDER CURFEW; BASRA STREETS DESERTED. REUTERS/29MAR WEAPONS GIVEN UP— BUT BY BADRITES, NOT SADRITES ! 40 ‘govt.army’ troops gave up arms to Sadrite Hq, saying they would not fight their brothers. LATIMES/29MAR DO AIRSTRIKES HELP BADR? NYTIMES headline (29DEC) said they do, though the story told of civilians killed. These strikes line up Badrs with hated US planes. 50%-70% of Basra still controlled by Sadrites. ATTACKS UP VS. GIs Attacks vs. GIs have risen sharply since US/BADR attack on Sadrites. No new GI deaths reported; US doesn’t tell of GIs wounded. SEATTLEPI/29MAR SadritesWon’tSurrender: Sadr sends msg that his forces will lay down weapons ONLY to a govt THROWING OUT AMERICANS. Some Badr troops hand over weapons to Sadrites, refusing to fight ‘our own people’. Sadrites fighting in Basra are ‘elusive’. Badrs are in uniform, easy to spot by snipers. Badrites are dressed like civilians. Fighting in other cities also. US airstrikes kill some civilians, of course. BBC/29MAR 2d IRAQ PIPELINE BOMBED THIS WEEK: One expected to be repaired on Friday. Experts say oilfields are secure from militants. Unclear how much cut in exports involved.GOOGLE.COM/29MAR ~ Friday, March 28, 2008
BADRites (Hakim) VS. SADRRITES(SADR): are fighting for control of future Shialand. Sadr’s cease-fire (credited with much of the improvement, the lowering of violence) has dissolved. “We have been told to fight the Americans.” This quarrel could be as crucial as the fight against Sunni insurgents. WashPost/28Mar/article by Council on ForeignRElations So far it looks as if dumb attack by Maliki will fail, and will drag US into a battle with tens of thousands of Sadrite warriors. But so far, US casualties have not been said to rise. Hundreds of thousands of Sadrites have marched in various cities to protest the attack. If this is the ‘defining fight’ as Bush says, things look bad for Bushie project. BRITS SIT ON HANDS while it’s getting clear that Maliki forces Can’t cope with Sadrite militants. REUTERS/28MAR Bushies have no real allies, (except Canada in Afhanistan---for now.) WHY MALIKI’S NEW FRONT? --He may want to throw Sadrites off-balance before Oct. elections in Basra area. But he’s shown that HIS forces are knocked off-balance. And Basra dwellers are not likely to vote for BADRS who have started a war in their area, calling in hated Yankee bombers. --He may be worried that Sadrites were using truce-time to arm for a battle with Badrites, so he wanted to start the war before they were ready. But he’s showing that HIS forces are not ready! A dumb ally of dumb Bushies. Maliki Forces Call in US bombers: NYTIMES/28MAR --this shows Malikites can’t prevail on their own; --this will speed the day when Sadrites attack GIs; --Airstrikes will recruit more Sadrite fighters than they eliminate. About Clinton’s repeated ‘mispeaks’ on her Bosnia trip, “She’s worse than an innate liar; she’s an innate lawyer.” She'd be a disaster as a President, but a perfect successor to Cheney. (McCain would be far worse !) Many rockets hit US HQ in GREEN ZONE; 2 Americans killed, others seriously wounded. JERUSALEM POST/29MAR GIs have to take lead vs.Sadrites; Battles in various places; with GIs in lead. (Iraqi govt.army hangs back.) Maliki started this new front without consulting US. WashPost/28Mar So far, no new US fatalities announced on Wed or Thurs, ~ Thursday, March 27, 2008
MORE OF SAME IN AFGH.WON’T WORK Says commentator on recent report by top Canadian honchos. Globe and Mail/27mar FIERCE BADR/SADR BATTLES Fighting in many places; many casualties. Hundreds of thousands of Sadrites protest in cities, denouncing Maliki as Bush pawn. InternatlHeraldTribune/27Mar PIPELINE BOMBED: A crucial Iraq pipeline was bombed, cutting Basra exports (most exports from Iraq) by a third. BBC/27MAR (This bombing might be by Sadrites, enraged at attacks against them by Badrites, backed by US.) ~ Wednesday, March 26, 2008
3 pillars tipping: The much-vaunted improvement, thedrop in Iraq violence is credited to a) truce by Sadrites (b) turning of some Sunnis vs. Quaeda and b) c) US SURGE. Now, acc. To ABC sources, ALL 3 PILLARS may be tipping. a) truce is OBVIOUSLY threatened; when Badrites get US backing to attack Sadrites; b) Sunni former insurgents now ‘allied’ with US are sulking. c) US SURGE troops are being withdrawn. Perhaps GIs should NOT be withdrawn. But Pent. Honchos worry that more GIs will be needed in Afghanistan! Remember, the Bushies have TWO winless wars going on at once. GisSuckedIntoShiaCivilWar? Bushies might have to suck GIs away from anti-qaeda fight in North to go into South to further back BADRITES vs. SADRITES.NEWS YAHOO/26MAR POSSIBLE FRENCH HELP French MAY send 1000 more troops to Afgh—but into combat zones? If they’d go to East Afgh, then a batallion of GIs could go to SOUTH, the real combat zone.(with higher US casualties). (TALIBAN promise a Spring Offensive.) French want return favor; command of So.Eur. NATO forces LATIMES/26MAR AFGH.'ALLIES' RENEGE: Promised $25 miilion, gave $15 million. 40% of this goes out of country to ‘consultants’,etc.InfoClearingHouse/26Ma STRUGGLE FOR BASRA: Much oil, the only seaport. Brits have bugged out, leaving Shia factions Sadrites and Badrites (Maliki’s faction)in control of armed svces) to fight it out. Disadvantage: Badrites are in uniform, easier to shoot at. BBC/26Mar ~ Tuesday, March 25, 2008
IRAN ARMING SADRITES? 3 anonymous Sadrite commanders allegedly warned that Iran had provided Sadrites (a) with molten-metal shells that can penetrate armour even of tanks! And (b) with anti-aircraft guns that can down copters. SeattlePI/26MAR TRUCE UNRAVELLING In Basra (oil-rich) area, govt. army (controlled by BADR group opposed to Sadr) have been attacking Sadrites. One Sadr honcho says they’ll SET FIRE TO OIL WELLS (!) if these attacks continue. Sadr extended the truce (which has been important in violence-drop), but says that his forces can attack to defend themselves. LATIMES/26MAR Observers saw many US vehicles entering the Sadr neighborhood in Baghdad, where fighting has been happening— US is seemingly backing Badr. REUTERS/26MAR Strangely, BADR has been most closely allied with Iran ! ~ Monday, March 24, 2008
Afgh.PROJECT FALTERING French MAY add 700 troops. So far, French troops are NOT in combat areas. NEWS YAHOO/24MAR (Canada will bugout unless ‘allies’ contribute 1000 more COMBAT troops.) WAR NOT WORTH IT: 2 in 3 Americans Only GOPs say it is worthwhile. CBS NEWS/24MAR It’s definitely a GOP war, prolonged by GOP Pols. ELECTRICITY PROBLEMS: 1200 electricity workers have been killed (or have fled the country). Iraq had great power problems even before the invasion. But now Baghdad gets only 4 hrs. of electricity per day, with little going to ordinary people. LATIMES/24MAR FUNDS FLOW TO TERRORISTSBushies bragged how they were cutting off terrorist funds; But bungling by them, and lack of cooperation from other nations,Mean that this effort is sagging.LATIMES/24MAR (Bushies have few real allies abroad.) AFGHAN DRUG POLICE KILLED: 100 in last year. Poppy production up 14% in last year. 90% of world’s opium comes from Afgh— FAR, FAR LESS before US meddling there. Tens of millions of dollars flow to Taliban. SEATTLEPI/24MAR US PLANES BOMBED NEIGHBORHOOD In (necessarily indiscriminate) retaliation for shelling of GreenZone. NYTIMES/24MAR Understandable, but stupid; recruits more insurgents than bombs kill. THOUSANDS WOUNDED: 4000 GIs killed SO FAR; tens of thousands wounded: blinded, maimed, shell-shocked. ~ Sunday, March 23, 2008
HOW MANY AFGHAN GI CASUALTIES? AFGHAN GI CASUALTIES CONCEALED We hear about ‘NATO’ casualties, but aren’t told how manyAre GIs. Info given suggests that a Afghan GI has about the same chance To be killed/maimed as a GI in Iraq. NewSunniAllies May TURN Admits Petraeus. Understandable that Shia Govt doesn’t want to admit former insurgents into its regular army when they might turn against the govt. Or against Shia. Also, they ARE infiltrated to some extent by Qaeda. CBS NEWS/23MAR Experts guess endgame in Iraq: 30k to 50K GIs in Iraq for decades. ‘Worst’ outcome: Partition into Kurdland/Shialand/Sunniland. (Lyons: actually this would be least-bad outcome— also the inevitable outcome). ChrSciMonitor, cited in YAHOO NEWS/23MAR ‘Overwhelming Iraq victory in a very short time” McCain predicted in ’02. LATIMES/23MAR His aides then predicted, in NYT, that Iraqis would be SO GRATEFUL for liberation that they would persuade other Muslims worldwide to make nice to US. DOZENS OF IRAQI CASUALTIES SUNDAY Some attacks aimed at Shia. Many mortar shells fell on GREEN ZONE, from a Shia area. Bushies promptly blamed Iran. SeattlePI/23Mar Bushies would love it if they could start a war with Sadrites, siding with Sunnis to set up a new Sunni dictator (‘Saddam-lite strategy’). But this will never happen. POPE BAPTIZES MUSLIM at Easter Mass. HoustonChronicle http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/5641333.html He must know that for a Muslim to turn Christian is a capital-punishment offense. He publicly, with world-wide publicity,offended one billion Muslims again (after denouncing Mohammed personally a few months ago). It’s understandable (tho nutty) for bin Laden to say this goofy Pope is ‘LEADING the new Crusade’ against Muslims. (the Pope’s triumphant visit to US, greeted officially by Pres. Bush.. will strengthen this idea). Who’d be surprised at a suicide bomber attacking a crowd in St.Peter’s Square? ~ Saturday, March 22, 2008
‘PRECISION’ AIRSTRIKE KILLS ALLIES CBS NEWS/22MAR There’s no such thing as a PRECISION airstrike’ They kill enemies, allies, and neutrals alike; They recruit more new insurgents than the insurgents they kill. 1000 MORE TO AFGH: France will send these troops (to combat zone?) to ward off threatened Canadian pullout. Globe&Mail/22Mar TRUCE THREATENED The truce called by Sadr with US & govt. has helped lower violence. But now the truce is frayed by attacks by both sides. REUTERS/22MAR Lyons tells bad news about wars to balance awesome govt. propaganda about good news (helped e.g., by awesome Fox.) WHAT TO DO WITH HIRED GUNMEN? US pays $10 a day for 80k Sunni gunmen to fight Qaeda locally. But this pay (nearly $1million a day)can’t go on forever. Problem: how to find jobs for 80k in devastated Iraq? LATIMES/22Mar Gunmen threaten strike if pay not resumed. UnitedPress/22Mar 3 closer to 4000: 3 GIs killed Saturday, inching total death-rate near to 4000. SEATTLEPI/22mar Usually about 4 GIs are seriously wounded for every GI killed. (Important: the dead will be quickly forgotten--except by family/friends; but the blinded, the maimed, the shell-shocked will haunt us for decades.) For problems treating wounded, see WALTER REED & BEYOND WashPost/22Mar ~ Friday, March 21, 2008
Up to FIFTEEN WOUNDED for every GI killed/ says NobelEconomist Stiglitz. Pent tried to conceal this ratio. ChicTribune,20Mar (cited by InfoClearingHouse). Stiglitz also said that for the cost of this war we could meet Social Security budget For 50-75 years. FEW TRANSLATORS: Army desperately needs MANY Arabic translators; but in 5 years, they’ve recruited only about 1000 native translators of Arabic “and other” important languages in America. RockyMtnNews/21MAR (Perhaps even fewer Arabic speakers.) You can bet there are even fewer NON-Arab Americans available who’ve LEARNED the language adequately. Once again: Americans are not very interested in outside world, and are quite ignorant of foreign languages and cultures— even our ‘foreign-policy elite’ ! (We took out the only general in Iraq who understood Arabic ; and the Arabic-speaking ambassador is pulling out.) It was reported that only TEN people among the thousand functionaries in our Baghdad embassy fully understood the language.) Given this ignorance of foreign languages and cultures, we should NOT BE MEDDLING in foreign affairs. We should concentrate on measures protecting our Homeland from terrorist attack. Mil.Honchos ask about Pause in Troop Cuts: Most agree on 4-8-week pause after summer cuts. New commander in South Iraq will have fewer troops To counter new chaos near Basra, After Brits bugged out. YAHOO NEWS/21MAR Price of continued heavy involvment: Essential CAPTAINS QUITTING. OSAMA: POPE LEADS CRUSADE CBS NEWS/21MAR Westerners may have forgotten when BigMouthBenedict Denounced the PROPHET ! But Muslim world won’t forget. Also, a ‘preacher for McCain’ recommended that we Eliminate Islam (over 1000 millions of people, all over the world, Of every race & color). LITTLE HOPE FOR IRAQ says veteran reporter there, citing individual stories about horrific 5 years since we started meddling there. GLOBE AND MAIL/21MAR CAPTAINS QUITTING: Army captains are ‘linchpin’ of our Iraq strategy— but they’re quitting in large numbers, just when we need many more. NYTIMES/21MAR That’s one main reason Pent. Honchos disagree with Petraeus & Bush that we can afford large-scale force remaining in Iraq. CLASH WITH SADRITES: There is a supposed truce between Sadr’s Mahdi army and US & govt. forces. But govt. forces have been attacking Sadrites. Seattlepi/21Mar see also MSNBC/21MAR ~ Thursday, March 20, 2008
WAR A FAILURE: 54% of Americans say Iraq war has been completely or mostly a failure. WashPost, cited in http://www.eecho.ie/news/story/?trs=mhojmhidcwau McCain says we’re succeeding in Iraq. Of course he would; by Nov, if things look good in Iraq, he wins. If they look bad (as they likely will) he loses— No matter what predictions he makes now. HAWK SPIN: An expert says main goal of Iraq invasion was to jolt Arab world out of stagnation. He claims that it HAS come out of stagnation— whether or not the war is Responsible. Clever (& desperate) hawk spin: find some improvement in MiddleEast, and hint that a) that was ‘central’ goal of invasion b) and that the invasion MIGHT have ‘worked’ to cause this improvement. UnitedPress/20Mar IRAQ increased US isolationism; people know it has raised anti-Americanism Throughout the world. ChrSciMonitor/20Mar I'm isolationist, because most Americans (inclusing foreign-policy 'elite') are too disinterested and ignorant of outside world to intervene intelligently. Pentagon honchos want big pullout. Petraeus wants to stop after pulling out 30K SURGE FORCES/ But Chiefs of Staff see that repeated Iraq tours are making ‘middle level’troops QUIT the service. So they want to pull out more troops before ’09. Both sides are publicly silent now— and Bush is obviously with Petraeus; But he can’t say he’s following ‘military advice’, When mil. Advisors are thus split. ~ Wednesday, March 19, 2008
IRAQ POLL: 73% oppose US presence; most deny that the Surge has lowered violence; but most see great security progress since 1 yr ago. 38% want US out NOW. ABC/19MAR ‘WE WILL JOIN JIHAD’/’DEATH TO BUSH’ chanted Afghan villagers after NATO raid killed local families. REUTERS/19MAR Provincial Elections Will Happen; US hopes that Sunni will gain more elected strength, Weakening insurgency. YahooNews/19Mar But Sunnis comprise only 1 in 5 Iraqis; If elections are honest, Sunnis won’t gain enough power to pacify insurgents! (They may give power IN SUNNI AREAS to Sunnis—thus facilitating PARTITION into Kurdland, Shialand,Sunniland.) ‘RECONCILIATION’ BOYCOTTED Iraq govt. tried to hold an inter-sect conference encouraging Sunni/Shia reconciliation. But a large Sunni bloc, and Sadr’s large Shia bloc, boycotted the conference. WASHINGTON POST/19MAR MARINES IN AFGH. 3200 new Marines to Kandahar, in danger zone. Google.com/19Mar Will this satisfy Canadian demand for more allied troops in combat zone? (Else Canada will pull out.) One doubts this, since US already has by far more troops there than any ally. (Allies decline to sacrifice troops pointlessly.) The chance of a given Afghan GI to be killed or wounded is about the same as the chance of a GI in Iraq. ~ Tuesday, March 18, 2008
COPING WITH RECESSION/DEPRESSION: Once before, around 1930, modern world slid from prosperity into THE GREAT DEPRESSION. Not all survived; but how did those cope who DID survive? --they gave up any dream of owning a separate house on a quarter-acre, or owning a car. --Extended families or friends shared a house. --People now could share rides in carpools. --Or people lived in ROOMING-HOUSES where a couple would share a room and eat with the other roomers meals served by the owner. --The rooming-house would be located on a busline; or the busline would begin to run out to rooming-house neighborhoods. --Above all, people QUIT HAVING SO MANY BABIES ! This should be easier this time round, with so many methods of contraception, early abortion, morning-after pills,etc. ALZHEIMERS & SUICIDE: 1 IN 8 BOOMERS WILL GET ALZ. CBS NEWS/18MAR So far, best remedy is suicide; but the only avalable methods are awful. However, sooner or later, even govt. will realize it can save billions by allowing less awful exits. NO QUICK PULLOUT, says Iraq govt. honcho. Of course not—to survive, these puppet govt. honchos would have to grab onto fleeing US copters! NEW ‘DETERRENCE’ HOPE: How to prevent terrorist attacks on our Homeland? Bushies have come up with some new methods (from fake terrorist internet messages, to sophisticated police moves)—(NYT18Mar) Interestingly,none of these new methods gives a deterrence-role to the fancy planes and ships and missiles on which the Pentagon will spend most of its $700,000 MILLIONS in ’08. BUGOUT WD.HELP IRAN says McCain. He says this about PREMATURE pullout from Iraq. But truth is, EVENTUAL US pullout will leave Iran the winner In Iraq. REUTERS/18MAR Nothing Bushies can do except DESTROY IRAN, then facing horrific retaliation on GIs in Iraq, incredible spiking of world oil prices, etc. 180 CASUALTIES in 2 days /dead or wounded/ CNN/18MAR In Iraq, with few medical facilities, Wounded are often worse off than those killed. With these awful attacks on Shia, Shia pols will NEVER make huge concessions to Sunnis that MIGHT pacify insurgents. The Bushie 'reconciliation' project in Iraq seems as futile as ever. ~ Monday, March 17, 2008
‘IRAQ SUCCESS,BUT YRS MORE TO GO” sayMcCain & Cheney. That would mean tens of thousands of GIs, HEALTHY NOW, Killed, blinded, maimed, shell-shocked. ~ Sunday, March 16, 2008
60,000 GIS WOUNDED: WAR HALF-OVER? CBS NEWS/16MAR. Thousands more GIs NOW HEALTHY will be Killed, blinded, wounded, shell-shocked. DENVERPOST says 30,000 wounded (vs. 60,000/CBS). But that’s still 8 wounded for every one of the 4000 killed. So when we read about ‘2 killed yesterday’ we can assume about 16 wounded yesterday. One estimate was that half were SERIOUSLY wounded, so that’s 8 seriously wounded ‘yesterday’. ICasualties.org, an independent agency, says that FIFTY THOUSAND GIs have had to be medically evacuated from Iraq to hospitals in Germany or America, sick or wounded. That’s SO FAR… Pope says Iraq slaughter is caused by war; he’s too tactful to remind all That the war has been caused—and continued—by Bushies. WashingtonPost/16Mar INSURGENT FUNDING: from SAUDI ARABIA; also from black-market gasoline. Very few captured insurgents buy into Quaeda’s religious doctrine; mostly,They’re in it for the money. US is now paying wages to up to 90k ‘FORMER’ insurgents (at $300 a month). How long will such funding last? What then? NYTIMES/16MAR ~ Saturday, March 15, 2008
About our 2 wars: we jumped recklessly into quicksand; we should not make a similar mistake by jumping recklessly out. ~ Friday, March 14, 2008
PLATEAU IN MIL.ACHIEVEMENT; MORE PROGRESS DEPENDS NOW ON RECONCILIATION, says US expert. USATODAY/14mar./P.7A But all agree that reconciliation is NOT progressing. Iraq prospect is stalemate, with thousands of GIs—NOW HEALTHY— being killed, blinded, wounded, shell-shocked POINTLESSLY. Canada:Afghan Bugout? Parliament authorizes 2 more years of Afghan war IF allies send more troops to combat zone. Otherwise, bugout. Globe&Mail/14Mar Amer.think we’ll prevail in Iraq! 53% are this dumb. CBS NEWS/14Mar If this opinion still holds in Nov, loonyMcCain will win. (One adviser of his says we should ELIMINATE the Muslim religion, claiming loyalty of over 1000 millions of humans, of every country and race. Even the nuttiest Muslims have not publicly announced the goal of eliminating Christianity!) When this 'Crusader' news hits the world, thousands of new terrorists will be recruited. Mil.Gains:No Pol.Progress Petraus says everyone agrees on lack of ‘sufficient’ progress in Shia/Sunni reconciliation. Once again: while even a few attacks on Shia happen regularly, Shia pols will NOT make real concessions to Sunnis that would pacify insurgents. Maybe NO concessions would; maybe Shia would make no real concessions even without attacks. Our Iraq project remains futile. NO DETERRENCE: Israel has super-formidable strike-back power— but 15 Gaza rockets/mortars hit Israel yesterday. Guerillas LIKE collective punishment of their innocent population: it recruits more NEW guerillas than the guerillas killed. SeattlePI/14Mar ~ Thursday, March 13, 2008
MANTRA: “Iraq govt. shd TAKE ADVANTAGE of security gains to speed reconciliation with Sunni.” REALITY: As long as there are REGULAR attacks on Shia (NO MATTER IF LESS FREQUENT) Shia pols wouldn’t DARE make big concessions to Sunni— nor would they want to ! IRAQ INTEREST DROPS Fewer Americans follow story; Fewer media stories. LATIMES/13MAR US doesn’t like frustration of unwinnable, UNLEAVABLE war—so they just ignore it. You can bet even WORSE Afghan news even less heeded ! RECLAIMING IRAQ’S ONLY PORT: At Basra, port is decrepit, and controlled by profiteering thugs. Brits claim success before bugging out— But Iraqi forces must replace them. Hint of ‘foreign forces’ (GIs called on to a new mission,When they can’t man present missions adequately..?) NYTIMES/13MAR There’ll be no shortage of excuses NOT to pull out GIs this year ! 160 Tal.attacks in ’07/Most ever. SEATTLEPI/13Mar I don’t comment on allied claims of Tal. Casualties— OR ON TAL. CLAIMS OF ALLIED CASUALTIES. But admissions by either side of attacks on THEM are news. CONFUSED VOTERS: By 13 points, they want a Dem in as President. But they’re tied between McCain (!) , Obama, and Hilary. WallSt.Journal/13Mar McCain says it’s OK for us to stay in Iraq for 100 years ! CatholicArchbishopKilled— Under Saddam, Catholics were tolerated; since our meddling, they’re fleeing from Iraq in droves. Nearly 80 casualties today. 12 GIs killed in last 4 days. Google.com/13Mar How many GIs wounded? They won't say. ~ Wednesday, March 12, 2008
IRAN (Wikipedia) 70million people (even after losing 1 million in war vs. Saddam) 1 in 4 under 15. 4 million abroad,mostly in US. Bushies’ dilemma: If they don’t destroy Iran in one blow (by nukes?) then Iran’s retaliation vs. our attack will be ferocious ESPECIALLY VS. OUR GIS NEXT DOOR IN IRAQ. If Bushies do ‘destroy’ Iran in one blow, then the millions of Iranians in America (opposed tho they are to the mullahs ruling there) could be roused into guerilla war here. The huge supply of their oil would be cut off world markets, spiking oil prices far higher than now. They could cut off huge proportion of world’s oil from getting thru Strait of Hormuz. “No US govt. would be crazy enough to attack Iran.” Oh yeah? ESQUIRE story guessed that Fallon (forced to resign) was the ONLY top honcho opposed to attack. http://www.esquire.com/features/fox-fallon SADR WARNING: that ‘truce’ does NOT mean his forces won’t defend themselves vs. US/govt. attacks. United Press/12Mar Since 60,000 Mahdis can’t defend themselves in open combat, this threat means that they will RETALIATE with guerilla attacks. AFGHANISTAN: Bush tells religious press about urgent need for more Allied troops in combat zone. Maybe their prayers will convince allied govts. IRAQ STALEMATE: After security gains by US/IraqGovt, # of attacks has stayed steady since Nov.’07. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/12/world/middleeast/12iraq.html?ref=world RISING SEAS from global warming threaten our heavily populated, economically crucial COASTS in near future. SeattlePI/12Mar COMMENTARY ON ADM.FALLON’S RESIGNATION (DISAGREEING WITH BUSHIE CIVILIANS OVER IRAN, IRAQ,AFGANISTAN) Writer claims that Gates & top chief of staff agree with Fallon on NO Iran war; But the forced resignation shows Bushies’ contempt for military advice disagreeing with them. WashPost/12Mar ~ Tuesday, March 11, 2008
CONSOLATION: A war with Iran would involve an APOCALYPSE for them—perhaps nukes. We can console ourselves that their retaliation would involve only some CATASTROPHES for us. IRAN WAR? HONCHO RESIGNS. Adm. Fallon said earlier that he’d resign rather than join in on an Iran invasion. He just resigned. NYTIMES/11Mar GMinvestsOverseas Reuters/11Mar Rt.WingFlacks tell us it’s good for the rich to get richer; their investments will make jobs. --but they might invest in automation, DESTROYING jobs. --they might invest overseas,not in US jobs. RecessionBarelyMissed? LATIMES/11Mar So what? Home equity plummets/ jobs disappear. US near-bankrupt from 2 wars. 60 Iraqi casualties since Sunday..but do we care? SeattlePI/11Mar We’re ‘staying in’ but NOT because we urgently want to protect Iraqis ! AfghanViolenceHighestEver: 500 incidents per month/ 1500 civilian deaths/ Trouble in formerly calm areas. SeattlePI,11Mar After 6 years, it's a WINLESS war. 12GI casualties Monday. Also, several other bombs killed some Iraqis— WashPost11Mar butTV seldom mentions Iraqi casualties. ~ Monday, March 10, 2008
$200/barrelOil? Oil closed over $107/barrel USATODAY.com/10mar All the nuttier toATTACK IRAN, spike oil prices even further! Sell your gas-burner. Gas headed for $4/gal. Boston.com, 10mar LYONS ANTI-US? I advocate pulling out of 2 bloody, costly, winless wars. I oppose starting a THIRD war with Iran. I cite evidence to support my positions. Isn’t iT obvious that I CARE FOR US WELFARE? 8 US CASUALTIES in Baghdad http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080310/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq;_ylt=Ak7Ci88PTswkMIHyqqwIuxSs0NUE The war, ignored at home, continues. ASKING MORE IN AFGH. From Europe. new Pres. Will ask Europe for more troops in Afgh. War zone. But will he GET THEM? UnitedPress10Mar BushiesIncreaseIRANCharges of interfering in Iraq war. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-iraq10mar10,0,1677776.story This means increased bluff of Iran attack, or increase of serious intent to attack— So they drum up excuses. But excuses to attack are irrelevant; what counts is HARM TO US from attack. If they think Iran is involved in anti-US efforts in Iraq NOW, Just wait till we attack ! At a time when we need cash for econ. Stimulus, Iraq war is costing $12,000 MILLIONS a MONTH, says Nobel economist. If we stay in till 2017 (McCain says 100 years OK!) cost (including interest—since all this money is BORROWED!) will add up to over $3,000,000 MILLIONS. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/354356_iraqcosts10.html SEVERAL Iraq BOMBS MONDAY: light casualties. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/03/10/iraq.main/?iref=mpstoryview ~ Sunday, March 09, 2008
SIGNIFICANCE OF THURSDAY BOMBS: --They were in thriving market. --They were in stronghold of Badrite Shia.. --They showed that Qaeda can still operate in Baghdad. --Later deaths have raised toll to 68. BOSTON.COM,9MAR ~ Saturday, March 08, 2008
NO IRAQ DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MCCAIN & OBAMA ?: It’s true that O can’t say now for sure that he’d pull out on the day he takes office. (You can’t make any certain determinations NOW about policies appropriate for ’09.) But you can say that PRESUMABLY Obama will pull out ‘as soon as possible’ (with that qualification NOT taking all the steam out of the presumption). We can hope that he would DEMAND SOLID PROOF of any CLAIMED NECESSITY (and utility) for staying in. Not at all true of McCain! & we're not all that sure about Clinton ! Brits have bugged out of Iran role, fleeing to one base (constantly rocketed) Of course they said their bugout was sign of SUCCESS! But now mass Basra protests over the chaos resulting from the bugout. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107ap_iraq.html ~ Friday, March 07, 2008
France MIGHT comply with Canada’s demand for more ‘allied’troops in Afghan war zone. But only if there’s a united allied commitment to a long-term stay in Afgh. UnitedPress7Mar 250 casualties in Mosul,Baghdad. The war goes on, now ignored in America. http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/ny-wowar075604605mar07,0,5095793.story Americans don’t care much about Iraqi casualties (700 killed per month), and Iraqis don’t like Americans. ~ Thursday, March 06, 2008
CANADA THREATENS TO PULL OUT OF AFGH. UNLESS ‘ALLIES’COME UP WITH 1000 MORE TROOPS (presumably in combat zone!) globe&mail,6Mar So.Amer.War? US pawn Colombia may find itself threatened from 2 sides by Ecuador and Venezuela. We could end up involved in wars with FIVE NATIONS: Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Ecuador, and Venezuela. Gates says Colombia can ‘take care of itself’. But it can’t even handle the guerillas within the country! You can bet Ec.& Ven. Are even now training future insurgents. (Indians backing Chavez would make good insurgents.) Columbia would bomb the hell out of them with US planes, thus cutting off their oil supplies, at least for US. That, plus Iran attack, and Iranian retaliation vs. Saudi oil-facilities, should raise US gas-price to $5gallon, at least. Sell your trucks & SUVs! Afghan GIs More Depressed— especially those on THIRD/FOURTH TOUR OF DUTY ! (Surprise !) However, morale in Iraq GIs has improved. YAHOO NEWS 6Feb OIL KEEPS SPIKING (TO $106BARREL). This may show that speculators expect Iran attack. It also makes Iran attack ever-nuttier ! ‘HARRY’S WAR’ PR distracts Britain from bad Afghan, Iraq news. (Brit.Iraq-withdrawal base regularly rocketed.) Gates amazingly criticizes allies’ Afghan tactics ! Also 'allies' refusal to send their troops into combat-zones. REUTERS6mAR 50,000 Gis Medically Evacuated from Iraq. Pent SAYS most of these were NOT GIs wounded in combat. http://icasualties.org/oif/ 21 NATO casualties (probably Americans) from suiciders in 2 days in Afgh. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1104ap_afghan_violence.html Admiral doubts Taliban Spring offensive coming. Because of NATO 'success'. We’ll see. What is likely is an increase in bombs. ~ Wednesday, March 05, 2008
When managers of humanitarian agencies met in Afgh, the scary part was that NO FOREIGNERS ATTENDED; THEY HAD ALL EVACUATED. Globe&Mail5Mar WhyDidRuss,China Agree to Dangerous Sanctions? Russ are understandable: a war with Iran would spike world oil prices, enrich Russia. China? They may THINK tougher sanctions will prevent war; like US, they’d really lose with spiking oil prices! Already-spiking prices ($104barrel)may indicate that savvy speculators figure Bushies/Israel WILL attack Iran, so they're figuring on a huge future spike. HowWill IranWarStart? UN sec.council authorized stopping ships at sea to check for military imports into Iran. A confrontation at sea with US & French ships could start the war. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/babylonbeyond/2008/03/iran-will-sanct.html#more ~ Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Hearing the musical piece again THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE, I was reminded of the scene in FANTASIA where Micky Mouse is the rash apprentice. The Sorcerer (whose power is matched by his wisdom) is away. The apprentice activates a magic broom, which causes all kinds of trouble-- before which he is helpless. He is a perfect example of the maxim: “Know-how without Know-whether is incompetence.” All mankind is now in Mickey’s position. We know how to do magic things, but have not the wisdom to control the magic for our own good or that of the world. To read more on this issue, click on Ch.2 in http://lamar.colostate.edu/~dlyons/ “Bushies must skulk in Iraq, but not Iran Pres— Because attacks are all by Iranian-backed Terrorists !” says Bushie mouthpiece general. http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSN0450503120080304 More Bushit. Bushies don’t mind saying absurd things; some Americans will believe anything in this line. Maliki, whom WE BACK !, kissed the Iranian 4 times, after the Iranian said, "Iraqis don't like Americans." This jerk Odierno actually claims that Shia Iran is helping Shia arch-foe Qaeda ! Iran/Iraq Ties: Iran is clearly the main beneficiary of Bushies’ invasion of Iraq, which eliminated Saddam, Iran’s big enemy. Ties between Iran & Shia govt. of Iraq get tighter and tighter. In Pres. Unpronouncable’s trip to Iraq, he didn’t skulk as Bush did on a similar visit. He was embraced by the leader WE back! He offered economic & technical aid to Iraq. (Far from Bushies claim of Iranian sabotage, he’s helping rebuild Iraq!) http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/03/04/notebook/main3903194.shtml ~ Monday, March 03, 2008
Over 100 Iraqi casualties on Monday; the attacks will continue to enrage Shia enough to prevent real concessions to Sunnis that will pacify insurgents. SeattlePI,3March http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107ap_iraq.html ~ Sunday, March 02, 2008
BestDefenceNOT Offence!Americans seem ‘hard-wired’ to think the rational reaction to a security crisis is always to strike back. So Washington attacked the wrong countries: Vietnam unconquerable,Iraq unconquerable, and Afghanistan INFAMOUS for being unconquerable !—in all 3 cases, we got entangled in ‘endless’ unwinnable wars. This stubborn tendency was aggravated back when clever war-mongers here changed ‘War Dept.’ to ‘Defense Dept.’—even though Pentagon is fit only to attack. (When we needed obviously to defend our Homeland from terrorists, we had to come up with a new Dept.ofHomelandSecurity!) Israel is like us; they’re invading Gaza again even though this has not lessened rockets falling on Israel. They’ve admitted their apocalyptic attack on Lebanon did not win that war. Israel & Bushies are determined to attack Iran, though Iranian retaliation will leave both countries worse-off. You can bet that futile invasion of Kurdish Iraq won't lessenPKK attacks on Turkey. Relying on the Pentagon means relying mainly on indiscriminate air attacks (which guerillas like, as recruiting more new guerillas than the number of guerillas killed.)We are like the dumb leopard who reacted to a huge hive of enraged hornets by trying to ward them off with his splendid teeth & claws! Give Petraeus credit; when by good luck the secular Sunnis turned against Qaeda, he had the sense to rely on alliance instead of attacks only.So far that has ‘worked’, tho the alliance seems to be weakening. CollectivePunishmentDoesn’tWork: Israelis invade Gaza—but 20 rockets still hit Israel. Guerillas LIKE collective punishment for their attacks; it recruits more guerillas. UnitedPress2Mar ~ Saturday, March 01, 2008