Dan Lyons
~ Friday, November 30, 2007
It turns out that a given GI in Afgh. Has ALMOST TWICE the chance to be killed as one in Iraq! We tend to forget about Bush’s SECOND winless war. ABC/NEWS30NOV WinningButNOT Leaving: "We're winning in Anbar--but it will be YEARS before we can leave!" says Marine honcho. LATIMES30Nov The steady drip of GI blood will go on and on. MISCOUNTING ATTACKS: Not only are Iraqi Govt. forces not so reliable in fighting; their reported numbers of attacks, casualties, etc. are not so reliable either. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-iraqstats30nov30,1,205026.story?coll=la-headlines-world Neither of course are US figures—they just undercounted US brain injuries by 20,000. So we shouldn’t feel sure that things have improved all that much in Iraq/Baghdad. EASE OF SABOTAGE: a desructive pipeline fire was caused by a ‘pinhole’ leak. http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,,-7116960,00.html That shows how easy it wd. Be for insurgents to sabotage pipelines in Iraq—how foolish it is to count on restored Iraqi oil flow. "Former "Sunni Insurgents are being paid $300 a month to stand on corners with rifles, vs. Quaeda. Turns out only 60k not 70k. Shia govt. approved as long as they were only in Anbar(Sunni) province. But they’re understandably concerned when 'former' insurgents are being armed and paid in Shia territory. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107ap_iraq_volunteer_forces.html After all, who’s to say which are FORMER insurgents and which are infiltrators for the insurgents ? AUSSIES OUT: New Aussie PM says he’ll pull troops out of Iraq by mid-’08 GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/australia/story/0,,2219713,00.html ~ Thursday, November 29, 2007
MOST OF BAGHDAD TOO DANGEROUS FOR THEM TO VISIT ’ say NINE IN TEN US JOURNALISTS THERE. Reuters http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N27496676.htm see also NYT29Nov. ‘ORDINARIES’ WIN vs. banks Consider the ordinary person who took out a ‘subprime’ loan; the extreme case was that he paid only the interest, accruing no equity. Still, when the market collapsed, he ended up having paid VERY LOW RENT for a house, not an apartment. If he was smart enough to save (hoping to pay the higher pmt. later) then he has ability now to pay apt. rent. The banks gambled on ever-increasing property values; they lost. SuperSubForIran? They claim to have a sub that outwits Sonar, able to fire missiles and torpedos against our vulnerable Navy nearby (navy which we hope would protect super-vital Strait of Hormuz vs. retaliation for US bombing of Iran.) http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107ap_iran_submarine.html Never mind the truth-value of such claims. What should be remembered is that suicide-volunteers need only to launch attack, not to escape. (A Chinese sub surfaced right next to our AircraftCarrier during our war-exercise near Taiwan.) ENOUGHforDirtyBomb: Thieves had about a pound of material radioactive enough to be used as ‘DirtyBomb’ (non-nuke able to render large,vital areas uninhabitable for a long time.) http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/11/29/nuclear.arrests.ap/ No doubt IRAN already has plenty of radioactive materials suitable also for dirty bombs, available for use vs. US in RETALIATION for our bombing them. (Tiny amt. needed wd.be easy to smuggle in.) ~ Wednesday, November 28, 2007
MOSTstillWantGIsOutASAP, Tho large MINORITY think Iraq situation is getting better. USATODAY28Nov,p.7A But GOP/Bushies say no. Thousands of GIs, NOW HEALTHY, will be killed, blinded, maimed, shell-shocked. CAN'T KILL OUR WAY OUT ! A prowar journalist ‘embedded’ with US troops, says Iraqis he meets want us to stay. (Polls show otherwise). He quotes US colonel: “We can’t kill our way out of this.” GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,,2217826,00.html But that’s mainly what we’re trying to do. We’re still bombing neighborhoods ! USairstrikesKill DOZENinnocents— at least, in Afgh. Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/afghanistan/story/0,,2218303,00.html Bushies never learn that airstrikes are inherently inaccurate, counterproductive (recruiting enraged new insurgents) Later LATIMES report: twenty-two innocents killed. HILARIOUS HAWK: a commentator disagreed: he said strike was very accurate; it just killed the wrong people! What a relief to hear that. 7 GIs Wounded by female suicider. Wounded may be worse off than dead. SEATTLEPI http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107ap_iraq.html ~ Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Teacher arrested for ‘teddy’ insult (named ‘Mohammed’). IRISH TIMES http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/breaking/2007/1127/breaking38.htm This illustrates fact that world Muslims will NEVER FORGET Pope’s insult directly against the Prophet. Bush formally commits GIs long-term, after ’08. Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,,2217581,00.html This means that THOUSANDS more GIs, who NOW ARE HEALTHY will be killed, blinded, maimed, shell-shocked—all for nothing. ~ Monday, November 26, 2007
‘LessFocusOnPetraeus’, say military honchos privately. Before he reported, Americans suspected he would sugarcoat data. He did, but dumb Americans bought into him partially. Confidence in military generally has gone somewhat down. This worries mil.honchos. Next ‘assessment’ is not till next March! Then pol. Campaign will be hot and heavy. If mil. Seems again to be sugarcoating Bushies, They’ll pay in US confidence. LATIMES http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-trust26nov26,0,5883694.story?coll=la-home-center All hinges on number of US casualties. Lower RATE may mean LONGER war, higher TOTAL casualties... just like the frog who accepted being boiled SLOWLY. Iraqi Pols may agree to PERMANENT US presence of,say, 50,000 GIs, stationed outside cities--giving US INVESTMENTS preference. Why not? Pols would benefit (Sadrites object.) SEATTLE PI http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107ap_iraq_us.html This would be like the Brit presence (as ‘equals’) after their failed occupation in the 1920’s. Brits wangled a 75-yr oil-preference from their puppet king. But in ‘50s, the military Baathists murdered the royal family and took over.--Brits out. Would US covert domination last 30 years? Would US casualties fall (as Brits’ did)? We don't have a puppet king, descended from Mohammed,up our sleeve ! ~ Sunday, November 25, 2007
DISAPPEARING LIBERTARIANS: We heard them ranting about ‘overbig govt’, and so on. Now we face real dangers of this type; War is the worst enemy of domestic liberty, and we are now in a long-term cold war with terrorists. (Pentagon employs about a million CIVILIAN employees.) RonPaul has demanded war-end, but most libertarians have gone silent. The only liberty they really cared about was freedom from TAXES ON WELL-T0-DO TO HELP THE POOR. They don’t just feel selfish; they feel positive animosity toward the poor. They used to say that people sacrificing ‘liberty’ for ‘security’ deserved neither.They obviously deserve neither. ‘DeclareVictory—OUT !” says Toronto Globe/Mail (25Nov) Bushies are not fighting Sunnis now NOR SHIA (Sadr has pulled out of fight for now)’ even Iran has pulled back in Iraq. Quaeda is reeling, says this observer. But nobody thinks Bushies will use this alleged good news as excuse to pull out quickly. They plan to stay in AT LEAST TILL 2012. By then, tens of thousands of NOW HEALTHY GIs may be killed, blinded, maimed, shell-shocked. ~ Saturday, November 24, 2007
Another staunch defender of Bush’s war just got TROUNCED in Aussie election. CBS http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/11/24/ap/world/main3536799.shtml USATODAY(23Nov) says that the actual number of GIs brain-injured in Iraq/Afghan. is 20,000 higher than the Pentagon has been saying. One Congressman guesses that 150,000 GIs may have been brain-injured. (A brain-injury may be worse than death, and may lead to suicide.) This illustrates how much faith we can put in Pentagon’s stories measuring the real costs and benefits of this war. ShiaBlamed by Bushie Generals, based on ‘confessions’ and ‘forensic evidence’ for ATTACK ON SHIA NEIGHBORHOOD… they’re said to be trying to pin deaths on poor innocent Sunni. SeattlePI http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107ap_iraq.html Attackers are said to be Sadrites disobeying Sadr’s call for temporary truce…with ‘Iranian backing’ tho perhaps not of Iran govt. 10rockets/mortars slammed into GREEN ZONE Thursday, wounding some but killing none. Oh,well-what a relief! These attacks were also blamed on Shia insurgents. ----------------- Former Commander blames Bushies for faith in military power alone. He says it’s still going on. Voice of America ~ Wednesday, November 21, 2007
CHINA backs out of ANTI-IRAN meeting. That leaves only Brits, Bushies, & new right-wing France in ‘sanction’ alliance. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article2884133.ece That may be what crazy Bushies want, an excuse to bomb Iran, since ‘sanctions have failed.’ Excuse not needed: who would stop the bombing? Excuse worthless: issue is horrific Iran RETALIATION vs. Iraq GIs. AfghansFallingForTaliban says an independent expert thinktank. They control 54% of country, and it’s ‘when,not if’ they will grab Kabul. http://www.guardian.co.uk/afghanistan/story/0,,2214813,00.html Bush’s second losing war. Iran may be his 3d. SAUDIS,ourMonsterAllies: There is now an alliance between SaudiRoyals, Israel, and Bushies. Saudis showed their true colors recently. They sentenced a RAPE VICTIM to 90 LASHES for being in a car with unrelated male when they were attacked. She appealed; they DOUBLED her sentence to TWO HUNDRED lashes, because she squealed to the Press. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107ap_saudi_rape.html Never forget that most of the 9/11 bombers were Saudis; binLaden is a Saudi; Sunni insurgents are very likely getting aid (& suicide volunteers) from S.A. (ISRAEL recently dropped FOUR MILLION CLUSTER BOMBLETS on Lebanon. Typical Bushie friends.) ~ Tuesday, November 20, 2007
PSEUDO-FREE SPEECH, PSEUDO DEMOCRACY: 2 REQUIREMENTS FOR REAL DEMOCRACY: --Equal Access to the public ear for all sides of a debate. The value of free speech is NOT in my right to ‘speak my mind’, but in audience’s right to hear all sides in a debate. --A functioning public ear. If the majority is deaf to rational argument, then there can be no effective free speech, no real democracy. SO where rational dissenters are silenced by govt, OR IGNORED BY MASSES, NO real democracy. J.S.Mill said that the ONLY people suited for democracy are those whose opinions can be changed by rational argument. In fact hardly any members of a modern mass democracy are so capable; their opinions are fixed by biology and propaganda . SO? Mass democracy cannot be real democracy. That doesn’t mean it’s worse than autocracy; just that there’s no real reason to think it’s better. (A villainous, INTELLIGENT autocrat would not let global warming ruin the world for himself and family ! A dumb, manipulated democracy would.) However, a benevolent IGNORANT autocrat would be WORSE than a democratic regime. ISRAEL'SclusterBomblets: 4 MILLION clusterBombletsOnLebanon by savage Israel during war. One million didn’t explode. 30 Lebanese have died from these bombs since then. Luckily a recent hailstorm exploded many of these death-trap bombs. GUARDIAN “DemsBlockingAntiBombMoves” says Bushie about moves to postpone extra Iraq $ till next year. DemHoncho replies that they can borrow against the more than $1000 MILLIONSper DAY already shoveled to Pent. Nearly 1000 bombs last month in North Iraq (near Kirkuk.) SEATTLEPIhttp://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/340379_usiraq20.html ~ Monday, November 19, 2007
ARAB VS. KURD? Iraq’s consititution calls for a referendum yet this year to decide if oil-soaked Kirkuk will join Kurdistan. No moves yet in that direction. Kurds complain that Arabs have reason to stall (i.e., a referendum now would show Kurds in majority there; the annexation would take place.) http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/middleeast/la-fg-kirkurk18nov18,1,342941.story?coll=la-middleeast&ctrack=8&cset=true Might this mean Sunni Arabs & Shia Arabs are cooperating to freeze out the Kurds? It won’t work. Kurds will grab Kirkuk— unless they fear Turk invasion and US double-cross. (Kurds have been our only allies in Iraq.) ANOTHER MURDEROUS ‘TOY’ STUNT: For at least the 3d time, a suicide bomber killed 3 GIs, 3 children (how many wounded?) while GIs were handing out toys. Bushie spokesman said truly that this shows the insurgents don’t care about Iraqi lives. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21868884/ I’d add that the officers who set up/allow these stunts don’t care much for GI lives either. ‘Casualties but no GI deaths’ (from recent rocket attacks) say Bushie Generals. They know Americans aren’t interested in number of wounded, only the number killed (nearly 4000 in Iraq, not counting those in Afgh, nor suicides.). This is dumb of Americans; the dead are forgotten quickly, except by relatives and friends. The blinded, crippled, and shell-shocked vets will be around to cost us and horrify us for decades. HOW ARE OIL-SPIKES TIED TO OUR PRESENT WARS? Price rose nearly 1% in one day! FORBES In the 1st place, Pentagon is a main consumer of imported oil, raising demand and spiking price. Secondly, Pentagon deficit (its budget is LARGER THAN OUR WHOLE FED. DEFICIT !) weakens confidence in our dollar, lowering its purchasing power re: oil and other imports. And of course IF we bomb Iran or Venezuela, the price of oil (& GASOLINE) will REALLY SPIKE! ~ Sunday, November 18, 2007
TROOPS HOME WHEN? Most Americans wanted GIs to start coming home from Vietnam by 1969. Casualties continued. The last troops actually came home in ’75. [ PARADE MAG,18NOV ] If Pentagon can manage similarly to defy popular will in Iraq war, last troops will come home in Oct. 2012 ! That means there are perhaps TENS OF THOUSANDS of GIs NOW ALIVE AND WELL who are doomed to be killed, maimed, or shell-shocked POINTLESSLY in the next six years. Pandemic of Vet Suicides Twice as many suicides among young vets as among non-vets. CBS (13Nov)couldn't get info from feds, so added info from States. Osama criticizesIraqQuaeda For ‘extremism’ (slaughtering other Muslims) And for disunity. MSNBC http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21443444 BagdadMoves TowardNormal HoustonChron,18Nov BLIND INTERVENTION" “WestInterventionOK” says Blairite Honcho, predictably. Guardian http://observer.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,,2212894,00.html I don’t know about other Western countries (tho I’ve heard that Brit foreign language competence has sunk)—But it’s absurd to say Bushies should intervene, when their intel svc. is blind as hell. Collapsing$ harmsOPEC: Most OPECs denominate their oil in US$.. It’s dropped 10% recently, cutting their real reserves. Iran & Venezuela want OPEC, of course, to switch currency. Chavez claims, plausibly, 'collapse of US Empire'. But Saudis, kings of OPEC say no FOR NOW. But they won’t likely ease oil prices by upping production. BLOOMBERG http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aDYk2EV7L.Vk&refer=home ~ Saturday, November 17, 2007
BRAINS VS. BRAWN: In BasicTraining, one exercise was to crawl on elbows about 100 yards under real fire from machine-guns. (..at height of M1rifle,we were told.) We thought we heards bullets whistling overhead; we saw fake explosions all around us. I doubted the ‘real fire'’ part, but prudence dictated that I tried hard to stay down on my elbows. I was so weak and athsmatic that I finished up last, by far. The sociopathic sergeant raved about collective punishment if 'we 'didn’t go faster in the nighttime version. I could calculate how my esteemed peers would treat me if I were responsible for this collective punishment. I did a quick think about logic and geometry. Either the machine-guns were set exactly parallel to the ground, or they were aimed upward or downward; If aimed downward even in the slightest, they would eventually pick off every GI on his elbows.. So I got up on all 4s and went like a bat out of hell, as if a bullet were on my tail.. It was nighttime; people tried to grab at me to prevent my ‘suicidal’ progress, but I made it to be the FIRST of my platoon to finish the course (reverting toward end to proper 'elbow' position) . Survival indeed. 'War is a demented enterprise, with personnel & policies corresponding.' If I'd been really smart, I'd have collapsed in hysterics and earned a general discharge on the spot. BasraPeaceful? Only to the extent that Sadrites have actual power, NOT the commander of central govt.’s army (presumably from the other Shia faction, the Badrites). Sadrites offer social services, quick justice, and slaughter of ‘collaborators’ with the Brits (e.g., translators) ; Brits have pulled back to local airport, ready to bug out of Iraq completely. GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,,2212585,00.html ~ Friday, November 16, 2007
GOOD NEWS IGNORED? Victory an orphan? V.D. HANSON, an ancient hawk, wonders why US media have downplayed the startling turnaround in Iraq’s Anbar Province, as well as the 2 month drop in US casualties and general violence elsewhere in Iraq. He cites other wars where seeming defeat turned suddenly to victory (or in Korea, at least to a truce). RMtnNews, 16Nov He’s right to say these good bits of news should be widely noticed; but he’s wrong to hint that they are mainly caused by US forces. Many other factors have been noticed; especially Sunni disgust with Quaeda slaughter of Iraqis and with ‘strict Quaeda version of Islam.’Also, disappearance of mixed neighborhoods (sites of intersect slaughter) and Sadr's pulling out his forces temporarily. Indeed, our Bushie generals have just warned against ‘excessive optimism’ arising from this good news. And generals in Afghanistan are saying we’ll need to send more troops into that SECOND war. [USATODAY,16Nov] When you read claims that US has killed dozens of Taliban (or civilians mistaken for Taliban)-- Remember, what counts is the number of enemy LEFT. Taliban (or potential recruits) number in the hundreds of thousands. We have only 24,000 troops there. USATODAY,16Nov. Number of GIs dead in Afghan war increases every year; for ’07,110 Over 5 years, 731 have been evacuated (many for mental problems) to German Hospital. That sounds like 1 in 240 GIs killed this year. 417 total died (perhaps from 'non-hostile' causes); 1 in 7 died over 5 years. http://icasualties.org/oef/ A given GI has about as much chance to be killed, maimed, wounded or shell-shocked in Afghanistan as does a given GI in Iraq. BushieGenerals: ”Govt.nowMainProblem’ They now see Govt.’s refusal to do favors for Sunnis as the main obstacle to US efforts, more than Sunni/Shia insurgents even more than Quaeda! Also they warn Americans vs. ‘EXCESSIVE OPTIMISM’. (pushed of course by desperate GOP!) MSNBC http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21781092/#storyContinued It may be that (Sunni) Quaeda strategy has worked; to wreak so much slaughter of Shia that Shia leaders don’t dare make concessions, e.g., to Saddamite Sunni (former?) insurgents. ‘MoltenMetal’bombs can penetrate TANK armor! Shia militants have been using them vs. US vehicles. Bushie generals claimed that they come from Iran. But now there are far fewer of them being used, And generals give Iran credit for ‘stemming the flow’. CBS http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/11/15/iraq/main3504891.shtml Iran may feel it has given enough warning of the havoc it could wreak vs. Iraq GIS IF we bombed Iran. WarFunding: Dem House passed a war-fund bill setting a ‘goal’ of most troops out by end of ’08. A Dem plan like this (nor a GOP plan with no deadlines) will likely not pass by REQUIRED SIXTY VOTES in Senate. Dem leader says he will force the 4 Senate Pres.candidates (including HawkHillary) to stay in DC over the weekend (close to Iowa voting) to vote on versions of this bill. When this bill fails, Dem leaders will NOT allow another vote this year—money can be borrowed from the nearly HALF A MILLION MILLIONS already shoveled to Pentagon for ’08—for NONwar frills. GOP Senators will be under more pressure from antiwar voters (a considerable majority!), the closer their prowar votes come to the election. GUARDIAN GOOD BASRA NEWS: Observers worried that when the Brits bugged out of Basra, attacks would increase— (They’ll be gone from Iraq by end of ’07!) but it turned out most of the previous attacks were against the Brits, and the total of attacks dropped! SEATTLEPI ~ Thursday, November 15, 2007
TALIBANbombsUP 1739 last year; already this year, 1932 101GIs killed this year. Taliban gets whomped when they stage conventional attacks. So they’re reverting to guerilla war ‘because it works’. They’re dominating some Afghan regions, esp. where opium poppies grow. [USATODAY,15Nov,p. 1] BAGHDAD VIOLENCE-DROP? WhyLessBaghdadViolence? An Iraqi war-reporter disagrees with story that the violence-drop is caused by success of Bushie SURGE. INFOclearing-house http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18715.htm He cites ethnic cleansing and flight of honest war-reporters. “NewAlly’claimUS killed his men by mistake. Airstrike involved. EITHER this is 1more example of indiscriminate US attacks— OR this guy ran a US-hostile gang posing as allies. SeattlePI http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107ap_iraq_clash.html How could Bushies distinguish friends from foes, not even understanding Arabic? ‘Declare fertilized eggs as persons’ a new Colorado measure will propose--designed to milk more $ from right-wingers. 'Conservative' backing might depend on telling citizen embryos from illegals. Penile Lockup: a local paper referred to people entering the penile system of prisons; I was reminded of a student pleading for university readmission after he was dropped for low grades. He complained of suffering from Attention Defacate Disorder. The committee refused his petition; when his attention wandered…. ~ Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Language Studies: Less than 9% of US collegians study ANY language (down from 16.5% in ’65. Spanish is the most popular language. Arabic for the first time is in the ‘top ten’; That is, about one in a hundred language students study Arabic—that’s about 1 in a thousand collegians.(24k in whole country.) The rate has doubled since ’02; before it was only 12k.. A friend is fluent in Arabic; he says far more than 1 year is needed. These figures are likely first-year students, mainly. (Of the thousand functionaries in our Baghdad embassy, only TEN really understand Arabic). Those studying Chinese are only 51,000— including thousands of Chinese-Americans. We can’t even persuade our collegians to study the language of a nation we’ve invaded 5 yrs ago , and are trying to occupy (the study of Afghan or Indonesian languages --or Iran’s farsi-- is not worth recording.) [ USATODAY,14Nov,p.8D] The plain fact is we have no reliable spy-information, no reliable intelligence, on the middle East. Yet we’re entangled in wars in Afgh. & Iraq, and Bushies are dying to get into another war with Iran. Nutty. LAUGHABLE WORRIES: Pent says that if Congress doesn’t give them $50,000 more millions ‘for the war’, they’ll run out of money— even though Congress just gave them $471,000 millions. Story admits that most Pent. $ do NOT go for our 2 winless wars. Congress Dems say if they can’t pass the money bill with commitments to bring troops home, they will simply wait till next year to pass the money bill. CBS http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/11/13/national/main3497162.shtml ~ Tuesday, November 13, 2007
How could PLUNGING dollar hurt us? At 1st sight, it helps us: increasing exports as cheaper, cutting our imports as more expensive. Even more expensive oil helps us in long run (encouraging conservation). BUT our bonds are at risk. If other nations cash in our bonds (or even quit buying them) then our interest rates will have to spike up— because we MUST sell our bonds, to finance our monstrous debts. (We can't default; we must KEEP BORROWING. Like hillbillies, we borrow more to pay interest on past loans.) That interest spike could plunge us into deep recession. MILLIONS OF MILLIONS: Our 2 winless wars (until ’08) will cost $1.6 millions of millions, or $20,000 for each US family of four. Extra costs include interest (all the money is borrowed!), lost investment, long-term health for vets, and oil-market disruption. If war continues till ’13, the total costs will be 3.5 trillion, or $46,000 for each family--one year of median pay. (Eventually this borrowed money must be repaid.) GUARDIAN And of course the COSTS FOR TOTAL PENTAGON BUDGET will be much higher. Some test ! Bushies say the drawdown of the extra SURGE troops will test whether the SURGE has worked. But they plan on withdrawing only 1 of 20 EXTRA brigades this year, with only 5 of 20 withdrawn by next July. SeattlePI What will count electorally is whether the 2-month drop in US casualties continues. ~ Monday, November 12, 2007
‘Bush Honors Veterans” says headline in DenverPaper. But then it turned out he was honoring the ‘good, just,noble cause’ they died for. That is, he honored his own needless, pointless, heartless, brainless, WINLESS war, in which their lives were wasted. This follows an old tradition: pretend to honor the victims of the disease of war, while you’re actually honoring the disease. ElectionsWithoutFreeExpression: Nobody’s fooled By Musharreff announcing elections in early ’08 when he intends to keep a stranglehold on TV & the Press during the campaign. We’re shocked by his nerve. But Americans aren’t shocked when the wealthy MONOPOLIZE TV time here to push their candidates. What’s the difference between locking up free speech (as in Pakistan) and BUYING UP the access to effective free speech, as here? In either case, elections are a farce. Thousands of SunniVolunteers suspected by Shia govt. How can Bushies (unable to understand Arabic!) \ ‘vet’ them to eliminate insurgent infiltrators ? It’s admitted that some of the volunteers are working with Quaeda, instead of fighting Quaeda. MSNBC CLEAR,BUT NOT HOLD? A Brit afghan Honcho said Brits have taken back territory held by Taliban—but they’re counting on Afghan troops HOLDING the newly gained territory—and that is not assured. GUARDIAN Low numbers of Western troops cannot clear and hold all of Afghanistan. GoodIraqNews Far Fewer rocket/mortar attacks in Oct, Somewhat fewer Iraqi deaths (1000 in Sept.down to 800), and somewhat lower GIdeaths (65 to 39). SeattlePI Besides US trumpeted efforts, partial explanation could lie in already-accomplished ethnic cleansing (Sunnis now on left side of river, Shias on right side). ~ Sunday, November 11, 2007
190,000 weaponsMislaid ! We gave them—intended to bolster Iraq security— to a businessman who SOLD THEM TO ALL COMERS. “Craziest thing I’ve ever seen!” says US witness. NYTIMES Have any of these weapons killed Americans? Who knows? Progress?UpTo a point A CBS analyst agrees with Bushies’ claim of some progress in mitigating violence. But he makes several reservations: --certain neighborhoods are safer; but people venture out of them at their peril. --One reason for diminished sectarian violence is that there are fewer ‘mixed’ neighborhoods to give scope to sectarian violence; people are moving to be with ‘their own kind’, in automatic ‘ethnic cleansing’. --Govt. brags that 3000 people have returned to original homes over the last 3 months. But RedCrescent (Muslim version of RedCross) says the number of refugees WITHIN Iraq increased 16% in the last 30 days, totaling now 2.3 million (not counting those who’ve fled the country altogether.) --Arming the sheikhs could end up with Iraq run by independent warlords. Even Bushies admit that central govt. is pretty helpless. (Dumping Maliki would give up pretence of ‘democracy', as we’ve given it up inPakistan.) --Bushies brag that Iraqis control 8 provinces, neglecting to mention their earlier prediction that Iraqis Would control all 18 provinces by end of ’07. US BragsAbout Expensive Cocaine Latimes,11Nov This pains users, but deters youth from starting. SIMILARLY, we should rejoice at EXPENSIVE GASOLENE. It will minimize teen-driving and addictive use of monster vehicles. CHINESE SUPER-SUB DuringUSmaneuvers, a Chinese sub surfaced right next to vulnerableUS carrier! UnitedPress,11Nov US worried that such subs could deliver RETALIATORY nukes to US, in spite of our laughable anti-missile missiles. Why is Guliani popular with GOPs? He’s pro-choice, pro-gay. But he’s also pro-rich and pro-war. That’s what counts. BaghdadViolenceSaidDown77% USATODAY,11Nov. We’ll see if this relief lasts after the 30K extra GIs are withdrawn. (Shia) IranOilTo(Sunni) Pakistan 1600-mile pipeline to be built. US opposed, trying to ‘isolate’ Iran. Musharref disobeys US— he knows we’re stuck with him. SeattlePI It's BushieAmerica that's getting isolated. ~ Saturday, November 10, 2007
30K’NON-HOSTILE’IRAQ CASUALTIES http://icasualties.org/oif/ There’s no reason to think these ailments would have happened to 150,000 Americans outside of Iraq. 37k evacuated medically from Iraq. (1 in 4 IraqGIs needing evacuation). So they should perhaps be included in costs of our occupation. Sunni ALLIES SAY ‘US STAY OUT !” They say they’re attacking Quaeda; But they fear US intervention will mean US airstrikes mistakenly hitting THEM ! NYTIMES Illustration of counterproductiveness of airstrikes. DIM WOMEN: Women who support Hilary automatically are as dumb as the men who oppose her automatically— based on the nature of her genitals. POOR RESERVISTS: Almost halfof reservist vets objected to Govt’s handling of their complaints about difficulty of getting their prewar jobs back. CBS PakisVs.US Most Pakis are very opposed to Musharref-and also to US, perceived (with good reason) as his backer. We see him as bulwark vs. Taliban; he hasn't done much in that line; much of the billions we gave him went to get ready for a possible war with India ! LATIMES http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-antius10nov10,1,2258419.story?coll=la-headlines-world&ctrack=6&cset=true 2dWinlessWarNoticed: 6 GIS killed by Taliban ambush (more wounded) plus 3 Afghan troops. SeattlePI http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/339178_afghan10.html Only on occasions like this is our SECOND winless war noticed. The truth is that a given GI there has about the same chance of being killed/maimed/injured as a GI in Iraq. And we seem to be heading for a THIRD, REALLY BLOODY war vs. Iran. Nutty GOP (& nutty Dems like hawkHilary ) for backing frothing Bush. ~ Friday, November 09, 2007
Neglect of Vets: Nearly 2 million veterans are without healthcare, having neither insurance nor access to vet facilities. NYTIMES, 9Nov/pA26 ‘OPTIMISTIC WORDS WILL RETURN TO BITE HIM’ say some European observers, of the glowing assessment by US honcho. Years ago our generals said the road to the airport was safe, just before several attacks. Murders in Baghdad are now said to be down 80% from (a very high) peak. Govt. brags that thousands of refugees have returned to their homes. One reason might be that the refugees Outside Iraq ran out of money, HAD To return. Iraq Red Crescent says the number of refugees QUADRUPLED THIS YEAR ! 46,000 are said to return, of over 2 million refugees. Guardian Iranian vs US war-resources Expert Cordesman: Iran has more defensive than offensive resources.. [but that’s what counts!] A standing army of 350k troops. Iran has shown it can resist pressure/invasion under far more divisive conditions than hold now. (vs. hope that ‘shock/awe’attack will trigger regime-change. ) US has plethora of ineffective bombers, of course, but admittedly no real troop force available for invasion except a few thousand marines on ships--who'd be slaughtered. SEATTLEPI http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/338919_iran09.html Bombing/shelling would be it; then comes Iranian retaliation, especially vs. our GIs in next-door Iraq. As I’ve said before, an EARLY attack with retaliation made visible would wreck campaigns of US hawks like Hilary & all GOP candidates. But a delayed attack gives Iran more chance to improve retaliation. (You can bet the country is in state of advanced mobilization.) Iran claims it has 11k rockets to fire (at Iraq GIS?) during 1st minute of war. ~ Thursday, November 08, 2007
Sen.DullardOffersBlackHumor: Colorado’s Sen.Allard gave this reason for supporting the new AG nominee (who won’t say that waterboarding is illegal, tho precedent says clearly that it is) : ‘It’s not black & white; we don’t really know what waterboarding is; it could be holding the guy’s head underwater, OR IT COULD BE SLAPPING HIM IN THE FACE WITH A WET WASHCLOTH.” [NPR News,8Nov] The latter version would scare the truth out of anyone ! HawkHilary Still leading strongly among Dem candidates. Voters can save $ from Dem contributions, If they, for some reason, don’t support a THIRD WAR AGAINST IRAN. 1 in 4Homeless are Veterans: 1500 from Afghan,Iraq wars. SeattlePI 8Nov Surely these should be added to number of POINTLESS casualties from these follies. (besides hundreds or thousands of other vets suffering from shell-shock or brain injuries.) Bushies care for ‘our troops’ as Tyson cares for its chickens. ------------- CORRECTION: 1500 homeless are from 'current' wars; only 400 from Afghan/Iraq wars. But 72,000 vets (from various wars) pay more than half their income in rents. 40% of homeless female vets say they were sexually assaulted by GIs during their service. NYTIMES8Nov Hawks retort, “Have you just discovered that war is ugly?” No—I learned that in Korea during that war; and it’s too bad the hawks didn’t discover this before endorsing 2 pointless, winless wars and now perhaps a 3d against Iran ! ~ Wednesday, November 07, 2007
BUSH & binLaden: People polled worldwide think Bush is just as dangerous as binLaden. INDEPENDENT http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/article3135398.ece Actually, he’s MORE dangerous: just as nutty, and much better armed. IRANcanMakeDirtyBombs They say they have 3000 cascading centrifuges now working. Maybe they can’t make nukes yet; NBC http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21666121/ But they can produce lots of radioactive stuff to use to make DIRTY BOMBS (radio.stuff packed around ordinary explosives)— ONE of which could render key area in America uninhabitable for a long time. (easy to smuggle in enough.) Unnoticed Elephant Still inLivingRoom: Congress shovelled $459,000 millions to Pentagon for next year !— well over $1000 MILIONS eachDAY-- but Congress bravely refused extra money for Iraq war, which has cost ONLY around $400,000 millions over FOUR-PLUS YEARS ! (Pentagon could make up their refusal from petty cash.) SEATTLEPI ~ Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Non-fatal GI problems needing medical transport outside Iraq (Pent. Figures—certainly not too high !) Total 37,000. [ Icasualties.org ] http://icasualties.org/oif/ Doesn't include AFGHAN casualties, of course. 1 pedestrianBOMB,140AfghanCasualties GUARDIAN 90 KILLED(incl.5 Parliamentarians) , 50 WOUNDED. The wounded may well be worse off than the dead. 5 GIs killed Monday in Iraq. # wounded? (usual ratio is 7 wounded for every GI killed.) Suicide bombs & road-bombs are nearly impossible to counter. Suicider casualties HAVE been cut in Israel. How? HawkHilary & gas price. Hilary (plus most other Senators!) gave implicit permission for Bushies to bomb Iran. Iran retaliation would wreck world oil markets. Speculators have already raised world oil price to nearly $100 a barrel. UnitedPress http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/Business/2007/11/06/us_oil_surges_nearly_2_approaches_96/4431/ US gasoline now back to $3 a gal, will spike higher. ----------- MINIMUM SANITY: Bushies bomb Iran just before election '08, triggering dumb Jingoist triumph, but before disastrous side-effects show up. GATESwarnsCHINAaboutIran: “China will lose from middle-east instability”. VoiceOfAmerica http://voanews.com/english/2007-11-06-voa12.cfm --The only instability from Iran getting nukes is more power to Shia (Sunni Pak. Already has 30 nukes). How would this hurt China? --Why in the world would China heed a US honcho telling them where their interest lies? What a farce. --The statement was really aimed at US public, to increase chatter about Iran dangers--paving way for insane bombing. ~ Monday, November 05, 2007
WastedTrillions ($1 trillion= $1 million MILLIONS!) How much security-increase has been bought by trillions shoveled to Pent. In last few years? DEFENDING US: For decades we’ve had thousands of H-bombs to use as 2d strike deterrent (fired off submarines even AFTER our country was nuked). No improvement needed there. ATTACKING OTHER COUNTRIES: Realizing the nuttiness of Bushies (in ’02 they said they might attack any country that tried to keep up with us in weaponry !)— Other nations are racing to get 2D-STRIKE-DETERRENT weapons (as N.Korea has produced nukes). For Instance, other countries are developing WAR-GERMS (the ‘poor nation’s nukes’)-- To retaliate vs. our homeland if we attack them. So the trillions to Pentagon don’t make ATTACKS any safer for us. All trillions wasted by a country going hopelessly into debt— as our comptroller general is warning on his tour around US. BushieMideastStrategyCriticized Obsessive belief that terrorism can be countered by spreading democracy? When most Muslim voters in world hate US? C’mon ! USNEWS&WORLD REPORT US weak tsk-tsk response to Pak.coup may show that even Bushies are waking up. US Billions misdirected by Pakistan Money intended to help Pak fight Quaeda went instead for equipment to fight India ! LATIMES What a surprise! But that also pleases our weapons-makers (masters of our Pent) because they can sell Pak snazzy aircraft etc, better suited for anti-Indian war. Bushies’Depended’On ONE IRAQI for Intel ! CBS They ‘believed’ him because he said what they wanted people to think. It was said that Bushies did not have a single US spy on the ground in Iraq before invasion ! Let’s face it: such a TINY MINORITY of Americans care enough about the outside world even to study languages, that we COULDN’T have reliable intel about Middle East. We are the blind elephant dancing near cliffs. 07WorstYear ForGIdead Until 07 the worst annual kill-total was 850. ALREADY, in 10 months, the ’07 total is 847! The good news: in Sept.&Oct. , the death-rate for GIs has dropped. SEATTLEPI BadNews: 5 GIs killed on 5 Nov. ~ Sunday, November 04, 2007
HALF ARE MORONS ! 52%OkWarVs.Iran ! and they see Hawk Hilary as best qualified on ‘security’ ! A half-nation of morons. http://www.zogby.com/news/ReadNews.dbm?ID=1379 Nearly 5000GIsDead, incl.suicides--SO FAR ! VA veteran-suicide statistics WarComesHome.Org http://warcomeshome.org/content/least-430-iraq,-afghanistan-veterans-have-committed-suicide TalibanHoldOneAfghanDistrict They’ve taken over several districts temporarily— but this one district they’ve held sinceFebruary. AustralianNews |