Dan Lyons
~ Sunday, September 30, 2007
EUROPEANS WELSH ON AFGHAN WAR EuropeWelshesOnAfghans US is mad at Europe for promising troops,$ for Afghan, then welshing. Bushies wonder If Eur.is really COMMITTED to that war. REUTERS http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSN2844682220070930 If they WERE committed to that no-win war, Then they’d be as crazy as the Bushies. DemsBetterVS. Terrorism, at Military! Say 44% of those polled, vs. 42% GOP. Bad Opinion of GOP: 59% Dems better for prosperity: 54% vs. 34% Dems raising more $ ! GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,,-6960136,00.html But IF Dems can’t get a few more GOP votes to counter veto now, then Dem Pres. Will get stuck with ‘bugging out’, and Dem majority may disappear in ’10. NewPent.Honcho says Iraq War is ‘overstretching’ military, distracting us from other threats. USATODAY ‘Overstretching’? when only $1 in 4 in Pent.budget funds both of our feckless wars? When over one million military men have never gone to Iraq? ! Distracting, yes. More pressure on Bush/Congress to pull out of Iraq soon. But ‘the Decider’(backed by doglike GOP pols) is immune to sensible pressures. Pent. Admits that in 85k attacks since ’03 (25k this year), insurgent road-bombs have caused 21k US casualties. UnitedPress Pent. Is finally admitting it must supply thousands of MRAPS to replace death-trap humvees. But it’s too late; by now, insurgents have come up with ‘molten-metal’ mortar shells that could penetrate TANK-armor, let alone MRAP armor ! If US tries gimmick of pulling back into a few central bases, these must be supplied by copters (vulnerable to shoulder missiles) or trucks (vuln. To road-bombs.) One more reason why this is a no-win war. ~ Saturday, September 29, 2007
Again,Who’sBelieved? Locals say US copters opened fire on innocent RAMADAN gathering in Baghdad. US says It was firing on gunmen. NYTIMES Doesn’t matter what really happened. Iraqis will believe locals' stories, piling up more hatred for US. As long as Bushies authorize such ‘airstrikes’, strikes will recruit more supporters for insurgency. RenewUNmandatefor USinIraq?Not so fast! Maliki wants mandate to extend to end of ’08. But parliament passed a bill to demand consent of parliament Before asking for another extension. SeattlePI Kharzai offers Govt.post to Taliban ! “Esteemed mullah” K. addressed Mullah Omar, one of top Tal. Honchos. Kharzai is US puppet, but he is restive under NATO domination. He does refuse to ask Western foreigners to get out. CBS http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/09/29/terror/main3311381.shtml But how would they react if actual Taliban fighters, having killed many of them, were to show up in K’s govt.? T. just blew up an Afghan army bus, killing 34 of K’s soldiers. ~ Friday, September 28, 2007
Both wars in ’08 will cost only $153,000 millions; Total ‘08Pent.budget :$672,000 millions. Pent.is NOT really a WAR machine— (they haven't won a real war in60years !) It’s a financial device to shovel TRILLIONS to war corporations. ----------------- “LeaveIraqAFTER BushLeaves” suggest GOPs. ABC http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=3664803 Shameless. They assume voters are so CHILDISH that, Even demanding exit now as the great majority does, Voters will blame Dems in power in ’09 for ‘bugout’. Nobody has such contempt for voters as GOP. Perhaps they’re right. “US ground&air ASSETS” killed some civilians. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/28/world/middleeast/28iraq.html?_r=1&oref=slogin Aren’t Pentagon euphemisms marvelous? They didn’t want to say that our planes BOMBED another residential neighborhood. ------------ StateDept.Honcho admitted that contract with Kurds with Hunt oil (Hunt is a big Bushie honcho) was perhaps illegal, since it was not Okd by central govt. This contract shows that Bushies accept deFacto secession of Kurds. They want to block similar move by Shia, producing a rich ministate with most Iraqis, MOST OIL, & the ONLY SEAPORT, allied of course with Iran. Sadr speaks in favor of keeping central govt. The Badrite Shia seem to be even more close to Iran. Yet US bombs Sadrite neighborhoods, favors Badrites. Goofy ! CLEAR,NOT HOLD NATO honcho worries that Afghan territory taken from Taliban since last winter May be taken back by Taliban this winter. Regions CLEARED by NATO troops can’t be HELD by Afghan govt. forces GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/afghanistan/story/0,,2179312,00.html Same problem in Iraq—as extra SURGE troops are withdrawn, the regions they cleared will likely NOT be HELD by Iraq govt. forces. If so, then the whole SURGE is shown to be pointless waste of GI blood. (Iraq situation is WORSE: Govt. forces weakened by sectarian splits.) Suiciders’Morality We loathe suiciders because they slaughter indiscriminately innocent civilians. But so do our airplanes. The evil lies in the inevitable indiscriminacy of BOMBS, not in suiciding as such. There’s not much moral difference between suiciders and heroes who undertake hopelessly fatal missions. Do we think plant-&-run road-bombers are less immoral than suicider? Suiciding is very effective because bomber is not then available to be tortured to get him to squeal on his allies. (Captured spies have always taken cyanide pills for the same effect.) We loathe Quaeda suiciders especially because they DELIBERATELY set out to slaughter innocent civilians. MalikiDenouncesPartition: SeattlePI http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107AP_Iraq.html Of course; his whole govt would be rendered toothless. But the partition is inevitable, as well as desirable. Shia & Sunni are voting with their feet, Fleeing to areas where their sect dominates. 200,000 weapons mislaid In ’03, thousands of weapons were supposed to go the Iraqi ‘army/police’. But 200k of these can’t be traced. Petraeus was in charge then, but he has not been cited in the investigation. SEATTLEpi We wonder how insurgents are so bountifully supplied with explosives and weapons. But GIs watched in'03 while truckloads of high explosive were hauled off in trucks. UNTHINKABLE-->THINKABLE Many people are not blocked from an action merely because it’s wrong— wrong acts are committed every day. If they refrain, it’s probably because the act is simply unthinkable. But the range of unthinkable acts is shrinking. In respectable USATODAY,28sept, a full-page ad shows a handsome young actor with a fetching smile and blood spattered on his face; the caption is ‘AMERICA’S FAVORITE SERIAL KILLER.’ I believe America has more serial killers than all of the other nations combined. It’s just one more wrong, but eminently thinkable, action. Indeed, if it gets publicity, serial killing is probably attractive to many. Our First Amendment helps to drive many of our youth mad; then our Second Amendment arms them. ~ Thursday, September 27, 2007
SenateMovesTowardIranWar ! NYTIMES 77 to 22 ! (Most Dems !) they voted to call Iranian army a ‘terrorist’ group, (which implicitly authorizes us to attack them). Sensible guys like Biden tried to warn them of this folly, but they still voted that way. Peaceniks should not support the Dems as such; MANY are pawns of crazy,revenge-bent Zionism. USATODAY headline: “19,000 militants killed.” --The generals actually mean “19,000 killed who WE THINK were militants.” (Locals often say many of thosse we killed were innocent civilians--whose relatives then support insurgency !) --What counts is how many insurgents are LEFT. And from their frequent attacks it seems that enough are left, with enough access to explosives, to frustrate the generals. (They caused 150 civilian casualties just yesterday!) SeattleTimes,27Sept ~ Wednesday, September 26, 2007
CRAZY ZIONIST REVENGE: Lieberman has proposed an actual war declaration vs. Iran ! It won’t pass, but is designed to test how many Zionist pawns there are in Senate. The war-zionists are not really motivated by concern for Israel’s welfare or survival, but rather are out for REVENGE against those who insult Israel, like Saddam and the mad Iranian President. A philosopher has noted that HATRED IS AS UNSELFISH AS IS LOVE—that is, hatred is NOT concerned to benefit the hater, only to hurt the one hated. (Suicide bombers are a perfect example of this phenomenon.) If we OR Israel attack Iran, they will attack Israel of course, as well as our GIs and other US interests. Iran can mount a bloody but ineffective non-nuke rocket attack on Israel (like the desperate Nazi V2 attacks on London at end of WWII.) They might of course use germ-weapons or ‘dirty bombs’. Iran can also make oil spike up over $100 a barrel. Israel needs oil just as US does. One bit of good news: if savvy speculators thought our bombing of Iran was a real likelihood, they’d spike up oil FUTURES immediately. Instead, oil is dipping down below $80. Let’s hope this growling is all bluff. TenAttacksIn2Days Quaeda assassinating Sunni ‘collaborators’ with US; UnitedPress We HEAR that SunniSheiks have turned vs. Quaeda— but so far, Qaeda shows little sign of weakening. (93% of Sunnis OK killing GIs. Some new ‘allies’ !) Nearly $200,000MillionsFor ’08 Iraq,Afghan war: GUARDIAN But that’s only HALF of Pent.annual budget;1300MILLIONS EACH DAY. ShiaBombsFound/SaudiSuiciders REUTERS(So.Africa) It looks as if Bushies have succeeded in ‘picking a war’ with Shia militia. If the ‘moltenMetal’mortar shells are from Iran, they’re probably intended as a warning of the devastation Iran could work vs. our GIs if we bomb Iran. NEWSWEEK 12AugSept ran a story on the seemingly unlimited supply of Iraq suicide bombers, claiming most are Sunnis from S.Arabia. (amid all the growling at Iran, Bushies are silent about these foreigners interfering in Iraq, about Saudis harboring terrorists). ~ Tuesday, September 25, 2007
AnotherPipelineBomb (2d this week) http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSL234974820070925 Saddamite oil officials (forced into insurgency by Bushies) are experts at bombing pipelines. SaferNukePower? True, nuke power doesn’t pose IMMEDIATE threat that oil/coal power does..but the REMOTE threats…! Turns out that that the huge proposed Nevada dump for nuclear wastes is right on an earthquake fault-line ! GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,,2176842,00.html 103 n-WASTE ponds are vulnerable to terrorists’ explosive-laden planes crashing into them. Better go with wind/sun/thermal/wave power. 900-mileIran/IraqBorder US is trying to patrol, to stop ALLEGED Iranian ‘molten metal’ bombs from entering Iraq. (S.Arabian border also long. We don't really know where these lethal bombs come from, who's using them.) But huge number of Iranian pilgrims and commercial trucks must come through each day. Such guarding must be mainly symbolic (started only after 5 years of war). http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107AP_Iraq_Iranian_Border.html (If we bomb Iran, there’ll be no way to stop retaliatory Iranian slaughter of GIs in Iraq.) It's a bloody, WINLESS war. BasraAttacked: Pol.HQ bombed. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/apmideast_story.asp?category=1107&slug=Iraq Basra is 2d-Iraq city, the only seaport. Brits bugged out; security vacuum; will GIs be sent in, diluting our efforts elsewhere? ‘Reconciliation’ mtg bombed: 60 Sunni & Shia casualties. CNN http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/09/25/iraq.main/?iref=mpstoryview Looks like Quaeda has infiltrated the militias, so they know exactly when/where such mtgs will take place. ~ Monday, September 24, 2007
IranRemindsBushies OfRetaliationPower against GIs in Iraq. REUTERS http://www.reuters.com/article/wtMostRead/idUSBLA42460020070924 If we bomb them, and they then slaughter our GIs, Bushies will nuke them, WRECKING WORLD OIL ECONOMY-- some consolation to GIs' survivors ! “Qaeda terrorism is a world-wide threat on internet— so we should bomb Iran—a Shia nation hated by Qaeda-- and keep our troops tied up in Iraq.” This is crazy message of a right-wing commentator on UnitedPress. (We’re told that Sunni secularists--our new 'allies--are blasting Quaeda in Iraq—so it will shortly be no threat there.) One is reminded of 18th-century clergy: "Cow disease is a real threat; SO we must burn all suspected witches !" ~ Sunday, September 23, 2007
Independents-->Dems GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,,-6942164,00.html If most Indies register as Dems, that will tilt Dem primaries toward OBAMA. (GOP will stay right-wing in primaries, will suffer in elections.) Why 46GOP Senators continuing war, when only 35% of people want this? Red States (prowar) have extra Senators. Wyoming has as many as California! TooFewTroops? A BritGen.,at war’s start, said we’d need 400k troops.(We used 600K troops in Gulf War I.) Rummy tried this time with less than 200K. Disastrous for occupation. (USATODAY,23Sept) So of course any call for giving our wretched troops extra time off can be squelched by remembering our shortage even now. The only alternatives are: a) staying on, continuing high (& pointless) GI casualties right thru ’08 election. b) Pulling out completely, as soon as possible. Dem attempts at 'compromise' are simply feckless. “NoIranWar’saysAdmFallon. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-09-23-iran-fallon_N.htm Could be sincere, could be cover for coming ‘PearlHarbor’ bombing. ~ Saturday, September 22, 2007
“FoodCompaniesWorry That ConsumersWon’tAcceptHigherPrices’/ rMtnNews,22Sept. Actually the price of crops is a small part of the price of manufactured, advertised cereals. But companies would love to use rising crop-prices as EXCUSE to raise store prices. But consumer might switch to cheaper versions. (In Great Depression, My mother switched from canned salmon on Fridays to Tuna.) That’s why we DON’T face real INFLATION from some (temporary) price increases, while wages don't rise. Analysts guess that people will begin to buy LESS GAS when price reaches $3.50 a gallon. ~ Friday, September 21, 2007
IDENTIFYING UPWARDS, IN General: Few Wyoming citizens are black; but when imported black football players at the university win, all Wyoming stands taller; when they lose, Wyomingites sag. They identify with ‘their’ team; research shows this is biological. One So.American losing soccer team needed police protection from fans enraged because ‘they made US lose!” College students don’t mind huge sums spent on ‘our’ varsity teams, even tho these $s come out of university funds that could be better spent. It’s said that the highest pay for military leaders goes to football coaches at the academies ! Fat fans DON’T PRETEND they’ll sometimes be great athletes themselves; instead, it’s enough for them to imagine ‘me and them together.” Similarly Americans identify with ‘their’ soldiers, though they have no relatives serving. One right-winger says, “Americans are not anti-war, just anti-losing.” But how did I lose when our troops fled from Vietnam? Only thru my ego-identification with our ‘military team’. Catholic peasants identify with their patron saint, tho their own conduct may vary greatly from the saint’s. (Many Catholics were mortally offended when the Pope abolished 'their patron' Philomena as a saint. ----------- And middle-Americans identify with the wealthy, thinking of ‘us winners’ vs. ‘those losers (the poor)”. Identifying with Wealthy Middle Americans support subsidies for the wealthy, which do themselves harm, because they see the world as divided into ‘us winners’ (me & Gates—with his $57 billion) vs. ‘those losers’(the poor). These middle-saps DON’T imagine they’ll some day be wealthy themselves; instead, right now, they get great ego-boost by thinking of themselves as among ‘us winners’, not ‘those losers’(the poor). To see how loony this identification is (favoring interests of the ‘fellow-winners’ wealthy over their own interests): Imagine a line starting with 0 for the absolutely destitute, then over 4 inches to the right for well-to-do household with $60k net-worth (assets minus debts). On that line, the poorest billionaire is 67,000 inches to the right— about ONE MILE to the right! And 82 mere billionaires didn’t make into Forbes’ top ten ! If the destitute are ‘losers’, SO (relatively) is the household with $60k net worth--only 4 inches (& perhaps one job-loss) from destitution. "DEMS FAIL!" Headlines say this about the Senate not passing end-war bills. But headlines should say GOP SENATORS CONTINUE TO BACK BUSH, BLOCK END-WAR BILLS. If $ collapses,whoLoses? Those Americans who depend on imported goods— e.g., oil. (Now $84 a barrel.) Even Canadian/Mexican/Venezuelan oil. In other words, SUV/truck owners. What about heating oil? We can dress warmer in the winter. The oldies who die from hypothermia— an easy death—may be luckier than those who survive to go to ‘HOMES’. Those who spend mainly on US-grown food,US medical care,etc., will not lose much. Outsourcing overseas (a form of import) will become less popular—there may be more jobs for ordinary Americans. BUSH ‘HOPES’FOR DIPL.IRAN SOLUTION: But ‘arms-option’ remains on table. This seems to be a perfunctory formula, So when they bomb, they can say they first tried peaceful negotiation. (Who'd believe them?) One is reminded of medieval Dominicans, who first ‘tried’ persuasive sermons on the heretics; then if they didn’t heed these, said, “Burn them !” The greatest black-humor was in Mexico, where priests would preach Christianity to Indians in LATIN, then enslave them because they weren’t heeded. ~ Thursday, September 20, 2007
~ Wednesday, September 19, 2007
WANT, SHMANT Army wants 10k new, safer MRAP vehicles for Iraq GIs. But given its present methods, only 1300 a month will be produced, BEGINNING IN DECEMBER. That means the END of ’08 before all GIS have this new protection. USATODAY,19Sept And it’s not clear that the new vehicles will be safe vs. new ‘molten-shell’ mortar of insurgents. Remember WWII when US industry quickly produced huge numbers of planes, ships and trucks our army needed, plus many for our allies ? It was a different America. Everyone was expected to buckle down. Govt. wouldn’t dare ask that now; people ‘support’ this goofy war only as cheerleaders, not as participants. LatestPolls(after Petraeus’& Bush speeches): 54% “out as soon as possible”(vague) but 53% approve of P’s plan (20k out by next July) (did they understand that this is only 1/8th of GIs there now?) 16% :’more optimistic now’. 39% ‘stay till stable’ (FOX TV influence) (67% of GOP say ‘progress!”/21% of Dems, and 31% of ‘independents’. (REAL progress? or 1 step forward, several back?) REUTERS ~ Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Thousands of Sunnis recruited,trained byUS as police-- but NOT given weapons ! ------------------- NewAlliesOrInfiltrators? It sound sensible to recruit Sunnis who SAY they’re now US allies. But how can we ‘vet’ them—not even understanding ARABIC !-- to make sure they’re not really insurgents INFILTRATING Iraq police,etc. It was dumb to force all Saddamite officials into insurgency— but By NOW they may be convinced insurgents. (New explosion of pipeline, fouling Tigris river, shows that at least some Saddamite oil experts are still ruthlessly willing to harm Iraq.) BushiesCan’tProtectOilLines. A bomb went off under a 7-ft-buried line near Iraq’s largest refinery, Spilling oil into Tigris River (threatening water supply of all cities downhill, Including Baghdad.. GUARDIAN.18Sept. (Bushie blunders forced Saddam’s OIL EXPERTS into insurgency; they know JUST HOW to blow up crucial pipelines !) USdiplomats’MainProtectorExpelled: BLACKWATER personnel shot 8 Iraqis; govt expelled them from Iraq. This leaves our diplomats unprotected— Or else GIs must desert other posts to do this job. This will NOT help get Congress approval For continued GI presence! It must be that some Iraqi pols think US will stay despite any provocation; Others think we will bugout regardless of their activities. Both groups think nothing they do will affect outcome. (Half-billion-dollar embassy contains 1000 functionaries, ONLY TEN of whom understand Arabic adequately.) IranAttack:RussWorry A Russ honcho said that a bombing of Iran would have disastrous consequences in the Muslim world (over ONE THOUSAND MILLIONS of people). US expert says we would lose support (e.g..) of Turkey and Egypt. (they wouldn’t dare support us after such a bombing.) Bloomberg Apparently AdmFallon says he’d resign before consenting to bomb Iran. So let’s hope it’s all bluff. (Perhaps Bushies dream that huge Sunni majority worldwide wouldn’t mind our bombing SHIA Iran. They’re wrong. When Shia Hizbollah humiliated Israel, all the Sunni populations celebrated.) ~ Monday, September 17, 2007
IRAQwill disappear, replaced by 3 ministates. Best sign of that is that Hunt Oil (an ally of Bush) is signing a separate contract with Kurdistan (ignoring ‘central govt’s objections.) So says Paul Krugman (rMtnNews17Sept) He also thinks Bush intends to work the same trick the right-wingers pulled after Viet fiasco; say that our glorious troops were denied chance at victory by treasonous peaceniks. (German Military used same trick to explain losing WWI;this set the stage for Hitler.) ------------ Krauthammer, on the other hand, gives Petraeus’SURGE credit for alleged Sunni turn against Quaeda. (More explanatory might be Quaeda’s sending a box full of the heads of children of Sunni Sheiks !) Of course now the Bushies CAN’T claim that our pullout would mean "Quaeda taking over Iraq" ! Even Krauthammer admits the inevitability of partition. OPTIMISM: Wards,MorgueNearlyEmpty’ In Baghdad, but not in other parts of Iraq. REUTERS for civilian-death tendencies all over Iraq, see http://www.iraqbodycount.org/ Both sides recognize that US media people cower in GreenZone, not photographing rest of Iraq. On the other hand, ‘If it bleeds, it leads’. Our TV pictures will still show explosions, blood. So this (one month) drop in civilian casualties May not register with typical Americans--nor with Congress. US killed down to 2+ a day, plus many more wounded. (Average since Feb. about 3+ a day). BELGIUM SPLITTING? After centuries of 'unity', they'll split into Flanders & Wallonia. If THESE ethnic groups need to split, then OF COURSE Sunnis & Shia will split, resulting in 3 ministates. BritsAbandonIraqAllies? Insurgents kidnap former interpreter. UnitedPress Will fleeing Americans also abandon allies, as they did in Vietnam? (A perceptive Viet-era cartoon: Pompous US diplomat tells Viet ally thru translator: "We will of course always stand up for our allies." Translator's version :"Run for your life!") FRENCH RT-WINGERS WARN OF WAR VS. IRAN But atomic-inspector head says ONLY with SecurityCouncil approval (never happen !) [SeattlePI,17Sept] French are not very dependent on OIL (having bet on Nuke Power!) But Israel, America, and China ARE. Attack on Iran would send oil prices thru the roof. Would China allow this? NATIONALunityNOTthe issue: Main Shia party begs Sadrites to rejoin the Shia alliance.. without it, they don’t even control the parliament (without agreement of Kurds, who have defacto seceded from Iraq). NATIONAL unity (including Sunnis!) is a fond dream; these pols are worried that even the PRETENCE of a FUNCTIONING central govt. is fading. 'Ruling' coalition now holds only 83 of 275 Parliament seats. High price to pay for snubbing Sadrites, to appease Bushies. BloodForOil: The latest to bring this charge (of open deception about WMDs etc) against the Bushies is not a peacenik, but right-winger Greenspan. This motive would be rational, tho wicked. The main point, though, is that the world is NOT getting much oil from Iraq—as everyone should have expected (once Bushies drove Saddam’s oil experts into the insurgency—they knew just how to sabotage the pipelines.) But Bushies can’t give up the DREAM of Iraq oil. ~ Sunday, September 16, 2007
QuaedaHasLastWord: MilitantsStepUpAttacks: Reuters Bush just hasn’t got it yet: every time he brags that Baghdad (or even Iraq) has been ‘partially pacified’, Quaeda insurgents effortlessly step up their attacks. They always have the last word. -------- Bushie generals brag they got the guy that killed our top ally. Is he really the killer? Nobody knows. But the world does know that US couldn’t protect even their most visibleSunni ally, who posed with Bush the week before ! GATES:LongStay GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,,-6925980,00.html The mission would be changed to 1) border security: presumably trying to prevent IRANIAN infiltration (and to allow Saudi Sunni penetration); 2) Fighting terrorists: mainly fighting Sadrites, assuming that Quaeda will be crushed by Sunni Sheiks—a huge assumption ! Gates compared a long stay in Iraq with our 55 yr stay in Korea— forgetting that GIs have NOT been ATTACKED in So.Korea since 1953 ! If we really fight all the ‘terrorist’ insurgents, GI CASUALTIES will continue to enrage Americans. This will NOT be acceptable ! 3) Bolstering “IraqiArmy’, i.e., bolstering the Badrite Shia militia vs. Sadrites—forgetting that the Badrites might be MORE CLOSELY allied with Iran than are the Sadrites ! In other words, this new ‘changed mission’ is as incoherent as the old one. ShiaSheiksVs.Militias? Bushie generals say some sheiks are suggesting their troops be armed & legitimized by US (as Sunni-sheik-forces in Anbar are), so they can ward off gangsters and Badri/Sadri quarrelers— and THEY SAY, guard vs. Iran. SeattlePI http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107AP_Iraq_Shiite_Sheiks.html US worries that they might not be sincere—that we might end up with a 4th quarreling shia militia—actually friendly with Iran ! (They’re more likely to be sincere than SUNNI sheiks, when 93% of Sunnis OK killing GIs.) This process will take years, even if it succeeds. It took ignorant Bushies nearly 5 years to recognize TRIBAL power. Petraeus is criticized by SEVERAL MILITARY SUPERIORS; with Adm.Fallon it’s ‘ARMAGEDDON’; with the Joint Chiefs, disagreement, and even with Gates. SeattleTimes One theory: Fallon wants to attack IRAN (2 aircraft carriers over there ‘at the ready’),but he knows he’d have to have SOME backup of the air-blitz by land-troops. (As an admiral he has no idea of HOW MUCH troop backup would be needed against the militarily-sophisticated Iranian military, and the thousands of suicide-volunteers that would be available ! Nor does he care about the slaughter of remaining GIs in next-door Iraq that would result from an Iran attack. --------- Petraeus’ main interest, perhaps, is in attacking CHAVEZ of Venezuela. (This project might seem to IMPROVE our oil supply; Fallon’s would spike up gas prices enormously and immediately !) He is interested in perfecting a ‘friendlier’ style of occupation, that wouldn’t trigger such a fierce insurgency in Ven.(Boy is HE wrong !) P.is practicing those tactics in Iraq, knowing full-well they won’t really work there, perfectly willing to sacrifice thousands of POINTLESS US casualties to carry out his experiment. Ah, the distractions of the lure of empire. All this is from an attempt to see SOME SEMI-RATIONAL reason for Petraeus’ silly position (“KeepBuyingTime till PigsFly.”) (aside from saving Bush’s ego—and this shouldn’t seem so important, because promotions after ’08 will NOT depend on Bush.) ~ Saturday, September 15, 2007
“Ass-kissing little chickenshit’-- Admiral Fallon so described his underling Petraeus. Apparently Fallon wants to pull out most GIs from Iraq—why? Perhaps so they can be free to back up air-attack on Pakistan and/or Iran. Gulp. IPShttp://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=39235 SadritesOutOfAlliance Leaves dominant Shia group with only 50% of parliament, needing support from outside parties. Legislators denounce Bushie habit of blaming troubles on ‘Iran, Syria, & our govt’— when problems are from Bushie bungles. 30 casualties from Baghdad bomb, just after Bush bragged about more peaceful Baghdad. REUTERS ‘Support’rolesNotSafer ! Bush tries to pacify critics by saying that more GIs will be moved from ‘combat’ roles to ‘support’ roles. But support roles in this war (e.g., supply trucks or copters) areNOT necessarily any SAFER from bombs than combat roles. So no assurance that CASUALTY NUMBERS OR RATES drop— and that’s what Americans care about ! WashPost UNLESS this is CODE for pulling back into central bases— which must be dangerously supplied— so this also might NOT lower casualties. BritBugout: Half their troops will flee SOON to Kuwait, where they SAY they’ll still have role In Iraq war. UnitedPress Crowded Kuwait won’t have room for US troops when THEY pullout. US will have to flee to KURDISTAN, hoping to escape by TURKISH port. We’ll see if Turks allow that, while some US troops remain in Kurdistan to prevent Turks from conquering there. We’ll see if Brit version of ‘gradual’ pullout lowers Brit CASUALTY-RATE. Iran/IraqTies Much to Bushie frustration, brisk trade goes on, with Iraq buying huge amounts of Iranian goods, and Iran investing in Iraq’s crippled electrical system. If anything, the Shia Badrites (backed by Bushies vs. Sadrites) are even closer to Iran ! SeattlePI Bushie invasion removed 2 of Iran’s enemies: Saddam & Taliban. Iran will definitely WIN Bush's dumb war. Now they may bomb hell out of Iran, Deluding themselves that will cover this huge blunder. Cordesman Partly Right: “We can’t disentangle from Iraq, for 4 reasons” he says --vs GRADUAL pullout: the fewer troops left would be more at the mercy of insurgents, liable for MORE CASUALTIES; (this part of his case is persuasive—but it does not bar COMPLETE, SUDDEN PULLOUT.) --Oil: a huge portion of world’s oil supplies; but Bushies hint at BOMBING IRAN, with same huge portion. Most Iraq oil is in future Shialand, which WILL be allied with Iran. “--A restored Iraq would balance influence of Iran;” But this only if Iraq were run again by Sunni dictator—and that won’t happen. Both Shia factions (Badrite & Sadrite) are ALLIED closely with Iran. Anyway, the world won't see 'RESTORED IRAQ' ever, only 3 ministates. US is building a FUTILE WALL between future Shialand and Iran, presumably to stop Iranian infiltration to help Shia in coming open civil war with Sunnis. Shia outnumber Sunni 3 to 1, and they WILL get military guidance and weapons from Iran’s huge, war-hardened military. (You can bet that a huge system of weapon-hiding tunnels is being built in Iran, in case US does bomb 1200 sites in 3 days--alaPearlHarbor!--as one Pentagon plan has it.) --“Dealing with Quaeda and Sadrites (!) by mere airpower…is absurd.” (He’s right there !) Of course it's equally absurd to think Iranian power can be countered just by airpower ! BangorDailyNews,cited in USATODAY,15Sept ~ Friday, September 14, 2007
COUNT VOTES & $ Bush declares OPEN WAR on Congress, vowing no real troop-cutdowns right thru ’08 election. --PEACENIKS like me will give NO MONEY to Obama or Hilary, who advocate LIKE BUSH ‘merely partial pullback.’ (No assurance that # of CASUALTIES would diminish !) --21GOP Senators who must run in ‘ 08 are between rock & hard place: ----If they don’t push for REAL withdrawal (allied with Dems) they won’t get re-elected; ----If they do side with Dems, they won’t get re-elected-- because the moron GOP voters in their RED districts won’t back them in primaries. ----(2d alternative is worse; at least if they win the primaries they’ll get a chance at LONGER public spotlight for their meaningless chatter-- tho wasting backers' millions.) --If Dems do take Presidency & filibuster-proof legis.majority in ’08, Dem Pres must take ugly step of complete bugout in Iraq. Dem leg. Majority may well disappear in ’10, in (unreasonable) gut reaction of dumb voters to open bugout. --If Dem Party is unscrupulous enough, it may benefit (in ’10 & ’12 elections) from yielding control of Congress & WhiteHouse to GOP in ’08, so GOP takes blame for ugly bugout. Who's really to blame? Dumb Voters. MIL.ADVISORS splitONremainingTroops: One guy said, “Petraeus is not likely to admit failure of HIS Surge strategy!” Pessimist officers worry about POINTLESS strain on troops. NYTIMES HelplessSelfishness: Well-to-do Americans don’t care about welfare of the ordinary person or (of course) of the ‘unworthy’ poor. They (and the really wealthy) care only to minimize taxes. But then the ordinaries/poor can’t even buy crap from Walmart—and EVERYONE suffers from a recession. RedefinedObjective: Bush ‘redefines’ goal in Iraq..so he can call it Victory & bugout. When you can’t make goal regular way, you move goal-posts. MarkTwain redefined his memory of a fight he was in: “I thrust my nose firmly between his teeth, and threw him to the ground on top of me.” Bush can call a bugout a victory—but he won’t really pull out, leaving that ugly action to next (Dem) Pres, so Dem Congress will have only 2 yrs after ’09. NotEnoughTroops? Russ analysts say Bush Iraq strategy must fail, because he’s committed NOT ENOUGH troops to succed. UnitedPress One US legislator put it very well: “If GIs are there to fight insurgents, there are nowhere near enough of them in Iraq; if their main function is to serve as targets, there are way TOO MANY.” Bush (backed by GOP legislators) can defy most Americans and Dems by NOT REMOVING troops, but he dare not send MORE troops, after the spectacular failure of the SURGE to improve things in Iraq. ~ Thursday, September 13, 2007
PetraeusGIVES THE GAME AWAY: “I don’t know how long it will take to beat insurgency”, says Petraeus, “but I DO know that America WON’T stay the course for 10 years.” USATODAY13Sept Earlier he had said that insurgencies take 9/10 years to defeat. In other words, sooner or later we’re going to bugout (withdraw WITHOUT PREVAILING.). SO the sooner the better, the later the worse. TOP ALLY KILLED US can’t even protect our TOP ALLIES (this poor guy met with Bush last week!) http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=3596631 MEANDERING TOWARD FAILURE: Petraeus warns against RUSHING to failure in Iraq. USATODAY13sEPT He wants to go SLOWLY toward failure— Dripping GI blood at every leisurely step. LittlePressureForReconciliation Shia govt relies on Bush to keep troops in whatever they do— so they’re certainly not going to make important concessions to hated Sunnis(former oppressors, present bombers) ! “Iraq after we pull out will be like Iraq now: a split between Kurds and Arabs, civil war among the Arabs.” SeattlePI NoOil-Sharing! Kurds write oil-contracts IGNORING central ‘govt.’ UnitedPress Bushies attack Shia neighborhoods, but arm Shia army (militia). If they were rational, we’d guess they’re arming BADRITES to conquer SADRITES (both camps allied with hated Iran) ! “IranRocketHitsUSBase” SAYS GENERAL. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB118967629265226253.html?mod=googlenews_wsj This might very well be true; but we’d hardly believe it based on claims byBushie generals ! Bushies want to bomb Iran so badly they can taste it. But they don’t need excuse—who would stop them? And the excuses are pointless: no sensible person would believe any controversial claims these liars make ! The more Bushies rant about Iran,the more POPULAR Iran gets among the US-loathing Iraqi majority. ~ Wednesday, September 12, 2007
StillAnotherRtWingerForSplit: David Brooks, a smarmy right-winger, just helped break the taboo on advocating partition of Iraq into 3 ministates. (Like it or not, it’s happening.) "All we can do is to inhibit the violence while Iraqis feel their way to partition." Some Sunni Shieks,says hawkish VincentCarroll in rMtnNews,12Sept, now say their main enemy now is NOT alQuaeda (was it ever?) but the Shia govt. we support in Baghdad ! AMAZING GOP POLs' LOYALTY to Bush/Cheney, after CH. said “We did not get elected to help the Republican Party!” Of course the truth is NOT loyalty to these party traitors, but fear of the coming GOP primaries. If they dissent, infinite dollars, coming covertly from war corporations, can raise up primary rivals— and the remnant of GOP voters are the right-wing nuts. Note that the more honest GOP legislators like Hagel & Warner are simply not running again. STORMS THREATEN OIL REFINERIES One can deplore threat to lives & houses without deploring threats to Gas Supply. The whole point of ‘war vs. drugs’ is to make drugs MORE EXPENSIVE,to deter future addicts-- even at COST OF MORE SUFFERING for present addicts. SUV owners are just as addicted to gas as addicts are to cocaine. At least high gas prices will cut super-dangerous SUV-miles driven by teens. --------- Hurricanes threatening Gulf, plus oil sabotage in Nigeria & Mexico, make world ever more dependent on OPEC, which INCLUDES IRAN! Dare they bomb Iran? OUTsaysObama ! He calls for removal of ALL COMBAT BRIGADES from Iraq by end of ’08. GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,,2167496,00.html Thus he dramatizes difference between him and HAWK HILARY. He realizes Bushies intend to leave troops in as time-bomb for next (Dem) President to have to remove. -------- OOPS--like Hilary, Obama wants to leave in thousands of GIs (to train Govt. forces (Shia Militias!) and to guard US diplomats (cowering in their half-billion-dollar embassy; of 1000 functionaries there, only TEN understand Arabic adequately !) RussSuperbomb: This is powerful as an A-bomb,but without nightmare radiation. UnitedPress So much for AmericanEmpire. No nation will obey us to defy Russia now. (We can’t punish Russ, since they have thousands of H-bombs as 2d-strike deterrents.) (A firm alliance between superpowers Russia, China, and US WOULD rule the world—and the world needs ruling--but their rulers are too stupid for that.) Instead, an apocalyptic war between them is most likely. ‘SoldiersBackPetraeus’? That’s what our tame media reports. In fact, Generals censor soldiers’ blogs, and soldiers know they can get rewarded BY OFFICERS WHO CONTROL THEIR LIVES/DEATHS— just as generals agree with Bushies to protect their promotions. 2 GIs critical of war killed in truck accident. Men under COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF are unlikely to express different opinions. US HQ mortared /10 casualties/ US attacks Sadrite neighborhood again. SeattlePI http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/331324_iraq12.html The first point shows WEAKNESS of proposals to CUT GI CASUALTIES by pulling back to ‘safer’ (and useless) central bases. These can be rocketed, mortared— and the trucks or copters supplying them are vulnerable to bombs and missiles. The 2d point shows that we may be CLUMSILY trying to help Shia Badrites prevail over Sadrites..it will backfire, since Sadrites outnumber badrites by far. HowWill ItEnd? Another hawk predicts ‘soft partition’ (unadmitted, deFacto split between Kurdland, Shialand, and Sunni/ArabLand—mainly the Anbar province—with vestigial, toothless central govt.) KoreaHerald That’s what Lyons has been predicting,and advocating, for months and months. ~ Tuesday, September 11, 2007
We Just Can't ! A sensible USATODAY editorial [2 million circulation!] starts out asking the 2 questions vital to deciding whether we COULD ‘stay the course’ in Iraq: --Could we ‘succeed’ in the TIME-RANGE US voters will accept? (No—success, even if possible, would take many years) --How many troops will be needed in the next couple of years? (At least 140,000 by NEXT JULY…after that, who knows?) Then general facts and the grisly report from ONE RECENT DAY are cited to show that our commitment CANNOT BE “as open-ended as Petraeus/Crocker are asking for.” TRUST GENERALS'VIEW? Gen.Petraeus & colleagues are ambitious men, with possible promotions IF they say what their Bushie bosses want. During the Viet war, one question was this: why do lower-level commanders tell optimistic story to their generals, but pessimist story to journalists.? “Because our careerist generals want to hear only the good news, which they can pass on to their D.C.bosses.” Note how Brit generals felt free to denounce Blair/Bush strategy ONLY AFTER THEY RETIRED ! SAFER,BUT USELESS? LessenedFuture USCombatRole, says Iraqi honcho. CNN,11Sept. He understands that the main concern of bushies is to lower the awful rate of US casualties before ’08 election. To do that, they might have to pull troops back into ‘safe’ bases and render them USELESS in the battle vs. Quaeda. (Similarly, Brits have pulled back into a safe,useless role in Basra.) This might not work.’Safe’ Bases can be rocketed, mortared. (60 soldiers were just rocketed at their base INSIDE ISRAEL !) They need enormous amounts of supplies, and neither trucks nor copters are safe suppliers. Who’sOurEnemyInIraq? The headline on R.Peters column in USATODAY11SEPT, SAYS”The enemy has become our ally, and in many cases our allies have become the enemy.” It would be more accurate to say that, fearing a rich Shia ministate allied with Iran, the Bushie generals have deliberately PICKED A WAR with former Shia allies (e.g., bombing neighborhoods in Sadr City). And there is very little sign that the Sunni insurgency has weakened. (93% of Sunnis approve of attacks on GIs.--our new allies ? !) So our poor GIs now face a two-front war. ~ Monday, September 10, 2007
HawkFinally AgreesWith LYONS ! Ancient Hawk C.Krauthammer explicitly calls for split of Iraq into 3 deFacto ministates (as Kurdland is already deFacto independent.—with vestigial, toothless ‘central govt.’ He notes that the tribes are separating on their own, without anyAgency drawing borders etc. RMtnNews,10Sept.p.35 What an admission of despair for Bushies, who hate idea of rich Shia ministate in South, allied with Iran (no matter which faction wins). K cites JosephBiden (for a long time now) and several scholars as noting this inevitable tendency. LYONS has discussed this forbidden topic for months and months. Then incredibly, K. says this tendency means we SHOULDN’T pull out, lest the partititioning ‘descend into chaos’. He thinks the Bushies, trying to sabotage this necessary movement, must remain in charge? ! BUGOUT, not SURRENDER: GOP mouthpiece McConnell says a limiting date for final pullout would be the date of SURRENDER. B.S ! 60% of Americans disagree. We bugged out of Vietnam(pulled out without prevailing), but surrendered to nobody. We had little at stake, so lost very little. Shame is NOT in our bugging out, but in our BARGING INTO Needless, pointless, heartless, brainless, WINLESS wars like Vietnam & Iraq & Afghanistan. QuaedaLuredUSintoIraqWar, say experts, thus undermining our Mideast influence. Reuters,10Sept HOMELAND won’t be safe from terrorists for a generation. Precautions vs. terrorists are EXPENSIVE ; We can’t afford them while we shovel $1300 MILLIONS a DAY to Pentagon, USELESS vs. anonymous individual terrorists. SEVENTY%: of Iraqis (EVERYIraqi interviewed in Baghdad & Anbar, our ‘success’ regions’ !) say “SURGE has worsened security” plus 11% ‘No improvement’. 47%: ‘GIs out NOW !” 57%:’OK to attack GIs.’ Only 6 in 10 oppose split into 3 ministates. SeattlePI http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107AP_Iraq_Security_Poll.html Like it or not, split is inevitable. Baghdad pseudo-govt.(mouthing Bushie line) wantsNO TIMETABLE. ‘Not ready yet’ Not ready for US pullout—or even for TIMETABLE ! SeattlePI http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/331011_iraqwar10.html unlike the batteries, these guys are NEVER-READY ! 5 MexicoPipelinesSabotaged ! MSNBC,10September We should remember that binLaden called for terrorists to attack vulnerable oil facilities WORLDWIDE. Such news makes the world all the more dependent on reliable IRANIAN oil—makes it all the nuttier to consider bombing Iran. ‘SurgeWorking/NeedsMoreTime’ We could have predicted Bushie-CAREERIST Petraeus’ report months ago. USNEWS&WorldReport http://www.usnews.com/usnews/politics/bulletin/bulletin_070910.htm 60% of Americans, undeceived, now want a pullout-timetable.[USATODAY,10Sept] His report should have read, “Surge hardly working; more time won’t really help.” Bushies admit they’ll pull out extra SURGE troops BEFORE Iraq army is ready. Whatever areas they’ve ‘cleared’, they WON’T HOLD. ~ Sunday, September 09, 2007
PROGRESS ‘UNEVEN’: 83 GIs killed in August [probably 240 seriously wounded] (looks good only against 100 a month killed in previous3 months) Civilian deaths spike up inIraq. No improvement in services like electricity, even in Baghdad. One in Six Iraqis have fled their homes, half to other countries. Mixed Neighborhoods now ‘cleansed’ ethnically. SeattlePI AFGHAN SECURITY WORSE; ’Let’s talk to Taliban LEADERS!” says our worried puppet Kharzai. http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5iD4sc2lGx1ZZh1gns8egu-fK8uFg Taliban says it's ready to talk to Kharzai./10Sept Bush is only leader inUS history who is losing 2 wars at once— also, the world ‘war vs. terrorism' in general/ ANOTHER NUT HEARD FROM: RUMMY says our afghan project 'a big success' ! WHY WEAK? Why did binLaden say US is ‘weak’? It’s true that our Pentagon efforts have been ineffective: We haven’t WON a REAL WAR for 60 years. But why would b.L. remind us of this? If it would have any effect it would strengthen the minority here who says we mustn’t ‘bugout’. That’s what he wants. The longer we ‘stay the course’, incurring tens of thousands MORE casusalties, WITHOUT ultimately prevailing, the MORE HUMILIATION we incur. His nasty remark however also strengthens the Dem pols like Obama who say we must pullout of Iraq IN ORDER TO CONCENTRATE on capturing b.L. on the border of Afghan/Pakistan. ~ Saturday, September 08, 2007
(Shia) CorruptionWorseThanTerrorism, says prominent Shia ayatollah. He calls for stop to use of mosques to preach support for sectarian pol. Parties. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107AP_Iraq_Shiites.html Will he be heeded? PROGRESS ‘UNEVEN’: says Petraeus. Highest GI & civilian casualties; 3 bridges blown; and no progress toward ‘reconciliation’ & pacification of Sunni insurgents—indeed, new attacks from SHIA enraged by our bombing their neighborhoods. Some Sunni shieks SAY they’re now aligned with US vs. Qaeda. So far this has NOT lowered US casualties. One step forward, 10 back. I GUESS ‘uneven’ ! BinLaden says we’re weak; Thompson blames dissenters. Actually, our main weakness is goofy GOPs blindly following their demented President--("We're kicking ass in Iraq!" he says.) ~ Friday, September 07, 2007
FEWER JEWISH ZIONISTS: Non-orthodox US Jews (the large majority) are falling out of love with Israel. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3446492,00.html KickingAss? The incumbent nincompoop says ‘We’re kicking ass’ in Iraq. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/ This tiny foot is hardly felt by this huge insurgent Butt. Around the world, only one in four people want US to ‘stay the course’ in Iraq. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,,2164450,00.html About the same minority of nuts as in US. PARTIAL PULLOUT? ‘SymbolicStanddown’ of a small % of GIs in Iraq, either at Xmas this year, or next Spring. FORBES,7Sept Nobody seems to notice this dilemma with a PARTIAL bugout: Either the REMAINING troops will be MORE AT RISK, if they continue their active role—(assuming that the withdrawn troops are not superfluous— in fact there are nowhere near enough GIs NOW to solve the ‘security’ problem—especially now that GIs must take on also the role of bugged-out Brits in Basra--and Iraqi army won’t be ready for at least 2 years.) OR they will be pulled back to cut down GI casualties,which enrage voters,-- 22killed,probably 60 seriously wounded THIS WEEK ! At the price of having almost no useful role in fighting insurgents. And it’s not clear that even pulling back to ‘safe’ bases (which must be SUPPLIED, at risk of road-bombs) will lower the crucial figure of GI casualties each month. “Pol.impasseWorstObstacleToUSpullout” says new report. NYTIMES http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/06/washington/06cnd-cong.html And nobody has pretended there has been ANY progress regarding this impasse. As for ‘security’ progress, 7 GIs were killed yesterday, with probably another 20 maimed or seriously wounded. No results so far from 'depriving them of safe sanctuary'. ~ Thursday, September 06, 2007
Rejoicing at BadNews? I’ve been accused of joy over bad news for our army in Iraq. Not so—I’m aware that this bad news is bad for our GIs and for Iraqis; It doesn’t harm Bush at all. However, I am pleased that this bad-news changes from ‘It’s CLEAR that our war there is winless’ to “It’s SCREAMINGLY OBVIOUS that our war there is winless.” Such evidence bounces right off the Bushies. But it may convince enough GOP legislators (running for office I n ’08) that they should face the music, and join a veto-proof majority to demand that ALL our troops be brought home SOON. Bushie says we’ll have to stay on in Iraq even under a new President, to maintain a ‘credible presence in the Mideast’.(USATODAY6Sept) (We have two AIRCRAFT CARRIERS there already!) Do YOU care ENOUGH about this ‘credible presence’ to sacrifice several THOUSAND MORE GIs in Iraq (killed, maimed, or seriously wounded)? Probably not, unless you’re a fanatic ZIONIST (a tiny minority with enormous lobbying power.) Many Jewish Americans are NOT that brand of Zionist. HomelandSecurityDept.Deficient in progress in most parameters, after 4 yrs. UnitedPress Besides mis-spending $, the Dept gets far few billions to misspend— about one $ for every 10$ going to Pentagon, which is useless vs. anonymous, individual terrorists. (the Pentagon is famous for wasting trillions !) Corrupt, sectarian Iraqi police should be disbanded completely, and reformed, said a new report. The army showed promise, but would not be ready to operate alone for 12-18 months. [Natl.PublicRadio] Too close to elections here ! ~ Wednesday, September 05, 2007
8GisKilledIn2Days.(3by nightmare'molten shell'.) Maliki has half his cabinet posts empty. He thinks it unlikely that Sunni members will return. SeattlePI http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107AP_Iraq.html Even PRETENCE of 'reconciliation govt.' has faded. THE GENDER-REVOLUTION: MALE FEMINISTS: A man who was bullied as a boy often tends to have sympathy with all underdogs of every kind—and women have been the most noticeable underdogs all thru history, in every culture (the Christian cultures have been bad, but the least bad.) [This man might also enjoy hearing how barefoot natives can bring down copter gunships with shoulder-missiles— as long as the copters are not from HIS nation.] But all that automatic male superiority is changing: women are now often the superiors of men, in important human roles. In America, for the first time anywhere in history, significantly more women are finishing college and taking grad degrees than men ! US women still work for less than men in comparable roles. That institution hurts men more than women. The underpaid women get the jobs; their male rivals, indignant at low pay, end up unemployed, which is much worse. WHOSE FAULT IS IT THAT WOMEN ARE REPLACING MEN IN IMPORTANT ROLES? Many men blame the women. However, many of these women would, if possible, prefer the ‘subordinate’ role of wife/mother. But since a significant number of modern men tend to wander off and not support their children, fathers tend to warn their daughters that they must get training in public careers in case they have to support their families. (Otherwise the burden may fall on the wife’s father!) WHOSE FAULT IS IT THAT TRADITIONAL MALE ‘VIRTUES’ ARE NOW LESS SCARCE & MARKETABLE? Think of muscles. It’s awe-inspiring to see a huge digging machine replacing many, many muscular human workers. Think of technical skills. It may be so that males, on the average, have innately more aptitude than females in acquiring such skills. (This seems more true in US than in other nations, suggesting that the extra aptitude is NOT innate, but culturally taught.) But even if men have more innate aptitude for high technical skills than woman do, past technical improvements make (e.g., ) computer-programming easier than it once was, so more women can do this. (I know a woman making lots of money because she has the talent to query databases; she can figure out how the writers were thinking and thus can phrase useful questions.) Not only that, it was innovations in computer communication that enabled an MD in India—possibly a woman--to read a Sonogram in US, replacing a US MD—who would expect MUCH higher pay. Even in war, robots may do the fighting, guided perhaps by women operating back at a safe distance. Who made these first innovations that made muscles and fierceness unscarce, and also high technical skills? OTHER MEN ! The worst enemies of the average male worker are the technical MALE geniuses, at the bidding of male OWNERS, who have empowered women to compete better with men. And the men should feel more threatened by the pay-gap between male and female workers than women do. Single mothers often manage somehow, on low pay, to survive with their children (tho it’s getting harder what with sky-high medical costs,etc.) Men who high-handedly neglected to develop reading skills as boys may end up completely unemployed. This happened once with Irish immigrants (the women were welcomed as maids and nurses; the slobbish men were often unemployed, except as police, firemen, criminals, or laborers) then with US blacks— now it’s happening among whites— only now there is no ‘first-rung’ on the ladder up (available manual labor jobs). (Criminality is still a first-rung up— but female whores are more in demand than male whores.) This reversal of superior-roles is happening all over the world (inMuslim societies last!) This is the most basic revolution in history (Even inferior men used to feel automatically superior to the other half of the human race—no more.) This gender-revolution will involve more suffering than any revolution. (Enraged males will attack women.) But it is unstoppable—because the male rulers of the world have decided to back it. WhatCountsAsIraqVictory ? One in three polled answered a different question, saying victory is IMPOSSIBLE. (A dim 11% said we’ve already WON there!) Some said victory would be a secure Iraq; others say a democratic, stable Iraq. UnitedPress Neither outcome is in fact possible in foreseeable future. ‘WeMayHaveToSendTroopsToBasra’, now that Brits have bugged out there, says US gen. (India/Zee.com) We have far too few troops to ‘do the job’ in the rest of Iraq; our failure will be more assured when we stretch our forces thinner by this expansion of our role. TrickySpeechwriters: Bush said, “Now (a)those who don’t want us in Iraq, who don’t care about what happens there—those people (b) will say there’s been no progress there.” His writers are counting on his dim remnant of supporters to think “If all (a) is (b) then all (b) is (a).” [like: If all spaniels are dogs, then all dogs are spaniels.] In other words all those despairing of the project MUST want it to fail. Truth is: a GOP Senator could WISH fervently for Bush’s project to succeed, but he could note the cold fact: --Reconciliation between Sunnis and the Shia/Kurd majority is NOT POSSIBLE IN THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE. Our troops there will NOT prevent the oncoming full civil war If he keeps the troops there, pointlessly sacrificing tens of thousands MORE GIs (killed, maimed, seriously wounded) then GOP legislators who have to run in ’08 may join with Dems to form a veto-proof majority and cut off funding for more war. On the other hand, these poor GOPs may realize that, voting for war’s end, they may have to face a primary rival, financed secretly by the war-corporations—so they may face defeat however they vote. Let’s hope that despair will make them see they might as well vote their conscience to end this loony enterprise soon. ~ Tuesday, September 04, 2007
INNOCENT MUSLIMS: There are one billion Muslims worldwide, 1000 millions. It’s hard to visualize a number like that. Think of it this way: If (God forbid!) there are 100,000 Muslim terrorists (& sympathizers), that’s only 1 in 10,000. Practically all Muslims (9999 in every 10,000) are innocent. We have every reason to fear terrorists, of every race & color and language, worldwide. We should set up expensive Homeland Defense measures; but we can’t afford to, as long as we shovel $1300 MILLIONS per DAY to the Pentagon, pretty useless against anonymous, individual terrorists. But we should remember that practically all Muslims are sane and innocent. (Surely 1 in 10,000 white Americans are crazy—like Timothy McVeigh—but NOT all in the same direction…that’s the difference.) 3MINISTATES INEVITABLE: ETHNIC CLEANSING PROCEEDS: Baghdad mixed neighborhoods continue to split into all-Sunni or all-Shia. Our mighty SURGE hasn’t helped. LATIMES http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-surge4sep04,0,3817546.story?coll=la-home-center Inevitable outcome: split into 3 ministates, exposure of‘central govt’ as toothless. NO POLIT.PROGRESS NO BENCHMARK LAWS proposed for reconvened Iraq parliament. Only a bare quorum even showed up. Leaders of different sects had a month to meet, agree and propose such laws, But… http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1107AP_Iraq.html Only an intelligent, benevolent, ruthless dictator could force these sects to agree. As is so often the case, no such ruler is available. “IRANwelcomesGift of Basra” say German commentators on Brit bugout from Basra, Iraq’s only seaport. [Iran allies will take over Basra.] deSpiegel USATODAY VS.PENTAGON: This paper, with 2 million readers, has set out to expose the perhaps-criminal negligence of the Rumsfeld team heading the Pentagon, in regard to underfunding or just refusing to acquire body armor and improvement of the death-trap humvees to protect Iraq GIs from road-bombs—accounting for half of the 3700 GI deaths. Read the whole article to get this incredible story. I’d just note here the black-humor responses of Pentagon acquisition officers to Congressional needling on this issue. The best response: “From the get-go we [worked to get these improvements] into the field as soon as possible.” [The speedup dates to ’04, 2 YRS AFTER INVASION]-- “There is a great sense of urgency, and THERE ALWAYS HAS BEEN.” About one improved vehicle, two top Pent.brass said they’d never heard about it ! And when grilled, one said the question was ‘irrelevant’. But one Congressman unwittingly gives the best explanation: spending to protect GIs may be URGENT BUT NOT SO IMPORTANT, compared to acquiring weapons for FUTURE WARS. In other words, the Pentagon slush-funds ($1300 MILLIONS each DAY) are already spoken for by the war industries making super planes, etc. (counter-productive in a war vs. individual insurgents.) These legislators just don’t understand that the Pent. Is NOT a war-machine, as much as a machine for shoveling trillions to favored war-corporations. ------------ Desperate Gates is outsourcing to non-Pentagon experts the counter-road-bomb project. [UPI.com, 4Sept] SINCE VS. IF…Smarmy rt-winger Jonah Greenberg lists several tricks Bush could use to bolster his awful ratings. He concludes, “If his investment in Iraq works, anything is possible; if it doesn’t, little is possible.” (USATODAY,4SEPT) He should have said, " SINCE Iraq ‘investment’ will certainly NOT work, THEREFORE, little repair of Bush’s image is possible.” ~ Monday, September 03, 2007
WAR COSTS CHUMP-CHANGE! DEMrunsOnIraq-CostsIssue: In Florida, Dem emphasizes huge costs of continued war. NYTIMES,3September However, the annual costs of BOTH wars (Afghan/Iraq) are a small part of annual Pentagon Budget ($1300 MILLIONS per DAY.) Until Americans are ready to face (& trim) this absurdly-swollen PERMANENT slush-fund, There’s no sense in worrying about costs of Iraq war. BAD PRODUCTIVITY ! US workersMost’Productive’: ABC This is calculated simply by dividing the GDP by the number of US workers. Absurd to brag about this: --Each worker ‘produced’ over $60k worth of product. He didn’t GET anywhere near that. --That total product (divided by # of workers) includes produce from automation and outsourcing. --In other words, US corporations have figured how to get maximum product from MINIMUM number of US workers. Great ! US can’t protect bridges, oil officials, allied Shieks, IraqiCivilians (5000 killed in 3 months) or even BIG POWER PLANTS.in Baghdad ! UNITEDpress What GOOD will ‘staying on course’ do? Brits have pulled completely out of city of Basra. Iraqi officials celebrate, (mainly Badrites), but experts warn of impending civil war between Badrites and Sadrites. TURKISHpress Will US replace Brits with super-scarce GIs ? ~ Sunday, September 02, 2007
WashTimes, a right-wing paper, says Pentagon has plan to bomb 1200 mil.sites in Iran over 3 days. (undeclared war, alaPearlHarbor). This would be nutty, and would condemn our GIs in Iraq to quick slaughter-- followed by nuking Iran. Not to mention raising gas prices sky-high. It could be a bluff; (savvy speculators have not yet spiked oil prices.) it could be real. We’ll see. Taliban control half of this Afghan district, which only last Fall the invaders called a ‘success story’. NYTIMES Afghans drove out Brits 3 times in 19thCent. They drove out mighty Soviets in 20thCent. They don't like infidel invaders. SADRITESvs.BADRITES: Sadrites are mainly poor slum-dwellers; rival Shia group Badrites represent middle&upper-class Shia. (Presumably, Sadrites far outnumber Badrites.) English troops are now irrelevant in South Iraq (Badrites just looted a Brit supply depot). US must now either --stand by to wait to see which side wins (losing last bit of credit as peacemakers) --or intervene (presumably on Badrite side): needing far more troops, increasing our casualties and voters’ demands for bugout. SeattlePI Iran will eventually side with one side or the other. ~ Saturday, September 01, 2007
TopGeneralsSayIraqStrainsArmedSvces. --not Pent. Budget—only a small portion of annual budget pays for both wars. --Personnel? Only about 1 in 10 uniformed people have been/ will be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. Pent.just keeps sending same poor suckers back, again&again. ‘AfghanCopsNeedWork’ say US colonel. UnitedPress,1SEPT. That’s like saying of a house just surviving an earthquake, “Needs Work.” US Generals welcome Sadr’s order to suspend attacks for now, but THEY STILL ATTACKED SADR CITY ! Sadr says if they attack his people, he’ll suspend the suspension. |